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Chicago July 4th weekend - nearly 100 people shot

newtboy says...

Good thing Keegan Casteel was stopped before he used his AR-15 (missing it's serial numbers) he brought to Chicago along with 5 loaded magazines and a loaded pistol.

All these were noticed by hotel staff staged at the window of his 12th story hotel room overlooking the Lake Michigan shoreline, a heavily crowded area on the July 4th weekend. His rifle had a high powered scope and high powered laser attached, and had a round chambered. He easily could have doubled the number of people shot and killed this weekend all by himself, and seemed to have that in mind.

Oops, but he's a white guy from Iowa, not a black guy from Chicago, @bobknight33, so I'm sure you not only don't think that's a problem but would defend him as a hero of some kind. I'll be quite surprised if it turns out he ISN'T a Trumpster.

Fire broke out on a subsea pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico

Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory

luxintenebris says...

this is a fine example of what a year locked up does to a body.

sure. willing to listen to the p o s s i b i l i t y of corona being manufactured, but have some hard evidence. please. in a country billions +, origins of swine, bird, and ABC123 lettered viruses - it's not unreasonable to expect a lab to be located in a region where the pandemic started.

as it is, not versed in immunology (nor psychology or 'why are the following me') so rely on those who know (and don't have stock in Alcoa). that and the experiences of a lifetime being ginned up preparing for the next life-altering bug.

herpes, aids, penicillin-resistant gonorrhea/syphilis/chlamydia/TB, cjd, zika, lyme, west nile, ebola or the plethora of viruses, of eastern origins, that could become the next Spanish Flu.*

all those diseases have natural origins.

so, yeah. this pandemic wasn't a surprise. no more than Hurricane Katrina (why did they build that bridge over Lake Pontchartrain) or why the ere-orange administration left a 'play book' for Virus X.

it was foreseen, it happened, and could happen again. much more likely another flaming arrow from natures' quiver. (shivers given via a quiver?)

Occam's razor, in essence (should have led w/that).

* even new strains of hepatitis caused waves for a while and there was a bit of time, a virus in the NW USA was akin to airborne aids but disappear as quickly as it came and schistosomiasis has come closer to our shores - - - AND NOW - that hopefully isn't the precursor to zombie-itis.

Not today motherfucker

StukaFox says...

I'm pretty sure the dude's just having a good time because he's at a concert and he's all young and shit. He's probably high, too. Look at that glorious blue sky! Who wouldn't be joyous on such a perfect day when they're all young and high and shit? Dude, I'm old, it's dark and I'm not even at a concert (full disclosure: I am listening to Lord Huron's new album and it's fucking amazing. There's some stuff that's not up to their other work, and a weird 14-minute filler piece at the end, but Drops In The Lake might become the most beloved Lord Huron song ever) and I'm totally joyous right now. I'm also stoned out of my mind, so take that as a plus, a minus or a none-of-the-above. Look, all I'm saying is there's a cute video video of a sheep standing down a Border Collie. Props to the sheep for having the kinda balls it doesn't have anymore, but fucking with a Border Collie is asking for that dog to fuck up your tax return later. So yeah, y'know, cute dog and cute sheep and some Welshman who knows he's getting some pussy tonight and if that dog screws this up, it ain't gonna be the sheep getting fucked. That's life in Wales, man. Those dudes will fuck anything. I mean, if I was stuck in Wales with nothing else to do, I'd be looked at our four-legged friends in a far more than friendly way, too. Also, they don't have vowel mines there so they're stuck spelling words with all contestants and chunks of coal for punctuation. NO idea how that little linguistic hiccup got passed the Proto-Germanic language tree, but people in Quebec speak a language that's completely similar to French, only without the word order, the grammar and any words that are actually in French. The French hate that shit because they're French and no one in Europe is being all shirty these day. Except that dude in Belarus who apparently doens't know what an utter fucking legend the guy who runs Ryanair is. Fucking hell this shit's good. Anyway, the whole point of this was that a dog, a sheep and a Welshman walk into a bar and the bartender asks the man what he wants. And the Welshman tells, in exceedingly graphic detail, what he wants while the sheep and the collie listen in horror, straining against their leads and praying Pop-Up Darwin will suddenly appear and gift them opposable thumbs, a cellphone, and a SIM card that actually works in fucking Wales, because those vowel-less cocksuckers have a totally different cell system than the rest of the UK. Shit, you try to make a call to anywhere in Gwfjhsrmflsslll, the first thing you notice is that numbers have apparently joined the vowels in being MIA, and you're trying to explain that you just want to make a call to London and the operator is speaking some language that'd scare the shit outta C'htulu and finally you just give up and hop back on the Ryanair flight to JFK while scanning constantly for Mig-29s.

Anyway, be happy.

cloudballoon said:

So is the far-right/left, idiocy & non-sense.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

X-Wing in a Bowling Alley.

moonsammy says...

Bryant Lake Bowl? Does Action Movie Dad live near me?!

Edit: Perhaps I should've watched the current #1 video first. I now understand this is an edit.

$800 million obstacle course fish zapper

newtboy says...

Technically no, it's not about ballast tanks, but in a larger sense it's about stopping the spread of the carp. I'm just pointing out that no matter how well they block the river, there are other ways the fish can enter the lakes.
Also, as the video indicated, the methods have already failed since they've found the fish in the river past all the barricades.
I wonder what they've done to stop flooding from bypassing the barricades altogether.

I've been interested in this issue for decades, ever since the earlier videos of jumping fish smacking boaters started showing up. These days they allow electric fishing and other ecologically unfriendly methods in a last ditch effort to slow the spread, and none of it's working. If only someone would open a fish emulsion factory and make catching them an economically viable industry, maybe progress would be made....or not.

eric3579 said:

I guess my point is, is that ballast tanks are not an issue this fish net is trying to address. From what this video shows, it's exclusively about fish swimming in from this particular river.

nock (Member Profile)

Seagull steals iPhone from beach and flies off

StukaFox says...

Y'know what? Seriously, fuck seagulls. I fucking hate seagulls. Y'know why? They're total cunts. You know why they're cunts? Because they're cunts. Seagulls are God's answer to "why do children get cancer?" God says, "Because fuck you, that's why! Here's a seagull, you asshole."
"Ohh, but they ate all the locusts and saved Salt Lake City!" people say. Fuck them, too. The only thing good that ever came outta SLC is Steve Young and he ended his career flat on his back and the Niners have sucked ever since. Except for Kap; we'll give 'em one for Kap. We totally woulda won that game if the other team hadn't been better. They can go fuck themselves, too.
Ok, check this out: I was walking on the beach near Pescadaro and eating this awesome fucking carne asada taco I got at the super-secret Mexican place in the gas station and it was fucking amazingly good. This is the kinda taco that if it was pussy, you'd marry it and not give a shit when it fucked your best friend and ran off to Vegas with all your money. Seriously, it was that good. And I'm eatin' this goddamn glorious taco and feeling like I'm on top of the world and all is right with the universe. Then a motherfucking seagull all Stuka-moves me and snatches my taco! I'm all, "DUDE!! That's hella my taco, BITCH!", but then I remembered that birds don't speak English so I was like "Fuck!"
Seriously, 'tho, that was totally a good taco and shit.
Fuck seagulls.

Rand Paul spars with ABC host over election integrity

BSR says...

If untrustworthiness is your point then how do you tolerate citizen Trump?

Just a rhetorical question. No need for a reply. Take the rest of the day off and relax out on the lake with your pole in the water and catch some fish. Life is short.

bobknight33 said:

This points out it great clarity how biased / untrustworthy the media is.

Buttle (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Lava lake, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 8 Badge!

Buttle (Member Profile)

Shocked swimmer is attacked by two swans forcing him to hide

luxintenebris jokingly says...

- harsh review of his swan dive
- 'swan more reason to stay out of fowl water
- oddly that's ryan gosling swimming
- hopeful he got away, would be sad if that'd been his swansong
- the double attack: their signet-ure defense
- shouldn't swim in the swanee river/swan lake
- looks like their swan the warpath
- got dunked by la swan jameson
- wow he got cob-bered
- feather he did or didn't it caused a flap w/those birds

Squadron of Canadairs is a formidable firefighting force

newtboy says...

Not when they load from a lake like these do. Then it's whatever was near the surface.

wtfcaniuse said:

It's usually just water or coloured water. Sometimes it has foaming agents, wetting agents, and other fun chemicals mixed in which are toxic.

Trump Boat Parade Copies Trump And Sinks Itself

newtboy says...

Peaceful support?

They sank each other's boats and refused to stop doing donuts and whizzing by while others were going down.

Yep, Biden isn't a moron who invites large crowds to a rally while an airborne deadly pandemic is in full effect, Trump is, and he tells you to not wear masks even though you now know for certain even he knew from day one it was airborne, far more deadly than the worst flu, and preventable with simple measures like masks in public and avoiding large gatherings. Fuck. Talking to you is like arguing with a brick that's deep on "the spectrum".

This was Trumpness at it's finest. It's his MO, and yours. If your life is endangered by my enjoyment, you're fucked, because my right to make a huge wake outweighs your life. Total lack of consideration for others, the Trump way.

What morons hold a cheering event about nothing during a pandemic, have unqualified people arrange it so there's no direction or coordination, invite as many braying morons as possible with any boat you like, safety and reason be damned, get them riled up, make sure they're in close contact without any ppe, then send them off wound up and hopping mad to trip over each other racing to take over the lake before heading to the nearest Mexican restaurant to Karen out on people in masks.

I'm still wondering how the liberals caused this. Were Obama and Clinton on personal submarines poking holes in those freedom boats?

Landslides don't happen on the water. Red Tsunami....or is that term too painful after your massive sweeping wins in 2018?

bobknight33 said:

Peaceful support.

Don't see that many people at a Biden rally .

Landslide 2020

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