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Movie Theater turns angry voicemail into win.

Retroboy says...

Can we get some theater to do a similar thingie for the shows that start with advertisements?

So like I was gettin all set for watchin the Pirates of the Carry Bin an
you know
the Ko Tex ad?
the one with the applicator and wings and shit?
That ad came on the screen.

And like
...I aint paid good money
... ...for watchin that shit.

Specially not in 3d.



Another Ping Pong Video (1 min / worth a watch)

Bizarre Toothless Yapping Poodle

Trusted Computing - Coming to a Computer Near You

The New iPhone Ads are Getting Out of Hand

Footage of WWII rescue by Sub discovered

The evolution of the cell phone

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

carrot says...

@dag...dude, Oscar Wilde was totally being sarcastic when he said that.

>> ^dag:

I think I would have the same reaction of some dude being punched in the nuts. Oscar Wilde said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit - genital punches would have to be a few levels below that. >> ^eric3579:
What is the reason many of you have a problem with this video? Is it because a guy is hitting a girl? Would you feel the same if it were a girl hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy? It can't be just because they are doing something which seems crazy stupid. There's lots of that on the sift. It's also somewhat violent, but I've seen way worst unwanted and wanted horrific violence on the sift(fighting or someone getting KOed as an example), which I find way more offensive. I'm just not sure what people find so horrible. Is it an assumption being made by us about who these people are, and what they think? Someone throw me a bone.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

smooman says...

And yet "man gets hit in crotch" holds the number one spot on Americas funniest home videos 50,000 years in a row.
>> ^dag:

I think I would have the same reaction of some dude being punched in the nuts. Oscar Wilde said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit - genital punches would have to be a few levels below that. >> ^eric3579:
What is the reason many of you have a problem with this video? Is it because a guy is hitting a girl? Would you feel the same if it were a girl hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy? It can't be just because they are doing something which seems crazy stupid. There's lots of that on the sift. It's also somewhat violent, but I've seen way worst unwanted and wanted horrific violence on the sift(fighting or someone getting KOed as an example), which I find way more offensive. I'm just not sure what people find so horrible. Is it an assumption being made by us about who these people are, and what they think? Someone throw me a bone.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

eric3579 says...

Seeing a girl involved in this sort of stupid behavior is a first for me and quite unexpected. If it were guys I would think they're just idiots(no entertainment value), but I've always seen women as being a bit brighter then men and therefore not being involved in stupid shit like this (especially at this age). In the end it made me laugh, and I won't be as entertained next time a girl acts like a dorky boy.
>> ^dag:

I think I would have the same reaction of some dude being punched in the nuts. Oscar Wilde said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit - genital punches would have to be a few levels below that. >> ^eric3579:
What is the reason many of you have a problem with this video? Is it because a guy is hitting a girl? Would you feel the same if it were a girl hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy? It can't be just because they are doing something which seems crazy stupid. There's lots of that on the sift. It's also somewhat violent, but I've seen way worst unwanted and wanted horrific violence on the sift(fighting or someone getting KOed as an example), which I find way more offensive. I'm just not sure what people find so horrible. Is it an assumption being made by us about who these people are, and what they think? Someone throw me a bone.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I think I would have the same reaction of some dude being punched in the nuts. Oscar Wilde said that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit - genital punches would have to be a few levels below that. >> ^eric3579:

What is the reason many of you have a problem with this video? Is it because a guy is hitting a girl? Would you feel the same if it were a girl hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy? It can't be just because they are doing something which seems crazy stupid. There's lots of that on the sift. It's also somewhat violent, but I've seen way worst unwanted and wanted horrific violence on the sift(fighting or someone getting KOed as an example), which I find way more offensive. I'm just not sure what people find so horrible. Is it an assumption being made by us about who these people are, and what they think? Someone throw me a bone.

The new Olympic sport: Cunt Punching!

eric3579 says...

What is the reason many of you have a problem with this video? Is it because a guy is hitting a girl? Would you feel the same if it were a girl hitting a girl or a girl hitting a guy? It can't be just because they are doing something which seems crazy stupid. There's lots of that on the sift. It's also somewhat violent, but I've seen way worst unwanted and wanted horrific violence on the sift(fighting or someone getting KOed as an example), which I find way more offensive. I'm just not sure what people find so horrible. Is it an assumption being made by us about who these people are, and what they think? Someone throw me a bone.

Brutal 360 Roundhouse Kick Knockout

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'kick boxing, kick, roundhouse, ko, knockout, chuck norris' to 'kick boxing, kick, roundhouse, ko, knockout, tornado kick' - edited by xxovercastxx

Apparently Maynard from Tool knows Jiu Jitsu

Best...chello playing...I have ever witnessed

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