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John Oliver - Family Separation

noims says...

I agree.

In my experience as a teacher, if I find a lesson plan that works well I'm going to repeat it near-verbatim to multiple different classes of students, and I'm going to do it every year/term until it stops working. Same thing often goes for comedians, stage actors, musicians, etc.

Is it funny when you clip those together and show a near-robotic adherence to cadence, tone, etc.? Yeah, kinda. But it doesn't really show anything that is a valid criticism, which is what John Oliver's show is usually all about. Like, for example, criticizing citing the bible as justification for ridiculously draconian separation of families during immigration arrests... (hence the upvote)

MilkmanDan said:

The bit about Schumer's graduation speech is sort of a weird thing to poke fun at.

In my experience as a teacher, if I find a lesson plan that works well I'm going to repeat it near-verbatim to multiple different classes of students, and I'm going to do it every year/term until it stops working. Same thing often goes for comedians, stage actors, musicians, etc.

Is it funny when you clip those together and show a near-robotic adherence to cadence, tone, etc.? Yeah, kinda. But it doesn't really show anything that is a valid criticism, which is what John Oliver's show is usually all about. Like, for example, criticizing citing the bible as justification for ridiculously draconian separation of families during immigration arrests... (hence the upvote)

John Oliver - Family Separation

MilkmanDan says...

The bit about Schumer's graduation speech is sort of a weird thing to poke fun at.

In my experience as a teacher, if I find a lesson plan that works well I'm going to repeat it near-verbatim to multiple different classes of students, and I'm going to do it every year/term until it stops working. Same thing often goes for comedians, stage actors, musicians, etc.

Is it funny when you clip those together and show a near-robotic adherence to cadence, tone, etc.? Yeah, kinda. But it doesn't really show anything that is a valid criticism, which is what John Oliver's show is usually all about. Like, for example, criticizing citing the bible as justification for ridiculously draconian separation of families during immigration arrests... (hence the upvote)

Made in China

TRRazor says...

This is such a great feature.
Seeing him being confronted with the harsh reality, essentially breaking his heart, is quite a lot to bear.

I guess you could call this a lesson about globalism...

SUV Repeatedly Rams Car In Sacramento

BSR says...

If I had that kind of determination and focus in elementary school I could have gone to college. I believe there is a lesson to be learned here.

Trump Won't Win

MilkmanDan says...

I'm with you on almost all of this.

However, I *still* wouldn't vote for Hillary if it was a Trump / Hillary rematch in 2020 (I voted for Stein, would happily have voted for her or Johnson).

I see the current Trump presidency as a "teaching moment". It teaches a lot of things to people that need to learn them: The electoral college is bullshit. Be careful who you vote for. Don't trust the promises of *any* goddamn politician, ever. If the opponent party is running somebody with a lot of negative baggage, maybe try a milquetoast "bland but acceptable" candidate instead of going full tilt with your own baggage-laden candidate. And on and on.

If 2020 turns out to be Trump vs Clinton again, then clearly those lessons haven't sunk in yet. So, as George Costanza once said: "Wanna get nuts? LETS GET NUTS!"

Mordhaus said:

It was clear he was going to win once the democrat mafia forced Hillary down our throats again. There were a metric fuckton of people who were forced to either sit out the election or sadly vote for the worst possible person just because the dems wouldn't fairly let a candidate be selected.

I DID NOT want Trump to be President. At the same time, I COULD NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. Had Bernie ran, I would have jumped ship and voted for him like I did for Obama. I am willing to bet there were a lot like me. The sad thing is, as much as I dislike Hillary, if she is forced on us again I will have to vote for her. I don't want to, but at that point it will be the lesser of two evils again.

Cyclists Tempt Darwin

ulysses1904 says...

Two things I learned living next to Amtrak rail in Mystic, CT, unless you're near a road crossing they are dead silent until they are right up on you or blasting their horn. So I learned never to walk on the tracks with your back to train traffic. Also it's easy to forget that they are a lot wider than the rails themselves. I was sitting on a rail bridge drinking a beer, heard a train coming and assumed I had plenty of clearance. I look up at the last second and realize I'm going to get killed, jumped down onto a bunch of boulders at the last second. Painful lesson that I never forgot.

When dad childproofs the BBQ

MilkmanDan says...

I'm in complete agreement, although there are some edge-case limits. I lost an uncle (well before I was born) to one of them.

Kansas winters are cold and dry. My grandmother liked to deal with both problems by putting a pot to boil on the stove. In the 50's, my father's 3-4 year old brother managed to get enough of a grip and yank on the handle of the pot to pull it over the edge and didn't survive the burns from the scalding water.

Burned fingertips? Lesson learned, will heal. Boiling water or oil? Better keep it out of reach.

CrushBug said:

BBQs and ovens and stove tops and other hot objects are all self-solving problems for kids who like to touch things. Warn them, tell them the consequences, and then they either don't touch it (Win) or the touch it and get burnt and never touch it again (Win).

When dad childproofs the BBQ

surfingyt says...

Everyone eventually learns that lesson the hard way, even with warnings.

CrushBug said:

BBQs and ovens and stove tops and other hot objects are all self-solving problems for kids who like to touch things. Warn them, tell them the consequences, and then they either don't touch it (Win) or the touch it and get burnt and never touch it again (Win).

Have We Lost the Common Good?

newtboy says...

Aesop may be a myth, not a real person but a compilation of other storytellers and fabelists. It's not clear either way apparently.
I believe it's likely a man named Jesus existed, largely as described, I just discount all the supernatural and religious stuff. Minus that, I agree with his basic teachings as I understand them.

What makes Aesop's fables objectively good imo is (as I remember them, it's been decades) they aren't self serving or selfish lessons, they are altruistic and civic minded lessons mostly, explaining how doing right for others is beneficial to all, including ones self in the long term even when not in the short term. To be sure, they aren't all about morality, but those that were (as I recall them) were good lessons all.

shinyblurry said:

I thought I answered, but I'll try again. As I recall, the stories, fables, and parables attributed to Aesop did a great job of not only listing and describing good morals and ethics, but explaining the why of them without resorting to supernatural whim as an explanation. Imo, a much better, clearer job than Jesus and the bible with it's cryptically described, contradictory, changing morals and ethics usually without any explanation. Granted, the man may be just another myth.

Jesus is not a myth, first of all. Even Richard Dawkins believes He was a real person. I enjoyed Aesops fables; my grandfather gave me a book of them as a child (I wish I could find it now). I haven't looked them over in awhile so I can't say what I do or don't agree with. The question is, how are they objectively good? By that I don't mean, something that appeals to you personally. What I mean is, what makes them transcendent above mere human opinion?

Have We Lost the Common Good?

ChaosEngine says...

Hate to break it to ya shiny, but that’s EXACTLY how morality has worked for most of human history, except it’s one guy killing the other 4 ‘cos he’s got the pointiest stick and he figures that god gave him the stick so he could teach those heathen buggers a lesson...

shinyblurry said:

Well if you have 5 people in a room and 3 of them decide its morally acceptable to kill the other 2, that action would be moral under this theory. This is what some call a herd morality. If morality is by consensus then anything just need the correct number of people to believe it.

Technical Difficulties

Black Mirror — Now Entering the Twilight Zone

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Black Mirror, Netflix, Twilight Zone, Star Trek, Lessons from the Screenplay, episode' to 'SPOILER, Black Mirror, Netflix, Twilight Zone, Star Trek, Lessons from the Screenplay' - edited by eric3579

The trump tax cut. It was a disaster when Kansas this.

Snowmobile goes through ice

Liberal Redneck: NRA thinks more guns solve everything

harlequinn says...

Sigh. What a sad day to have to read the likes of you.

I didn't know there was a strict definition. I asked a question and pondered some answers. Oh no! There world is ending. Why do you have to be a continual callow fool about such things? You'll note I didn't jump to google (like others do) to quickly look up a definition (I chose not to). I don't like using google as a false extension of my knowledge like others do. I like to have a good discussion using only the knowledge I have at that instant. But instead we all have to suffer people like you who jump in keyboard blazing "you're wrong on a thing and therefore you're an inferior fucktard who doesn't deserve to be here" instead of going "Actually, there is a strict definition of assault rifle. It's defined as...". Do you see the difference? I hate to be the one to tell you, but you need to learn to control your emotions. As an adult you should have learned this by now. You may believe you are communicating effectively but you are not. You are abrasive and abusive to anyone and everyone on far to regular a basis. You should be ashamed of yourself but I doubt you have the introspection to see your flaws.

The most irritating thing about having to point this out is that, now with strict definition in hand (provided by you), I can point out that instead of you telling Digitalfiend there is a strict definition and that "assault rifles" are already heavily restricted (as you should have pointed out), that I have to point it out to him instead.

And yes, I was already familiar with the studies I quoted previously - I have previously researched the topic of gun control in Australia.

"Why must you feign being so obtuse and naive as a pretext to sesquipedalian and pedantic argument of your own creation?"

Please stop making things up. The second you see what you consider a mistake you jump in with bullshit like this thinking you are going in for the kill. You're laughable and you're making life hard for yourself.

Shotguns aren't rifles? No shit Sherlock. It was an example of where semi-automatic is better. Semi-automatics are better than pump guns. You're dreaming if you think they're even in the same league. Duck hunting is better with a semi-automatic.

The only person who said anything about "Indiscriminately pumping animals, even nuisance animals full of lead" is you. I don't know where you learned to hunt but I learned one shot one kill. And a semi-automatic makes this more efficient (and if you do need a backup shot it comes very quickly). Most pest animals are left to rot. It's too much trouble picking up the carcasses (and often legislated that you must leave them where they drop). If you don't know how to hunt then leave it to the people who do, please (it's so easy to turn your words around).

Trapping, baiting, etc. are others methods that work well in varying circumstances.

Choosing a pump gun over a semi-auto is a beginners mistake. The spread of buckshot or home defense rounds at close quarters is fairly low and you must always aim your firearm properly. In a home defense situation, anyone who is relying on the spread of shotgun pellets to hit their target is a terrible marksman and should consider getting some lessons. You get the same loading sound from a semi-automatic when you let the bolt go forward. I don't know of any data to support the notion that the loading sound scares people away. It has some merit though.

Now, as usual for me I'll be busy for the next 4 months (back at work this morning - I shouldn't even be replying to this but I thought - "hey, I've gotta throw a dog a bone"). I may or may not get to reply to the expected vehemence to come. Have fun howling at the wind. Don't worry, you're views are the immutable truth and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong, and you're insults are totally the best (snigger).

newtboy said:

as·sault ri·fle. : noun-a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use.
Obviously it's not any gun used to fight. You act on one hand like you're a near expert, and on the other like you know nothing about the subject. Why must you feign being so obtuse and naive as a pretext to sesquipedalian and pedantic argument of your own creation?

Shotguns aren't rifles, and pump action isn't semi auto. No need for semi auto to hunt ducks.

Indiscriminately pumping animals, even nuisance animals full of lead isn't acceptable, even when you're just eradicating them and intentionally wasting the meat. That's why professionals trap them for humane disposal. You get more that way too. If you can't hunt humanely, leave it to those who can, please.

Home defense, I think short barrel pump action shotguns are the best choice...easier to wield in close quarters, and much easier to hit your target with. Also, the unmistakable sound of chambering a round is usually all it takes.

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