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KFC Employees Bathe In Sink | Result?

Michelle Obama Describes the Moment of Victory

5th grade reporter asks Joe Biden "What a does a VP do?"

5th grade reporter asks Joe Biden "What a does a VP do?"

Colonel Sanders Commercial Outtakes Animated.

treat says...

The Colonel was a respectable man. Ironic that KFC turned into the abomination of human and animal suffering it is today. I found a full liver, kidney and digestive tract in my chicken the other day. Fed it to my cat, thinking about returning to veganism.

So I married an Axe Murderer - Colonel Sanders

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mike myers, scottish, wee beady eyes' to 'mike myers, scottish, wee beady eyes, tail, bat wings, horns, sacrifice, chicken, kfc' - edited by my15minutes

Britney Spears Live Vocal Track Isolated.

choggie says...

frikkin' heck ya folks......this bees fake, and about as funny as *(insert rock star here) Shreds™.....uhhh, Spritanny Beer, CAN carry a tune....AND inna bucket....of KFC!!!-Disney don't fuck around, she had her day, now she's post...WTF?

I'll bet you forgot that MC hammer had a cartoon?

shuac says...

Man, he really couldn't say "no" to anything they offered him, could he? KFC, Pepsi, etc. I heard he traveled with an entourage of no less than 20 people. MC Hammer is a cautionary tale if ever there was one.

Subway Stripper Who Pole Dances For Cash

doogle says...

I find the content of this video just sad...
A beautiful woman having to subject herself to this. I know, she could be at a strip bar as well, but perhaps this way she can do it without being surrounded by danger and a culture from fellow co-workers on drugs.

For me, the KFC bucket just made it even sadder.

I'm not downvoting - I think others should see it and have their own warranted reaction. However unwarranted warranted.

Subway Stripper Who Pole Dances For Cash

Arsenault185 says...

KFC FTW! Lets get this over with. Its probably going to happen. *ahem* We need to get together as a community to *discuss this. Where do we draw the line on Pron? Stripping is for sexual pleasure, so this qualifies.

New Fast Food Feed Bag

Subway Stripper Who Pole Dances For Cash

Subway Stripper Who Pole Dances For Cash

"Do Not Try This At Home. It Will Dislocate All Your Sh*t"

11872 says...

Resistance training can only do so much - check out any fitness forum. Plus, these guys sport very little body fat which is night impossible to achieve without proper nutrition - methinks the prison meals aren't all that and neither is KFC.

I think a lot of these guys do have the means to join 24h fitness, unlike what the video suggests.

Conan O'Brien quickly gets away from the horrible imagery!

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