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John Cleese on Political Incorrectness

bareboards2 says...


Louis CK has a potty mouth and talks about some incredibly sensitive subjects in a raw way -- and yet he stays, in my opinion, "politically correct."

The man makes comedy out of rape. RAPE. As a woman and a feminist who has been subjected to horrendous rape "jokes" for 50 years, you'd think I'd hate that. But his comedy about rape is dead on accurate.

The most brilliant comedian working today, in my opinion. The Truth Teller, that is what he is.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Native Advertising

ChaosEngine says...

@Stormsinger, then why can't I buy the music or tv shows I want from Amazon?

How come hulu or netflix aren't available in my country? I've said it before, I am happy to spend money on the content I want, just make it available to me for a reasonable price (i.e. not nearly double what people in the US are paying for it

At what point is it my fault that there is literally no legal way for me to purchase the content I want due to an arbitrary geographical restriction?

So if the entire internet is an experiment in alternative monetization, it's a dismal fucking failure.

You want some examples that work?

Steam Sales
Louis CK selling his entire show for $5
Kickstarter (hell Star Citizen alone)

Some people will always choose free. Fine, maybe they just can't afford it, and telling them to just not watch it is never going to work. Forget those people. Focus on the ones who believe that good content deserves rewarding. Make it easy for them to access your content (reasonable price, no drm or arbitrary restrictions) and they will pay.

Trying to stop piracy is pointless. It's out there and as I said, someone people genuinely have a moral issue with paying for content (the OSS zealots for example). Just assume it's going to be pirated (it already is!) and make it easy for those of us who want to pay for it to get it.

Why People REALLY Hate Nickleback

Payback says...

I've seen a fair share of crap make it to top spot, here on the Sift, so don't get all elitist about the maturity level in here. Bewbs, cats, and Louis CK all have a dubious percentage of votes in here.

...but honestly, as with most "internet communities" I'm here for the people. Places like Reddit and Youtube itself are just too full of vitriol and verbal diarrhea for my liking. Far too many saying far too little.

My dislike of this person's video has more to do with it's judgmental nature. I really dislike people who put down others over something so esoteric and subjective as music taste. The "Pop" in pop music is short for "Popular". Hating on something for no other real reason than a lot of people like it is douchebaggery at it's most stereotypical extreme.

There's only one Nickelback song I like, so I'm not a fanboi. I have to say though, the fact they are still selling records and and concert tickets kinda proves this guy wrong. They have "struck a chord" with quite a few people. Otherwise, they would have been a one-hit-wonder like the chick down the street from them, Carly Rae Jepsen.

Music doesn't have to be well written, or well performed to be popular, people just have to like it.

poolcleaner said:

You visit Videosift (theoretically) because it sifts through the bullshit videos on the internet and gives you videos of merit. How is the aversion to heavily marketed BS such a seemingly unfamiliar concept to you?

Reverse Racism, Explained

9547bis says...

Not at all. I certainly did not say it doesn't count. I said it's different.
You said yourself you moved away from there. Minorities can't move away from being refused a loan, getting a better job, or abuses of power. They can't run away from TV hosts seemingly amazed that black people know how to use a fork. They have to deal with more than explicit manifestation of discrimination.
That does in no way diminishes what you had to live through.

To quote Louis CK:
"I'm not trying to say that if you're white you can't complain. I'm just saying that if you're black you get to complain more."

I also want to stress, in line with my previous remark on "labels", that the vocabulary we use to discuss these issues is often not good enough, or at least not precise enough. We want to use (or claim) the word 'racism' because it carries that emotional weight needed to make a statement, even though it obviously means different things to different people. Should we instead use qualifiers like "community discrimination", "systemic discrimination"? Probably. But it's not likely to happen. To me the important point is not how it's called, but that people who are not confronted with this reality understand what effects it has on those who have live it.

newtboy said:

So, it seems you are saying that racism only counts if it's systemic and endemic, but not when it's only on an individual scale?

Reverse Racism, Explained

Yogi says...

People don't seem to understand, he's making some jokes. That's different than all the actual things that happened to black and brown people over the past hundreds of years.

So you want to say he's a hypocrite because technically he is yeah, sure. Would I wanna trade places with him? Nah man I'm white, like Louis CK said I'd sign up every year.

People's lives are a story, and in their story they are the protagonists, they are the heroes. Telling someone that the hero of the story is actually the beneficiary of a long history of racist policies and colonial or imperial rule doesn't jive. It makes you not the hero, not exactly a villain, but not the hero. So naturally like the comments above people will rebel, they'll get upset.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Black people live in a different America. It requires empathy and understand not logic to penetrate that reality.

Neil deGrasse Tyson Fact Checks 'Gravity'

Dave Attell On Conan (lots of good jokes)

Yogi says...

I didn't get the Dave Attell thing in the 90s but I certainly do now. He's one of the funniest comics there is and wherever he goes he seems to always kill.

Apparently there was competition between him and Louis CK and Attell obviously won, but I glad he did so Louis could mature, get better and now dominate. The Free Market of Comedy works!

Colonel Sanders Explains Our Dire Overpopulation Problem

RedSky says...




Bit confused since you say there's a point of no return at the end, but yes your argument is not really about that.

People not meeting their nutritional needs right now is not due to an under supply but due to general poverty. If sufficient employment and income existed in impoverished countries the world supply of food would be able to cope. As far as a lack of balance, see my earlier point about bringing people out of poverty, closing global income gaps and all sharing the available resources.

I don't think you could characterise any of the global conflicts in the past 100 years as being primarily due to resource scarcity. Perhaps Japan's aggression in SE Asia around WWII because of its lack of energy resources but that's an isolated case in the post-Depression era brought about by misguided isolationist economic policies. If you really want to prevent resource wars, your best bet is to be a staunch advocate of free trade.

Large countries have gone to war because of personalities, territorial ambitions and a general desire for power, not out of necessity because of scarcity.

As far as a point of population balance, that's entirely subjective. Like I said before, his bandying around of exponential is completely unfounded. Population growth is rising at a much reduced rate, proportionate growth relative to current levels is much smaller than in the 1950s during the baby boomer period.

When you say 20Bn as an example, I don't think you appreciate how much we're going to plateau. Have a read of:

9.6Bn by 2050
10.9Bn by 2100

There is a good chance we will never hit anywhere close to 20Bn short of life enhancing technology which at this point doesn't exist. If we do, then I could equally argue we will invent technology that will reduce our individual resource needs dramatically.

Do I wish population growth was lower and there were more for each of us? Sure. Louis CK has a great bit on it. Agreed on women's rights and education, but as with everything it's correlated to societal poverty. You may as well kill two birds with one stone by just focussing on that. Every policy action has an opportunity cost, given what I've said, I would rather focus on something more pressing.

Fuck The Poor

ChaosEngine jokingly says...

Kinda like Louis CK imploring us to go fuck an ugly person! A laudable aim.

If you really want to help, you could fuck a poor person and then give them money afterwards!

I'm so going to hell for that one

EvilDeathBee said:

I believe his message was actually give the poor some sexual pleasure/relief. They understandably have a lot to worry about and need to relax and let off some steam.

Louis C.K SNL Monologue

Louis C.K SNL Monologue

Black Jeopardy - Saturday Night Live

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Black, Jeopardy, Saturday Night Live' to 'Black, Jeopardy, Saturday Night Live, louis ck' - edited by xxovercastxx

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

RedSky (Member Profile)

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Louis CK - Airplane Story

pensword jokingly says...

This isn't funny because no pilot would actually do this and yadda yadda its not real.

But wait, this is funny because its a story but Louis CK can shit on Gravity because its not supposed to be a story....

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