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Michael Bay Gets Stage Fright at CES 2014

chingalera says...

Someone had to show their ass and who the FUCK gives a rat's ass about Bill O'Reilly (insert Maddow here)? Keep drinking the media's Kool Aide™ and side with whatever schlock-programmer tells you to.

The world has plenty of media whores and the lackeys line-up in lock step to tout the flavor of how to be completely clueless and distracted.

Shepppard said:

Still doing better than Bill O'.

Flock TV ( Christian) "Outreach" Episode 1 ( Charity for Hom

chingalera says...

Probably, chicco may soon tell you all about it...I ain't touchin' it, got enough bad Karma from dissin' the devout, be they Christians, atheists, or the k k k Kool-Aide-Brand lib-tickers on this site-

Grimm said:

Am I missing something?

Cops using unexpected level of force to arrest girl

chingalera says...

No Jigga, you are wrong as well. The people who filmed this wish only to expose the rampant encroachment of the police into every aspect of civil society. The advent of technology in the hands of most people and the increasing awareness of the growing police state worldwide is one of the many stopgaps to a bleak future of decreased human rights and control of humanity by a small majority of agenda-oriented tyrants.

As far as police 'turning into' shitbag assholes? NO. Again you are wrong and completely clueless as tho the psychological profiling that goes on in the process towards someone becoming a 'law enforcement' dickbag.

Alpha types with low intellect and questionable imprint and socialization. Many come from abusive homes or generations of law enforcement. Many in the U.S. are members of or are sympathetic to, the clan and other such organizations or fraternities. MOST are racist, sexist, etc. Many police, were they not accepted into academies of sanctioned thugs would become criminals. Some were very close to becoming gang members, petty criminals, etc.

They dredge from the damaged-goods of society to fill their ranks, and this only gets worse as people like you, and others detached from what really goes on, continue to come the defense of force as a means to control society.

Cops definitely don't need any help form a deluded general public to grow in ranks or develop new and improved ways to exercise force as an arm of those who would control society to their ends.

I can do this all fucking day long, and there will still be the voices of insipid dullards who have by choice, drunk the Kool Aide of "give a fuck as long as I have my MTV."

If you'd have a " bad attitude too if someone was heckling me for my entire career," chances are good you'd make an excellent state thug or sympathizer to the cause of safety over freedom.

Your argument is pathetic and week.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

Trancecoach says...

You're way off, and you clearly haven't read or understood any of the authors named in my comment. Had you developed an informed opinion before spouting off on the basis of the Kool-Aid you've drank, you'd understand that, without government, there'd be no "big guys" to exploit the subsidies and cronyism that are implicit in the original monopoly that is "government."
If you think that some how government (i.e., kleptocrats) are "overseeing things," then you've got some learning to do. The corruption and co-optation of the market is not a "problem" to be "fixed" by the government. It is a direct effect of government. To think otherwise is a fatal conceit, one whose costs get higher by the day.

But, you can believe whatever you want to believe.

"The politicians are real, the soldiers and police who enforce the politicians’ will are real, the buildings they inhabit are real, the weapons they wield are very real, but their supposed “authority” is not. And without that “authority,” without the right to do what they do, they are nothing but a gang of thugs. The term “government” implies legitimacy– it means the exercise of “authority” over a certain people or place. The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands “laws,” referring to disobedience to them as a “crime,” and so on, implies the right of” government” to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to rule (”authority”), there is no reason to call the entity “government,” and all of the politicians and their mercenaries become utterly indistinguishable from a giant organized crime syndicate, their “laws” no more valid than the threats of muggers and carjackers. And that, in reality, is what every “government” is: an illegitimate gang of thugs, thieves and murderers, masquerading as a rightful ruling body." -Larken Rose

Stormsinger said:

Free Market Anarchism...what an oxymoron. You cannot have a free market, without laws to prevent (or authorize) the use of force. Without laws, too many of the big guys would just take what they want, and screw everyone else. At least with a government overseeing things, they have to take the extra step and effort of corrupting/co-opting the mechanisms of government.

Then we can have a bloody revolution, execute the perps, and start a new organization, that can, if we're lucky, last a few decades before the next crop takes over. It's beginning to look like that cycle is about the best we can hope for.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

chingalera says...

You simply can't SEE a scenario without force, because you've drunk the Kool Aid, Stormsinger, we all have.

Anarcho-Capitalism sounds good in ether, eliminate the state's influence on yer shit. Hire private security firms to dole-out justice, and fuck the police. Sounds REAL good. Privatizing currency structures, anything goes. Sounds righteous and fair-Keeps out gangsters who will eventually become masters.

Eliminate compulsory taxation. Good thing. Ombudsman-like dispute resolution rather than laws and a punishment to follow. Sounds fucking SANE to me. Problem is , with all the robots programmed by the state for the past 100 years, it's kinna hard to convince idiots that something like this could free them from the inevitability of the failure of the current paradigm. About the only problems I can see with a switch would be how to maintain environmental impact standards, but these problems' solutions would become evident when people become responsible for themselves, for another's well-being within the social structure, and their own destinies.

Democracy (the meaning, 'rule of the people') has been lost to the rule of a very few, and historically it never works for very long before assholes find a way around it.

You're in a pot of water being slowly heated, Stormsinger-Warm 'n cozy now, melting skin from your screaming carcass later.

Stormsinger said:

Free Market Anarchism...what an oxymoron. You cannot have a free market, without laws to prevent (or authorize) the use of force. Without laws, too many of the big guys would just take what they want, and screw everyone else. At least with a government overseeing things, they have to take the extra step and effort of corrupting/co-opting the mechanisms of government.

Then we can have a bloody revolution, execute the perps, and start a new organization, that can, if we're lucky, last a few decades before the next crop takes over. It's beginning to look like that cycle is about the best we can hope for.

Burned by McDonald's Hot Coffee

chingalera says...

190 degrees may be the ideal temp for extraction, but what Mc Dickheads and the rest of the bath-water brew-drinkers at truck stops and corner markets fail to give a fuck about is the flavor of the undrinkable swill after it's SAT AFTER BREWING at a constant 190 degrees in those giant auto-brewer/hoppers for hours. Their "standards" are shit just like their food is poison.

Judgement for the plaintiff for poor choice in a place to buy coffee-esque, sub-critical temperature liquids from.

McDonalds handed a cup full of 3rd degree burns to a couple of ladies, and balked at her injuries is the real issue-They sucked then, and suck now, faceless, corporate balls.

People are retarded and need to be schooled on where to get real coffee along with good food and how to enjoy them both.

Anyone who thinks people shouldn't sue the shit-out of a death-dealing corporate monster like McDonalds constantly for anything including crimes against humanity, has already drunk the Kool-Aid.
The same people who fed on the media-hype when this happened have had their world-views shaped by the same entities who spun this story in McDonald's favor.

Fuck mickey-d's, this woman and her deceased mother are heroes.

shveddy said:

ok, so it was "only" 500,000 dollars - that's the only new info here.

190 degrees is still a very common temperature for coffee or tea, it is in fact the ideal temperature for extraction, and yes, you are responsible if you spill coffee on yourself - doesn't matter whether or not you are driving at the time.

The 'Genocidal Stupidity' of the Catholic Ban on Condoms

Yogi says...

Ok but I don't see why this is a big deal. If you're stupid enough to follow this shit than you're stupid enough to die. It's similar to drinking the kool-aid in my mind, you've made your choice. Providing information to people is fine, a great idea but that's not what this guy is doing, he's whining. He's making an academic argument, which really doesn't matter.

shuac said:

Well, you see Yogi, when a church gets big enough and acquires enough of its idiot followers' money, it can start proclaiming stupid things. Things like, "when you murmur some latin words, this otherwise harmless cracker magically turns into the body of christ. Now eat it." or "Condoms spread the AIDS virus so it's prolly a good idea not to use them." Here endeth the lesson.

George Carlin Segments ~ Real Time

chingalera says...


I'd like to call anyone who gives a rat's ass's attention to someone who is most assuredly intelligent (an aspect highly over-rated in most humans), passionate in his/her convictions like any zealot or fan, with reasonable critical-thinking skills who's just as kool-aid drunk on what a person so-indoctrinated may be able to "think" is "going-down" as any crack-head or Cleveland Browns fan.

"Put up, or shut up." That's rich. You see what happens in a 3rd-rate video blog when a voice of dissent rears her fucking head, right? Hey, can go and fuck myself all up in the ass without lubrication, on CCTV!

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

chingalera says...

So newtboy....Your points kinna lost on me and you seem to think that there's some kind of idiot disease keeping Texas from offering you the peace-of-mind of being surrounded by people with similar "progressive" ideas? Hell man, the entire countrys' full of imbeciles who haven't a clue how the system works to enslave (you apparently are in this group WITH ALL OF US!!) EVERYONE...

uhhh, New York and Chicago are full of out-of-touch kool-aid drinkers if you want the opinion of someone who distrusts any and all governments, any and all monetary systems, etc etc you see where this is going???

California: biggest flake-fest on the planet, lived there would never go back to do so again. Colorado, Oregon, Washington State, Arkansas....Lived a lotta places and always come back to Texas-

You are wrong about the greener grass elsewhere, and Texas has plenty of highway, covered in Ladybird Johnson's neurosis for having married a cock-sucking murderer.

Now-You have issues obviously with Christianity as well,maybe you should check yer shit because3 that very last sentence of yours?? This one:
"and Texas is not one of those places if you aren't a right wing Christian."

Well sir, that's simply untrue and fucking retarded. You have a childish bias shaped like a corn-cob in some hidden place in need of extrication perhaps??

"You have an IV attached to your arm on the Kool-aid" Bill'O

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'You, have, an, IV, attached, to, your, arm, on, the, Kool, aid' to 'bill oreilly, fox news, kool aid, laura ingraham, michelle obama' - edited by xxovercastxx

How to (Properly) Eat Sushi

chingalera says...

Oh yeah, and Oregon. Lived in Portland before the mainstream Hipster-hijack, back when pretentious hippy-douchebag was in the incubation stages (1991-2).

Yeah, a lotta good sushi to be had there and the primary reason?? Pretentious kids from all over the country flocked to the land of no sunshine to escape the repression of their upbringing brokered by their disillusioned hippie parents who drank the Babylonian Kool-Aid at University (incubator for ineffectual putties), to bask in the aroma of their own farts.

You'd fit right in there gwiz

Terrifying Anti Drunk Driving Stunt

death of america and rise of the new world order

inside monsanto-scientists talk about the truth

chingalera says...

Rational eh?

Criminals polluting the world's food production and distribution with a cadre of lawmakers and lawyers poised to give the beast a free-pass for the foreseeable future?

In March of this year, complicit cunt Obama signed H.R. 933, ‘Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013’-Missouri Senator Joe Blunt (R) worked with Monsanto to craft the language of a 78-page section of the bill which effectively protects biotech companies from judicial scrutiny should any notable public health risks arise as the result of GMOs. -IB Times’ Connor Sheets adds, “choosing to sign a bill that effectively bars federal courts from being able to halt the sale or planting of GMO or GE crops and seeds, no matter what health consequences from the consumption of these products may come to light in the future.”

Their army of lawyers-as formidable as any of Walmart's punk-ass legal teams, work constantly to keep information out of the public scrutiny while cementing the future experimentation on humans with their tweaks to the staple food sources of the planet's food. Over-reacting??

How does one "rationally oppose" the calculated acts of criminals who not only make the laws, but stack the odds in their favor by buying those who mold the legal system in their favor?

Go educate yourself. Perhaps start with a short list of GMO crops used in just about everything??

Then check out the cases Monsanto has brought to trial against a never-ending list of farmers who have tried to take on the beast when their livelihoods were destroyed by opening their mouths....

Anyone with common-sense and a worthless high-school diploma who hasn't been drinking the Kool-Aid their entire lives should be able to see that the fucking emperor is clothed in a human flesh tuxedo....

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

chingalera says...

Yep Quad, another thing you might consider; Americans have been groomed through the purification of language by journalists and politicians combined with a systematic elimination of critical thinking skills, to let themselves be raped by a handful of assholes. These same assholes speak of an out-of-date document in desperate need of revisions (many of these Kool-Aid drinkers on this very forum) and continually propose adjustments which send the experiment further down the highway to bankruptcy, diversion, ignorance and idiocracy.
Welcome to Earth, humans may present a problem, enjoy your stay.

eric3579 said:

If you haven't figured it out, as a populace, we aren't the brightest people. We are easily manipulated and controlled by the powers that be. The fact is we get what we deserve.

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