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Turtle uses Skateboard to move faster

newtboy says...

So, this guy hates his cat? He created a high speed armored menace! We’re all doomed!

Cop Pulls Over Top-Ranking Officer for Speeding

moonsammy says...

I'm guessing he figured he could argue it in court (if need be), and pressure the other officer to not show. No one going *that* much over the speed limit should be construed as responsible - he's a public menace.

visionep said:

I was pretty happy to see that he wasn't combative and just complied. He also notified his superior immediately. Seems like he knows how to act like an adult.

Admittedly my bar is pretty low for these guy's and I'm sure he could get up to all kinds of shenanigans later, but what was in the video seemed pretty good in comparison to a lot of these reports.

The BEST Way to Raise Children

luxintenebris jokingly says...

keeno. nice.

'tho sometimes w/o guidance, might not go as expected - or wanted. could create a growing and future menace.

EXHIBIT A: (Stop @ 1:36)

someone should have encouraged him long ago w/ "that ain't right. just stop. you're not good at that."

Barbie | Teaser Trailer

moonsammy says...

I'd totally forgotten about that one, but definitely saw it attached to something at the time. Of course in retrospect Phantom Menace would NOT be the #1 movie from 1999 to have watched, and neither it or Austin Powers 2 would even be in my top 5. We had Matrix, South Park, American Beauty, Fight Club, Sixth Sense, Iron Giant, Being John Malkovitch, The Mummy, Ghost Dog... so many good movies that year!

ant said:

Yep. The teaser might not even be in the movie too. I remember when Austin Powers 2's trailer was funny with its Star Wars spoof as shown in That was such a teaser!

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

newtboy says...

In another case of Republicans physically attacking political enemies this election, the FBI is investigating a politically motivated terrorist attack in San Francisco.
During a home invasion 82 year old Paul Pelosi was attacked in his home by a man wielding a hammer. Before and during the attack on Mr Pelosi the man was searching their home and yelling “where’s Nancy”. He attempted to tie Mr Pelosi up to “wait for Nancy” when police arrived and he attacked with the hammer, hitting Pelosi in the head before police intervened. Pelosi is undergoing brain surgery.

This was clearly and undeniably another assassination attempt against Pelosi by another terrorist nutjob egged on by the entire MAGot party. (Menacing Americans with Guns)
This is what can be expected as “normal” if the right regains control. Political kidnappings and murders, all cheered on and excused by the leadership.
Watch, the right is going to stand behind this attempted murderer and call him a hero.

@bobknight33, where were you last night? Party of death, destruction, and debauchery….you sure as fucking hell are. Also the party of repeated political kidnappings, thousands of political assaults, and multiple attempted political assassinations. Wow.
Anti democracy to extremes never considered before MAGA.

Tim Burton takes on Adams Familys, "WEDNSEDAY"

cloudballoon says...

Of the 1 second footage (i.e., don't want to be too judgemental), Guzman's Gomez is all menacing-like, which the TV & movie versions was not. I never read the comics though, but through the magic of Google Image Search.... I still don't see it. The 2019 animated movie did it better (of course) to mimick the comics.

thescapino said:

Actually, Luis Guzman is a spitting image of Gomez Addams as he is drawn in the comics.

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Lol. You are so delusional.
Trump appointed judge, Trump appointed FBI head that he praised lavishly, red state FBI agents. Do you mean the Trump deep state, because it was done by the people he installed. Derp.
I bet you guys wish Garland was a Supreme Court judge and not the AG about now, don’t you! 😂

Yes, traitors who both attacked America with a violent mob and stole top level classified secrets and kept them unsecured in an unlocked basement, lied about having them repeatedly under oath, then was turned in by a Desantis plant (maybe) because he was still holding these super top secret, to be viewed only in special secured locations by a handful of people (which citizen Trump is not one of)…top secret nuclear information Trump could not declassify BTW….those people SHOULD be made ineligible for office. I say the same thing if it was Biden, AOC, or Sanders….but they don’t expose state secrets publicly on a regular basis like Trump has.

Lol….poked a small nest of nut jobs. Yes, armed thugs are menacing fbi buildings in some places, usually in groups of under 30. Yes, there was a group of Trump supporters rallying at Maralago….about 7 of them.
There are more people turning from Trump and the Republican Party now than there are nuts defending it. The Republicans are now suggesting we just get rid of espionage as a crime, quick before Trump is charged. Think of the heads exploding if Clinton had suggested that right after her email server was discovered!

Backfire?! You do live in a fantasy land. It sent some of you into a tissy fit, throwing tantrums, attacking the fbi (because you’re the law and order party!) making death threats against anyone you think is involved and attempting to follow through (because the right is so rational and non violent). That’s not a backfire. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans have become never Trumpers seeing how loose he is with Americas security at the highest levels. Those supporting him in congress are seeing their poll numbers tank. It’s looking now )knock on wood) like the midterms might be the best Democrats have ever seen, they will certainly be voting, while Republicans are not one bit excited about politics and their representatives now.

Yes,the bs of trying to keep nuclear secrets, maybe to sell, backfired. So did every ploy since the legitimate, legal, by the book, pre announced, kid gloved raid happened, all excuses and deflections fell apart as more info came out…like the warrant and receipt…Republicans wanted that so badly until they got it, now you wish it was still secret because the facts are disasterous for the right. D’oh! Talk about backfiring! ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

What’s the next attempted excuse? Aren’t you going to try the “everything he took was automatically declassified because Trump says so” ploy? Or has that already failed you as the ridiculous fantasy it is? Don’t you want to claim it’s all planted by the FBI? Or has that lie been destroyed because both lawyers for Trump and the secret service were present for everything, despite desperate talking heads with no information claiming they weren’t, and everything being on camera. Don’t you want to complain they didn’t give Trump a copy of the warrant or receipt and burst in unannounced at dawn with a small army smashing down doors, or has that lie fallen apart completely since they did provide the warrant and the receipt signed by Trump’s lawyers who witnessed their collection, the deferral until 10am to avoid attention, the warning of the secret service well ahead of time, the plain clothed agents to avoid detection by the press (and embarrassment by the ex president) and the 100% lack of smashed doors?
Are you ready to claim highest level classified nuclear documents being kept illegally and unsecured and being exposed to Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Israelis, etc are a nothing burger? I know it’s coming, get there and prove your anti Americanism idiocy again.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Mark McCloskey, remember him? The terrified snowflake that pulled out guns and threatened peaceful marchers in the street walking past his house? Now running for senator, guess which party. Only one party thinks menacing peaceful protesters with death is something to applaud.
Well, he’s in trouble for claiming to be endorsed by Vanilla Ice and Yang Yang Twins (because of course he isn’t).

This you guy? This yor best? Thuggish violent liars prepared to say or do anything for power. It’s all the right has left.

How you liking Cruz showing off how anti military the right is by celebrating withholding earned medical benefits out of pure spite on the senate floor? Their “excuse” is utter nonsense lies, claiming that the bill was once discretionary spending (meaning at the whim of the current president) and has been CHANGED to mandatory spending. It’s a lie, not one word changed since they voted FOR it in June.

How about Trump chumming up to the Saudi Royal family, now saying no one knows if they were involved in 9/11 (he had no doubts in 2016 whatsoever, but now they’ve invested hundreds of millions into Trump companies). He was outraged Obama didn’t release the classified 9/11 report, then when he had the secret report detailing their involvement Trump kept it secret (for favors and investments), Biden released it and Trump now pretends he’s never heard of it, doesn’t know if the Saudis are involved, protects them when they murder Americans, and is more than apply to help them try to destroy an American sports league miles from where the towers once stood. Must make you so proud as a patriot.

Fascism, theocracy, and anti Americanism has actually become the Republican Party platform. Only the TrueType totally insane could possibly see their actions, support them, and still think themselves as American patriots. History will judge you harshly, your families will too. Your legacy is treason.

Just to rub it in how much more competent Biden is, today ended the reign of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri with no civilian casualties, something Trump promised and completely failed to do…so badly he gave up and agreed to surrender Afghanistan unconditionally.

Just to show how anti American and pro terrorist the right is, your talking heads like Carlson are trying to spin the killing of the mastermind of 9/11 as a bad thing that somehow makes us less safe, and are trying to blame Biden for Russia attacking Crimea and Ukraine.

Trump hosts the sponsors of 9/11 while Biden eliminates the perpetrators. Thanks Biden.

Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Week 1 Summary

newtboy says...

Nice, way to not answer the question, as usual. Instead you pretend Rosenbalm followed and menaced Rittenhouse, even though every shred of evidence including the location of the shooting and statement from Rittenhouse say the opposite. It’s ok, we know you think it’s ok to hunt certain groups of people. You don’t have to say it publicly.

Rittenhouse first chased/followed him for blocks from the parking lot he “guarded”, armed, brandishing his weapon and pointing it at Rosenbaum. When Rosenbaum stopped retreating, Rittenhouse shot him in the head.

In his testimony, McGinniss said that as Rosenbaum lunged, Rittenhouse “kind of dodged around” with his weapon and then leveled the gun and fired.

Binger repeatedly tried to get McGinniss to say Rosenbaum was not “lunging” but “falling” when he was shot, as McGinniss said in a media interview days after the shooting,
McGinniss said: “He was lunging, falling. I would use those as synonymous terms in this situation because basically, you know, he threw his momentum towards the weapon.”
So, his unbiased testimony is the unarmed victim was lunging for the weapon after being shot in the head….not falling….or they’re the same thing.

bobknight33 said:

Lets see,
This guy got shot when he pointed his gut at Rit

1 guy got shot after hitting him with skateboard and tried to pull the guy away
The other guy said to Rit and his fried that he was going to kill them earlier. When he had the opportunity he chased Rit down and Rit defended himself.

Covid Scientist Arrested For Honest Evaluation Of Florida

newtboy says...

It totally agree, @eric3579. Who can be trusted? It's harder to know every day.

My take....
Jones is right about the science, false negatives imply you've never been exposed when you have been, so people believe they cannot transmit the virus when they may in fact be infectious, which can lead to reckless nondistancing behavior and infections because they assume they're "safe"... also even a good (not false) positive antibody test does not mean they have meaningful immunity nor does it mean they aren't infectious as this woman claims. It only means you've developed some detectable antibodies to the virus. Period. Both misconceptions are big concerns. "Which is bigger?" seems like a silly fight.

The problem is, no matter what the test says, people think it means they're safe to be around. A negative test...."I never had it so I can't spread it, gimme a kiss"...a positive test..."I had it but beat it so I'm now immune and can't spread it, gimme a kiss". Neither is correct.

I had the chicken pox twice. If a chicken pox antibody test existed, I would have tested positive after the first round and assumed I couldn't get it or transmit it afterwards, but that would have been wrong even though the results weren't a false positive. Instead, because people suck, my parents and teachers just assumed I was "safe" and sent me to school sick and may have caused an outbreak.

Both of her claims here rely on most people completely misunderstanding what the results really mean, and people completely ignoring the possibility of false results. Sadly that's proper to assume.

Interesting how she puts it, she says Jones wasn't asked to fudge any data, just maybe present it in a way that made Florida's public covid numbers look better in the run up to the election....or another way to say that is she was asked to fudge the data....if I recall she claimed she was instructed to hide large numbers of cases in categories not included in the public presentations with the intent to create a false perception of a major downturn in cases under the "open up and unmask" plan.

Wasn't the "private data" she's accused of handing to the press the unadulterated anonymous covid numbers....not really private as it's public data collected by the government for public health reasons... and not personal data as she implied. That's what I recall the charge being....maybe there's more.

The rest is unverifiable and /or personal tabloid did they point the gun at her kids or just menace them with the guns, did she get pregnant with her student, etc. Not germane to her claims about Florida's verified misrepresentations, and inappropriate attacks against the messenger instead of the message, imo. Distasteful to me, but besides the point.

Fox & GOP Freak Out About Door to Door Vaccination Campaign

JiggaJonson says...

Here's a measles virus

Here's a covid 19 virus

Here's a common flu virus

We have a lot
a WHOLE LOT< < < < < < < < < < < < < of experience fighting viruses that are corona types. We KNOW how to make good vaccines for coronaviruses.

And you're just wrong about being forced to be vaccinated

"It is within the police power of a State to enact a compulsory vaccination law"

AND furthermore
"independently of any specific menace of disease, a regulation excluding unvaccinated children from the public schools is reasonable, valid and constitutional."
"the case also highlighted that claims of vaccines harms, when the majority of scientists disagree, would not be enough to lead the court to overrule the legislature. "

And i'm pretty sure most scientists agree, but even if they didn't, no, it's not just your choice. The fact is, your health affects the people around you. It's not just you looking out or not looking out for your own best interests.

Even if I think you're an asshole and want you to stop spreading your non-fact-based-rhetoric around, if there's one less person who can get sick and spread covid, we're all better off. Don't mistake me. I'd be happier if you shut the fuck up a lot more. But I don't want you to die. It's like talking to my trump 2024 father over here. Get vaccinated already dumbass.

Why aren't you concerned about fiscal matters here? It costs the gov more to let someone become hospitalized than a it costs to vaccinate them. Aren't you worried about all that wasted spending?

bobknight33 said:

The Freak Out is from the Democrats spreading fake covid fear and demanding you get the shot or else be punished in some for or fashion.

Get it or don't get it it is YOUR choice.

Wasting tax dollars to know on doors is foolish.
Put a stand up at liquor store / grocery stores.

Massive Protests Erupt in Mainland China

luxintenebris jokingly says...

to ask our red menace to abate that red menace...i mean...their government is hapless and cruel...ours unmovable and unrepentant...bit like asking the right hand to correct the left hand...can't see it being effective.

or rather, our efforts to bring democracy, a sense of human decency, with a caring and responsive government to china would be akin to winning WWIII. it'd be fabulous!

if it worked there then maybe, they'd try it here.

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

luxintenebris says...

addressing the 🦜 🦜 comments;

how does a 'drug slogan' or being 'unthankfully deaf' solve anything? sanctimonious slobber.

-do they believe the GOP really gives a squirt? it's been long known, admitted, and used to get the base riled.
-did the orange menace use a condom when he was raw dogging a porn star?
-did gaetz when he ganged a 17 y.o.?

they have to know the answer. 💯 but will even admit to 51%?

it's like the joke of 'um' gow' wah'. Republican senator visits a foreign land. he gives a stirring speech and it's interpreted for the non-English speaking crowd. as he thunders his speech, rife w/conservative 'ideals', he stops at every 'pause for applause' section, in turn, the crowd erupts with "UM-GOW-WAH!" the senator leaves the stage, pleased that even the rabble of third-world-ers can appreciate the values of conservatism.

as he crosses to depart on a waiting helicopter, he has to walk through the natives' pastureland (the only space larger enough for the aircraft) the local ambassadors urge him to "be careful! don't step in the um' cow' wah'!

'live w/your decision' and 'advocating for murder'?


honestly. with big daddy and father allears, what's the point? gomers on a high horse, but they're riding it backward. both blind to what they are leaving on the trail.

Community's movie references, a side by side comparison.

eric3579 says...

Timestamps and films

0:00 28 Days Later
0:35 The Matrix
0:50 The Terminator
1:04 T2
1:09 Predator
1:12 Die Hard
1:25 Face Off
1:30 Predator
1:45 Die Hard
1:55 Rambo (not sure which one)
2:08 Die Hard
2:18 The Professional
2:35 Captain America: The Winter Soldier
3:22 Star Wars The Phantom Menace
3:28 Star Wars A New Hope
3:37 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
3:43 Die Hard
3:44 Platoon
3:46 Invasion of the Body Snatchers
3:56 Aliens
4:10 Highlander
4:44 The Right Stuff
5:14 Minority Report
5:19 Disclosure
5:38 2001 A Space Odyssey
5:56 Blade Runner
6:15 Patton
6:29 A Few Good Men
6:43 The Breakfast Club
7:06 Rain Man
7:20 Ghost
7:42 An Officer and a Gentleman
7:55 My Dinner with Andre
8:14 Sixteen Candles
8:18 Lost in Translation
8:23 Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back
8:35 Good Will Hunting
8:58 An American Tale
9:08 The Shinning
9:20 LOTR: The Two Towers
9:43 MTV- The Real World: Seattle
10:04 House Party
10:09 The Color of Money
10:14 Pulp Fiction
10:22 The Breakfast Club
10:26 Zardoz
10:29 Blazzing Saddles
10:32 MIB
10:34 Hook
10:36 The Beastmaster
10:41 Wallstreet
10:44 The Shawshank Redemption
10:51 The Fugitive
10:55 Pulp Fiction
11:10 The Ring
11:12 Vertigo
11:14 National Lampoon’s Vacation
11:35 Animal House
12:31 Good Will Hunting
12:44 Dead Poets Society

Impeachment Managers Make Case Against Trump to Open Trial

luxintenebris says...

the last part was more prayer rather than prediction.

the vast majority of Americans know the president-reject is guilty but know the fix is in.

cheney, romney et al won't get the boot. don and mobsters took a hit with w/the failed coup. there is a movement away from that chaos. folks are fed up w/the madness.

sure the dregs will still remain. hell, disco never went away it only changed its name. but it no longer is the menace it once was. but do believe people will sour on koo-koos like green or weasels like cruz and hawley. it's cotton that is worrisome.

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

have heart.

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