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“Don’t Look Up” in Real Life

newtboy says...

Reasontv, the network of the insanity from Stossel, with the stated position that “free market and deregulation is the solution to any and every problem imaginable”. That’s the best you’ve got!?! Then you’ve got NOTHING. You actually complain that CNN isn’t trustworthy, then you post from Reasontv!?! Er mer gerd! 🤦‍♂️ why not just post Beck or Jones?

They completely misrepresent what the report, and climate activists, and politicians have said with bad editing and lies here, no surprise, you posted it, it was guaranteed to be DISHONEST nonsense propaganda.

Land temperatures reached 1.3C above pre industrial norms in 2020. Every prediction made has come true well ahead of schedule. Temperature rise is accelerating, it’s not the flat straight line nor a slowing rate like they showed but an increasing curve. The last 7 years were all in the top 10 hottest ever, the last decade had 9 of the hottest ever, and we are experiencing a global drought never seen by modern man….but according to you, nothing burger, totally normal, chicken little.

There is one thing I agree with, the “12 years to stop climate disaster” notion (not what the science says btw) is wrong. We have -20 years +-. The CO2 we put in the atmosphere today will effect climate for hundreds to a thousand years, the nitrous oxide for about 120, methane around 10. We have reached the point where natural emissions will soon take over, adding more than humans ever did. Scientists estimate that’s at 1.5C, but every estimate they’ve made public has turned out to be optimistic in the extreme, so 1.5C is almost certainly wishful thinking and 1.25C is more likely the threshold. We can both mitigate the effects and slow the rate of change, but at this point staying below 1.5C is a pipe dream no one is actually even working towards.

I think the reality is that, using current models, assuming no surprises or feedback loops, we have (now 8 ) years before the adding these greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere will carry us well beyond 1.5C above “normal” with no additional emissions needed….not that we will definitely hit 1.5 by 2030 but we will be able to coast there even with zero emissions.
I know, math and science together, way too hard, better to just listen to the oil spokesmen who say “it’s a hoax, pay no attention to the cities reaching 130F, the unprecedented heat globally, the rapidly melting (or melted) glaciers that historically provide drinking water for 1.9 BILLION people, or the never before seen by man extreme global droughts, they’re all normal and natural and why are you still talking about it?”.

No surprise, one more undeniable, in your face disaster you simply deny exists….like Covid, Jan 6, Russian election interference, -3.5%gdp, Trump terrorism, etc.
Can we have your name so when the global food supply is insufficient we know who’s family to deny food?

bobknight33 said:

Silly nonsense

What Do You Know About Female Anatomy

cloudballoon says...

It was a mock American SAT exam (although I'm a Canadian, and I took the test in a Canadian boarding school right at a border town on Quebec/Maine named Stanstead College). My beef wasn't really with the teacher originally, I just thought the SAT was weird to have such a math question, so I justed wanted to point out there are 2 right answers, and 1 interesting philosophical argument to be had depending of how you look at d)... about how the question/answers were flawed. But with her answer, I couldn't but sneer and thought she was just clueless (instead of both of us had a laugh at the Q... while sipping tea? Stanstead College had a very British tradition).

As she was not the dunce who drafted that stupid question, I was not going to fight her for an inconsequential demerit (on my part or SAT?), nor find it worthwhile to pursuit the higher-ups for a correction.

newtboy said:

I say “b” is the “right” answer as it’s more inclusive and includes “c”. Always choose the correct answer with the larger set. (Unless the instructions say choose the CLOSEST answer)
Sometimes in similar cases I would write in “E) both B and C” and be prepared to debate it.
If the teacher refused to consider both answers were correct, I would take it to the administration and get credit (and an apology).
This happened more than once to me in school.

What Do You Know About Female Anatomy

cloudballoon says...

Haha, I KNEW you're gonna say that. I replied it that way because it reminds me on an argument I had with a math teacher way back when which I want to tell.

It's was a math question but the answer is in multiple choice. The (simplified) question was like: What's 10-11? (I remember the exact answer is -1) but the choices were:

a) 21
b) < 10 c) < 0 d) none of the above

I chose b) because you can't lose against c) & d) right? WRONG! According to the math teacher, c) is the right answer because "c) is closer to -1"... I was in no mood to even argue with her on the conundrum of including d) in the choices by her logic, so I just sneered and slowly moonwalked away...

newtboy said:

That would be well under 20!

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

Chelsea Handler on Roe v. Wade Being Overturned

newtboy says...

You are 100% insane and intentionally ignorant.
The court has been majority conservative since the 70’s, it’s now 6-3 conservative and you claim to believe it’s still liberal, just one conservative decision came out. So delusional bob.

Yeah, no one had any issues with the 100% liberal decisions from the liberal Supreme Court…like Citizens United.
Just. So. Ignorant. And. Dumb. Bob.

The right has regressed hard fought freedoms and rights by 50 years. The free world is aghast at what the symbol of freedom and liberty became over such a short 5 year stretch thanks to our core being decimated by magats.

Your ignorance knows no bounds, comrade. No American is so clueless that they think the court JUST became conservative.

Children aren’t in wombs, you brainless slug.

And wow, you are so bat shit crazy you actually go after comedians doing a comedy show for telling jokes. I know they don’t do that in con comedy, but REAL comedy has jokes, not just vitriolic hateful verbal assaults against common enemies. You might try it some time.

So, no college makes a person uneducated and dumb….no high school must make them moronic, like your dear old dad, grandpa, and from your grammar, math, science, and history skills, you too despite your claim, and let’s not forget Boebert. No intelligent thought between the four of you. Didn’t think we wouldn’t remember how proud you are of your ignorant uneducated ancestors, the long family history of people that didn’t finish high school? Considering your abilities, and how easy you are duped into believing nonsensical lies with no facts or logic to them, I wouldn’t be surprised to find you didn’t graduate 8th grade. Wait…is your real name “Hershel”?

No intelligent thought. Hasn’t been an intelligent thought from you since you signed up here, Bob. Just regurgitation of blatantly false propaganda and infantile preschooler insults and whining. Lots of your lies being debunked which you answer by simply telling more lies hoping people didn’t notice you were just thoroughly debunked with corroborated facts and called out as the moronic liar you are for the 972nd time.

PS- way to try posting your discarded idiotic fact free propaganda in comments. Lucky you comments don’t get discarded for negative votes or you would have only about a dozen left from your unpopular and largely unwanted time here….silly little troll.

I suppose you agree that mean man shot Rudy in the back with his invisible gun, right? Almost tackled him, but Rudy is so strong he maintained his balance. Never a true word from Republicans, every syllable you utter is false. If you guys got your wish, a culture like 70’s Saudi Arabia where only white men have power and everyone else is subservient, it wouldn’t make you happy because you would all be begging on the streets with no hands or tongue, because they cut off your hands for stealing and your tongues for lying in that culture.

bobknight33 said:

Fifty years of liberal decisions and the left had no issue with the supreme court. Now the pendulum swings back and all hell breaks loose. The left are the radical side. This decision is just put the issue back to the states, where it belongs. About 1/3 of the states allow this murdering already

Still the most dangerous place for a child will still be the womb.

Like how Handler is unable to have an intelligent conversion about this topic just slanted jokes. That is all you can expect from an uneducated person with no college. No intelligent thought.

Spelling Bee Contestant Asks The Definition of “Woman”

newtboy says...

First, It’s 1.6% - 5% (and rising fast), not .5% bob.

Also, 100% - .5% = 99.5%, bob. Or are you pretending only 1% balks at this idea? Considering your math skills, it’s impossible to know.

If so, why should the 99% capitulate to the 1% of intolerant assholes that insist everyone must eat pizza?

If ther are 100 people going out to eat together daily and 5 are deathly allergic to cheese, are you going to insist you prefer pizza so they should be excluded from the population because you don’t feel like a burger right now so everyone MUST eat pizza, even though the restaurant serves both?

No one is trying to make you eat the burger, they only want you to admit burgers are on the menu and that everyone has the right to choose their own meal, you don’t get to choose for them, nor do you get to deny there’s more than one choice nor enforce that insane denial.

Trans people self determining their gender in no way forces you to do the same thing. Such a dumb argument, Bob. It’s the old Con. argument…“You having a choice infringes on my rights to force my choices on you.”.

bobknight33 said:

The real question is why is 98.5% of Americans capitulation
to he the desires of the 0.5% .

Surely if there are 100 people going out to eat and 99 pick pizza and 1 picks hamburger, why do you need to cave and get 100 hamburgers ?

The Best Female Swimmer in the World!

newtboy says...

They are real women, no matter how you wish otherwise.
Are men that take testosterone supplements not real males? Same for women taking estrogen, not real females? Women who’ve had a hysterectomy? Men who had penectomies or testicular removal?
Is this a “real woman” who should compete against women?

What expertise in the fields of gender vs sex vs sexual orientation do you boast to contradict the actual experts with careers in those subjects?
A:None, you’re an alleged maintenance/service tech with embarrassing language skills, and apparently a total lack of scientific knowledge.

Where’s your evidence of that “disadvantage “? Where are the rest of the 2% of athletes that are top of their sport and trans? You make the claim, prove it (one example does not prove anything). Guess you failed math too.

That could be true if your loopy idea that men are pretending to be women to get an advantage in sports were in any way true, but it’s pure unadulterated nonsense.
Trans women must go through years of hormone therapy; supplements, hormone blockers, sometimes even surgery to be able to compete. In many leagues they must never go through male puberty. They cannot, as you clearly think is the norm, just put on a woman’s swimsuit and compete with women, then whip their dicks out after competition and go back to being macho men. Your insistence on keeping your head firmly encased in your lower intestine, in the dark, listening to yourself echo through your own fart chamber is what lets you believe such utterly ridiculous nonsense.

I think it’s abundantly clear to everyone which of us lives in an echo chamber of lies and nonsense and which of us thinks for themselves, and equally clear which prefers the light of knowledge and fact and which sticks to their dark cave of ignorance and misinformed opinion.

Er mer gerd…. ROTFLMFAHS!!! Mr cranial rectosis projects so freaking hard, yo.

bobknight33 said:

It puts real women at a true disadvantage.
Even a fruit loop like you should see this.

Guess your head still up you ass and you are living in the dark listening to your own echo chamber..

The Best Female Swimmer in the World!

newtboy says...

Me like guy in mirror. Him friend….me no care he left handed.

No, men aren’t posing as women to be competitive. That’s nonsense, a lie you morons tell yourselves to excuse your bigotry.

You finally have ONE top of their sport trans athlete to point to, out of around 1/4million high school trans athletes yearly. I thought you claimed to be good at math. Is that statistically significant? (Edit: Hint, trans people make up between 1-2% of the population. Is one upper echelon athlete 2% of all upper echelon atheletes? If not (it’s not), how do you think there is an over representation?)

bobknight33 said:

Nope not at all, You just not liking to look into you leftest mirror.

It is real. Men posing as woman in sports is bananas.

Lia Thomas becomes first transgender woman to win an NCAA swimming championship.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lol. Turns out the Florida book banning session by Desantis was based not on the books or anything in them, but a supplemental worksheet posted online by “Joe” that had clearly been edited poorly to add things like Maya Angelou being sexually abused by her parents to math problems. Not even remotely CRT even by the fake definition the right uses….but enough for Republicans to start book burning.

Actually the math part of it is before the blatantly fake non sequitur word problem, “Y equals X plus two, three X plus six Y equals 12. Angelou was sexually abused by her mother's blank at age eight, which shaped her career choices and motivation for writing.”

That’s the example given by Desantis to excuse the book bannings. It’s a blatant fake, a fake about math books in Missouri, not Florida.

Your people. Anti education, anti math, anti reality, anti truth. You must be proud.

Edit: I wonder how long it will take you to solve that 4th grade math problem. I’m embarrassed to say it took me over 2 seconds….including reading time.

Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standard

BSR says...

Florida officials continued their war on education this week after rejecting more than 50 proposed math textbooks that allegedly “included references to Critical Race Theory.”

The Florida Department of Education announced Friday it would not include 54 of the 132 ― or 41% ― of math textbooks on the state’s adopted list, citing “CRT” as one of the main reasons.

“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” the statement said. “The highest number of books rejected were for grade levels K-5, where an alarming 71 percent were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies.”

The state’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said without evidence that the math textbooks “included indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students.”

DeSantis has been an outspoken critic of CRT, which has become a catchall term ― stripped of its original academic meaning ― for having discussions about racism in the classroom. Since last July, there have been more than 200 instances of public school districts in Florida banning books, the third highest number of incidents of any state in the U.S.

Democratic state Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith said in a tweet that the governor “has turned our classrooms into political battlefields and this is just the beginning.” -


eric3579 says...

TLDW after 8 min. So what you're trying to say is cut off 20%. Did he really need to explain how to do the math? I was hoping for the physics of why 20% is the number. Seems more like a guesstimate that kinda works, most of the time.

STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

newtboy says...

Republicans seem to think bad random events only happen to corporations that deserve handouts whenever they ask, but when actual people go bankrupt and become destitute it’s always laziness, poor choices, or in the case of their favorite clown, good business.
They also seem to have trouble understanding the truth in the saying “a rising tide lifts all boats.”

Sometimes I feel like Alzheimer’s must be transmitted through political affiliation, because Republican minds have been slowly turning to mush since Reagan. When I was young, Republicans could still think, do math, and make cogent, if inhumane arguments (but not so much after Bush sr.). Now they’re just inhumane.

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Truth is irrelevant, but getting caught making up and spreading stupid, easily debunked lies can embarrass even boob…..sometimes. It does help prove they have no actual point to make so are forced to lie to support their dishonest positions….every now and then that sinks in for a moment.

“Truth is an idea in the mind of a crazy person, but you don’t need to know the “truth” in order to not lie.”- My Dad

He doesn’t think like an engineer, he doesn’t talk like one, he can’t do even basic math like every engineer ever can, and he doesn’t have the basic language skills every single college graduate (or even a non-alternative high school graduate) has.
Pretty hard to believe a constant unrepentant uneducated liar is telling the truth this time….unless his degree came from Trump U.

surfingyt said:

truth is irrelevant to the loser. bewb would believe whatever fantasy he wants his little world to be. he has 0 critical thinking skills. engineer my arse lol

Obama, Trump, voter now blames Biden

newtboy says...

Thank’s Trump. Inflation comes largely from “printing new money” (now digital), devaluing the dollar…look into how much the fed “printed” in 2020.

This guy’s math is as bad as yours bob. Inflation is up 7%, which he says doubled what everything costs….but we should listen to him, the Trump voter who blames Biden, because he’s clearly being honest and unbiased. 🤦‍♂️

Jesus, bob. How lazy. Cut and pasting your own comments now? Sad.

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