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Mom Reads Sexually Explicit School Library Book to Board

newtboy says...

Let me guess, another from the college level advanced creative writing class for seniors in high school being presented by her as a normal everyday class book (and hinting it’s in 4th grade classes).

If you’re upset a senior in high school might be voluntarily exposed to this material in his college prep class, you need to move into the Westboro Baptist Church compound and hate sex and freedom along with them, leave the public out of your puritanical shariah insanity.

You get worse language on prime time broadcast tv, WAY worse on say, Howard Stern, or Jersey Shore…this is maybe pg 13+ content, not xxx….and guaranteed not required reading. Get a grip.

British R really polite when they drive (European Vacation)

psycop says...

'Tis but a flesh wound!

I can attest my mum would not brook any impoliteness or swearing out of me, until she was behind the wheel, at which point she did little else.

British people, and perhaps people in general, are often incredibly nice in person, but put a pane of glass between them and the most wonderful language blooms.

BSR said:

Upvote for the Flesh Wound bit.

US sues to block TX abortion law

newtboy says...

Really...You saw a HEART beating at 6 weeks. You're a liar....not a new revelation btw. You've been a proud liar for years.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also has said in a statement, “What is interpreted as a heartbeat in these bills is actually electrically-induced flickering of a portion of the fetal tissue that will become the heart as the embryo develops. Thus, ACOG does not use the term ‘heartbeat’ to describe these legislative bans on abortion because it is misleading language, out of step with the anatomical and clinical realities of that stage of pregnancy.”

I do not believe you work in as a medical device service tech (which wouldn't include ANY medical training, now would it) but can't spell or read above a third grade level. It's just not believable....not that it would indicate any medical knowledge if true.

Again, seeing a PULSE is not seeing a heartbeat. If they say they saw a heart at 6 weeks, report them, they're delusional. What they call it has nothing to do with reality....many nurses are anti vaxers Q followers, being in the medical field doesn't make one reasonable, logical, or right. Techs aren't doctors....and doctors fudge the truth to avoid conflict. Press them, they'll admit there's no heart, unless like you they prefer a comfortable lie to the hard truth, and believe it's better to tell a lie than a truth that might hurt your position. Probably shouldn't have admitted you think that.

Here's a citation for you to dismiss as fake news....

Btw, I stand corrected, except for changes in the muscle tissue, the basic heart is apparently formed by week 13, not 20. The muscle tissue matures around week 20. I'm always willing to admit when I'm wrong, unlike some.

bobknight33 said:


Yep I'm shitty with grammar and spelling But I can fix anything and hold my own in front any Dr. or C suite within my field of expertise.

Personal experience? BSEET Penn State.
33 years as a medical Field service Engineer.

28 years working for Global conglomerates and 5 years in house at UNC Chapel hill NC.
I’ve been with Siemens Medical and General Electric most of my career.
I’ve serviced/ install Cathlabs, Vascular labs, Rad/ RF rooms and Mammo rooms. Plus others.

Last 20 years installing / servicing Medical Ultrasound.
This includes Cardiac, Radiology ultrasound and Woman’s health, OBGYN
I’ve seen more ultrasounds hearts and heartbeats than you can imagine..
Being Hippa compliant, I look at images for quality and for servicing.

All the Techs I talk to say the same . Heartbeat starts about the 6 to 10 week of pregnancy
And yes there are images that capture this along with all the other images and measurements. Doppler is used for this.

Per quick Google search
When does the heartbeat show on ultrasound?
A fetal heartbeat may first be detected by a vaginal ultrasound as early as 5 1/2 to 6 weeks after gestation. That's when a fetal pole, the first visible sign of a developing embryo, can sometimes be seen. But between 6 1/2 to 7 weeks after gestation, a heartbeat can be better assessed.

Your fucking up the wrong tree today. Go back to being the big guy at you high school.

You can even do this at home

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, 1/3!? I can’t recall a single time you’ve actually proven me wrong, and 9/10 of what you say is demonstrably wrong and the 10th thing you misunderstand.

Please give 3 specific examples where I am wrong but haven’t corrected my mistake. That should be easy.

I would rather be capable of speaking my native language well enough that I’m not constantly and convincingly being accused of being a foreigner posing as an American. Knowing your own language is step one for knowing anything else. You can’t learn properly if you don’t understand the words, this leaves you ignorant and mistaken 9/10 of the time, and targets for people like Trump who prey on the ignorant who will believe his nonsense because they don’t know better….that paired with your obstinate certitude in your mistakes makes you ridiculous, aggravating, and dangerous.

I don't think I know everything, but I can research what I don't know and still offer an intelligent educated response. Google and a bullshit filter are amazing teachers. I don't know why that's like sorcery to you.

Elitist!? Lol. So far off the mark, like most of what you say and think. ROTFLMAHS!

bobknight33 said:

I would rather make grammar mistakes than be an elitist who thinks they know everything but in reality a good 1/3 is wrong.

Taliban flaunt weapons, dollars after US flees

newtboy says...

Better a useful tool than a useless fool....fool. (and every sentence needs a verb, Bob. When you can't even write in what you claim is your native language, you might refrain from insulting those who can. This is why graduating the 8th grade isn't enough education. It makes you an ignorant idiot no reasonable person will listen to.)

First, Open the Books is not a trustworthy or unbiased source of information. was founded in 2011 (to try to embarrass Obama) by its chief executive officer Adam Andrzejewski, an Illinois entrepreneur and past Republican candidate for governor, with former United States Republican Senator Dr. Tom Coburn as the honorary chairman. It's highly partisan and biased.

Most of those vehicles and weapons we did leave/are leaving, like the cash, were in the hands of the Afghanis when Trump sounded retreat last spring. To "secure/remove/destroy" them we either have to stay and support the government (too late, would have needed to start before releasing the Taliban's army last March), or go to war with the Afghan government and seize it by force, they wouldn't just hand it back...duh.
We aren't "leaving them behind", we gave them to the government that Trump abandoned last spring when he released 5000 hard core Taliban fighters from prison (more than the original Daesh) with no conditions (and without consulting with the Afghan government) and allowed them free reign to destroy the Afghan government while we sat by, not even really preparing to leave but not helping the Afghanis....and he apparently told them they could do whatever they want except attack the retreating Americans, and they did....but sure, that's Biden's fault. 🤦‍♂️

Biden failed to be prepared for the speed of the fall of their government, a failure to be sure, but Trump all but ensured it would be fast and that we would be unprepared. Biden should have been evacuating our allies and helpers since Jan 21....Trump should have started the evacuation of Afghanis in March 2020 but instead his administration wouldn't even consider letting them come to America, so there was no process or staffed department when Biden took over and stopped Trump's attempted civil war and dealt with the out of control Trumpidemic, just a round file and a blind eye for all refugee applications. Recently Biden's administration changed this, creating programs and staffing to accommodate the refugees and convincing our allies to accept many in Europe, something Trump didn't even try.

Trump didn't do anything to get this equipment out of the country for a year either, did he? His plan was to be out 100 days after he left office, but nothing was in the works to make it happen...Too busy campaigning, pushing fraud frauds, and starting coups.

Try again.

bobknight33 said:

Newtboy you such a TOOL

The only blame is that Biden did not secure / remove/ destroy these.

Total Failure on Biden's watch.

U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 airplanes/helicopters in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes control of the country, according to the watchdog group Open the Books.

Not today motherfucker

StukaFox says...

I'm pretty sure the dude's just having a good time because he's at a concert and he's all young and shit. He's probably high, too. Look at that glorious blue sky! Who wouldn't be joyous on such a perfect day when they're all young and high and shit? Dude, I'm old, it's dark and I'm not even at a concert (full disclosure: I am listening to Lord Huron's new album and it's fucking amazing. There's some stuff that's not up to their other work, and a weird 14-minute filler piece at the end, but Drops In The Lake might become the most beloved Lord Huron song ever) and I'm totally joyous right now. I'm also stoned out of my mind, so take that as a plus, a minus or a none-of-the-above. Look, all I'm saying is there's a cute video video of a sheep standing down a Border Collie. Props to the sheep for having the kinda balls it doesn't have anymore, but fucking with a Border Collie is asking for that dog to fuck up your tax return later. So yeah, y'know, cute dog and cute sheep and some Welshman who knows he's getting some pussy tonight and if that dog screws this up, it ain't gonna be the sheep getting fucked. That's life in Wales, man. Those dudes will fuck anything. I mean, if I was stuck in Wales with nothing else to do, I'd be looked at our four-legged friends in a far more than friendly way, too. Also, they don't have vowel mines there so they're stuck spelling words with all contestants and chunks of coal for punctuation. NO idea how that little linguistic hiccup got passed the Proto-Germanic language tree, but people in Quebec speak a language that's completely similar to French, only without the word order, the grammar and any words that are actually in French. The French hate that shit because they're French and no one in Europe is being all shirty these day. Except that dude in Belarus who apparently doens't know what an utter fucking legend the guy who runs Ryanair is. Fucking hell this shit's good. Anyway, the whole point of this was that a dog, a sheep and a Welshman walk into a bar and the bartender asks the man what he wants. And the Welshman tells, in exceedingly graphic detail, what he wants while the sheep and the collie listen in horror, straining against their leads and praying Pop-Up Darwin will suddenly appear and gift them opposable thumbs, a cellphone, and a SIM card that actually works in fucking Wales, because those vowel-less cocksuckers have a totally different cell system than the rest of the UK. Shit, you try to make a call to anywhere in Gwfjhsrmflsslll, the first thing you notice is that numbers have apparently joined the vowels in being MIA, and you're trying to explain that you just want to make a call to London and the operator is speaking some language that'd scare the shit outta C'htulu and finally you just give up and hop back on the Ryanair flight to JFK while scanning constantly for Mig-29s.

Anyway, be happy.

cloudballoon said:

So is the far-right/left, idiocy & non-sense.

Men For Total Equality

newtboy says...

For @bobknight33-
Equality - e·qual·i·ty
the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.
"an organization aiming to promote racial equality"
synonyms: fairness, justness, equitability, impartiality, even-handedness, egalitarianism, equal rights, equal opportunities, nondiscrimination, justice, freedom, emancipation, coequality

It does not mean exact sameness, mirror image, clone, 50/50 split on everything, no difference, etc..... This is why it's important to know your own language, it helps you not be an imbecile.

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

Lol. You don't know which jurist or alternate, or which they were, biased or afraid, but you know someone was something so toss his multiple murder convictions....and execute the Central Park Five. LMFAHS!!

The biggest charge, second degree murder, was unanimous on the first vote in under two hours of deliberation. In interviews, jurists have said there were technical questions about applying third degree murder too, that's what took them a day, getting technical answers about the law, not questions about culpability, not fear. Sorry, wrong again.

Bobski, your hammer and sickle are showing.
Juries don't declare people innocent in America.....and Americans don't speak/write like a Russian first year English-as-a-second-language student or a Nigerian Prince with amazing financial deal bank for you money wealth.

bobknight33 said:

There will be a new trial.
Jurors ( at least 1) were biased or feared of saying innocent.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I picked that from a bunch of sources that were reporting on it because (scroll down on the page) it contains the full legal documents submitted to the court.

See page 32

My favorite bits

"The plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as 'wild accusations' and 'outlandish claims'. They are repeatedly labeled 'inherently improbable' and even 'impossible.'"

“Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact"

“Reasonable people understand that the ‘language of the political arena, like the language used in labor disputes … is often vituperative, abusive and inexact...political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole."

Yep, only an unreasonable person, someone making no sense, would believe that election fraud alleged by Sidney Powell occurred.

Tell me again about the Kraken, Bob. Any day now.


Side note, it's impressive that the best criticism that the right can come up with is "heur de hurr hurr look he fall up stairs" and other made up nonsense. I, for one, am unhappy about the boarder.

I don't think it's his fault that kids are showing up en masse. But I wish they embraced them, said "It's dangerous in your country? You fear for your life there ? Well, lets swear you in, teach you english and make you a tax payer in the U S of A. Here's a hotdog, kid." But it seems like the right only wants him to be more cruel to them? he's in the middle, still not my first pick, but on other issues, I have no complaints at the moment.

Why don't you just snap out of it already, look at the nazi's you've been listening to and see them for what they are. Fucking liars who are talking you into voting for policy that hurts no one but yourself, all in the name of "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" aka "your on your own unless you're swimming in a money pit, also give us more $$$$"

My dad is nearing retirement age and is baffled by the fact that his monthly social security isn't as high as he anticipated. I told him "Go read that section of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and stop letting other people interpret it for you. It's what i was warning you about and what you are, at least partially responsible for, shooting yourself in the foot with. And go get your vaccination, because I know what they think about that, dumb-ass."


Bob, whatever you do or think, go get a vaccine. Donald Trump fucked us good by letting this virus run rampant and Ive had too many people close to me die. Those lunatics telling you not to take precautions DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Go get vaccinated. Stay safe.

newtboy said:

See Bob.

Birth of BASIC

StukaFox says...

I love BASIC! TRS-DOS BASIC was the first computer language I taught myself and it opened the door to an amazing life based around computers. I feel so fortunate to have been at the right age at the right time to enjoy the genesis of the personal computer revolution. 48k to terabytes -- what a ride it's been!

Burger King's "Madvertizing" | Real Time with Bill Maher

BSR says...

One of those languages is the language of men.

I pay people to do my shopping and prepare my food and serve it to me, then clean up after me. I definitely do not belong in the supermarket or the kitchen unless the help has a knife in their back.

vil said:

Amanda Gorman translators into foreign languages are quitting one by one because they are not young black poetesses. Some languages lack young black poetesses.

People who want to be in the kitchen belong in the kitchen regardless of race and/or sex. But only if they can actually cook.

Burger King's "Madvertizing" | Real Time with Bill Maher

vil says...

50% of people are more stupid than the mean. People dont read enough and are not patient or persistent enough to try to understand.

Amanda Gorman translators into foreign languages are quitting one by one because they are not young black poetesses. Some languages lack young black poetesses.

People who want to be in the kitchen belong in the kitchen regardless of race and/or sex. But only if they can actually cook.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Claims without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Hrmph, looks like your bullshit has run the gamut of newtboy's patience as well. Can't say i blame him. What blinders?

Is this the section you're referring to ?

"Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all"

"crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors"
"crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors"
"crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors"

I'm trying to wrap my head around this. Did you read that and did your eyes go fuzzy and then your brain said "THE LEFT DID IT"???

"The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election ... w/no result"
"The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election ... w/no result"
"The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election ... w/no result"

Did you read that, hit yourself in the face with a rolling pin, and then see "THEY ONLY WANT TO STOP TRUMP"???

HOLD ON, newt, gotta speak thenidiot language. I'll translate.

No collusion! No collusion! Hoax, the fake news media. Hillary! Hoax! Lock her up! Beautiful delicious wall. No collusion! Unfair!


Seriously though, newt I think you're missing something. You missed what he said here. Bob said that voters determined the election.

bobknight33 said:

The left subverted the election and admitted it in the article.

They colluded with the media, big tech, local and state governments with the sole purpose to sway voters and block opposition on a national scale.

I can read but can you take you blinders off?

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Is that why republicans usually get <10% of the black vote?
I think they are no different from non blacks in that they can see who is working for their interests and who is working against them. You clearly don't think they are capable of that.

Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist) vote. You aren't ignorant of this historical fact, you simply choose to deny it like any facts you don't like. That history has been accepted for 50 years +-....are you saying I'm so good I made it up at two years old and got the nation to play along?! Damn, I'm good.

In American politics, the Southern strategy was a Republican Party electoral strategy to increase political support among white voters in the South by appealing to racism against African Americans.[1][2][3] As the civil rights movement and dismantling of Jim Crow laws in the 1950s and 1960s visibly deepened existing racial tensions in much of the Southern United States, Republican politicians such as presidential candidate Richard Nixon and Senator Barry Goldwater developed strategies that successfully contributed to the political realignment of many white, conservative voters in the South who had traditionally supported the Democratic Party rather than the Republican Party. It also helped to push the Republican Party much more to the right.[4]

I may not be the walking encyclopedias my parents were, but at least I know my own language, and my nations history.

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives aren't holding blacks down. Democrat policies are.

Conservatives stand for equality for all.. Democrats slice and dice people into groups and keep them dependent on the party. Vote for us and we will help you. inner city poverty have been around 50+ years ... No help just sweet nothings.

So when you say..." 70’s when the southern strategy reversed the parties rolls, now it’s Republican’s turn to be overtly racist."

Who actually switched to being racist?

Nothing reversed.

Quit forging history. You are a party hack who know nothing. Your a tool for the left.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Also, that Epoch times site guy... and the company

I'm not wasting more time on your nonsense than I have to

+buuuurp+ ooo sorry about that, just came out, anyway.

im not wasting my time digging because idk it's like at what point do you tell a person who is suffering from a mental illness that you're not taking them seriously anymore?

+pats your head+

nevertheless, from a glancing of the sources cited on the wiki, there's an...odd? story behind this site?

Introducing|>>>>>>>>>>>> The Epoch Times! The news source that is so honest we have no fucking clue where they get their money from...except probably china...probably.

"The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 by John Tang and other Chinese Americans affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.[26] Tang was a graduate student in Georgia at the time; he began the newspaper in his basement.[21] The founders said they were responding to censorship inside China and a lack of international understanding about the Chinese government's repression of Falun Gong.[27][28] In May 2000, the paper was first published in the Chinese language in New York, with the web launch in August 2000.[29]

According to NBC News, "little is publicly known about the precise ownership, origins or influences of The Epoch Times," and it is loosely organized into several regional tax free non-profits, under the umbrella of the Epoch Media Group, together with New Tang Dynasty Television.[18][21]

The newspaper's revenue has increased rapidly in recent years, from $3.8 million in 2016 to $8.1 million in 2017 (with spending of $7.2 million) and $12.4 million in 2018.[36] Tax documents of the Epoch Media Group indicated that between 2012 and 2016, the group received $900,000 from a principal at Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund led by the conservative political donor Robert Mercer.[37] Chris Kitze, a former NBC executive and creator of the fake news website Before It's News who also manages a cryptocurrency hedge fund, joined the paper's board as vice president in 2017.[36]

A 2020 report in The New York Times called The Epoch Times' recent wealth "something of a mystery." Steve Bannon, the former executive chairman of Breitbart News who produced a documentary with NTD, said "I’d give them a number" on a project budget and "they'd come back and say, 'We’re good for that number.'" Former employees say they were told The Epoch Times is financed by subscriptions, ads and donations from wealthy Falun Gong practitioners.[21]

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