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Mass Shootings On The Rise

newtboy says...

53 shot and 7 dead isn't enough to warrant a mention?! Holy fuck, this country has really gone down the shitter in the last few years.
Even the guy who mailed over 15 pipe bombs to Democrats as intended acts of domestic terrorism only got 20 years today....<1 1/3 year per attempted terroristic mass murder. Is that just because the right wing terrorist is a Trump supporter who targeted Trump's enemies list?
Granted, with more than one per day on average, the shock value is diminished.

We didn't have either excuse, and my parents never got the braces I was prescribed for horrific tmj, not aesthetics. (They got them for my brother's crooked teeth though) My jaw still cracks and locks up 35 years later. I think some parents will use any excuse to avoid the expense and hassle of braces.

BSR said:

I think you have to meet a certain quota of dead and injured now, otherwise it would be nothing but mass shootings everyday and then it would be just too humdrum.

You know, for a while there, with the poor economy and the school shootings, parents were reluctant to spend money to put braces on their children's teeth.

Mueller Says Trump Wasn’t Exonerated

Mystic95Z says...

But all the Trumpanzee's & Trump still yell at the top of their lungs NO COLLUSION NO OBSTRUCTION.... Did no one hear in the hearing when that Republican Rep or Senator asked "Could the President be charged with obstruction after he leaves office" and Muller replied "Yes" (twice as the GOP guy repeated the question). We have a criminal in the WH and its time the slack jawed Republicans stand up to this POS POTUS...

What song makes a girl smile?

firefly says...

I got most of these; If you're playing along at home:
Attempt 1: Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy)
Attempt 2: ??
Attempt 3: Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement (Beethoven)
Attempt 4: Harry Potter theme (John Williams)
Attempt 5: Pokemon theme (John Siegler)
Attempt 6: Flight of the Bumblebee (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
Attempt 7: ??
Attempt 8: Russian National Anthem (Alexander Alexandrov)
Attempt 9: Get Along Gang theme (don't know who wrote this)
Attempt 10: Blue (Eiffel 65)
Attempt 11: Thomas the Tank Engine theme (Mike O'Donnell/Junior Campbell)
Attempt 12: Funeral March (Chopin) I'd be surprised/alarmed if she smiled at this (!)
Attempt 13: Jaws theme (Williams)
Attempt 14: Halloween theme (John Carpenter) this too (!)
And the winner..well, you know, a chick song from a chick movie, no wonder she smiles...


Olena UUTAi Shaman lady

Olena UUTAi Shaman lady

"Why come you don't have a tattoo?"

ChaosEngine says...

This movie has not aged well at all. It's got a few funny moments, but it really wasn't that prescient.

I fell for it too when I watched it first.

But people aren't turning into the kind of slack-jawed stoner idiots this movie portrays. Even "stupid" people are knowledgeable.

The problem isn't that "dumb people are reproducing too much", the problem is that we have access to a vast swathe of information and there's little in the way of critical thinking.

But this movie feels very much like "ha, look at all the dumb yokels". It just doesn't work.

Nerdwriter: What Made Darth Vader Visually Iconic

Sagemind says...

He forgot things like the mask itself, the look and design of it.

He didn't mention the control panel on his chest, that made us wonder if he was human or machine or how much of each.

He didn't mention the Imperial March which framed the dark presence of Vader when he came on screen. Star Wars was the first movie to use a full Soundtrack to emote the feel of everything and control the viewers emotions as they watched...
(Jaws was the first to use the sound in this way, but Star Wars was the first to use the Orchestra.

Sesame Street: Cripple Creek

newtboy says...

Seemed to me the pitch doesn't change until 1:32, but the sound does based on her mouth shape, like a jaw harp.

ChaosEngine said:

Why is the instrument used in the mouth?

It looks to me like you vary the pitch by changing the tension on the string.

Cool song though

What is Pantheism? What do Pantheists believe?

Buck says...

I have never even heard the term before a week ago, my aunt said I should check out "scientific pantheism", The page I read was that nature itself can provide spiritual nourishment, without any magic, superstition or deities. When we look at the milky way and our jaw drops in awe, that is a similar experience in the mind to "feeling a god". , that is what I took from it so far. "But we are not talking about supernatural powers or beings. We are saying this: We are part of nature. Nature made us and at our death we will be reabsorbed into nature. We are at home in nature and in our bodies. This is where we belong. This is the only place where we can find and make our paradise, not in some imaginary world on the other side of the grave."

newtboy said:

Pantheism-a doctrine that identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.
Pantheism-the belief that all reality is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god.

I do not grok her words. "Thou art god" always seemed to cover Pantheism nicely in my eyes.

World's Dirtiest Song

NaMeCaF says...

Reminds me of this old nursery rhyme we used to sing as kids...

Mary had a little lamb, she also had a duck
She took 'em round the corner and taught them how to...
Fried eggs for breakfast, fried eggs for tea
The more you eat, the more you drink, the more you want to...
Peter had a boat, the boat began to rock
Up jumped Jaws and bit off his...
Cocktails and ginger ale, forty cents a glass
If you don't like 'it, you can shove it up your...
Ask no questions, tell no lies
I saw two men doing up their...
Flies are bad, mosquitoes are worse
And this is the end of my dirty, rotten verse

Coyote Peterson - Finale- Giant Desert Centipede Bite

StukaFox says...

"If you see one of these things in the desert, don't touch it!"

Naw, really? The big, pissed-off centipede thing with giant jaws: Don't touch that? Well, FUCK! NOW you tell me! Damn, I was about to pet it and call it George. You certainly saved my ass there, Mr. "Hey -- I wonder what'll happen if I piss this motherfucker off and let it bite me? OW OW OW OW OW OW!!"

The saddest thing is there's probably video out on the internets of some guy sticking one of these things on his dick and letting it bite him. I mean, getting bit on the forearm is so 2017: you gotta up your game to get those YouTube views! 20,000,000 views and you get a free yo-yo!

Yup, time to write another review on Leafly.

The Legend of Roy Moore

TheFreak says...

I can give you a description of the bit and my opinion.

A Tom Thumb bit is jointed in the middle and has shanks for leverage. So it has a dual action. When light pressure is used it works on the gums and corners of the mouth. When the reigns are pulled harder the jaw is squeezed while the shanks multiply the force and the center joint folds upward to apply pressure to the roof of the mouth. It's kind of like the volume going from 1 to 11.

In theory it should act like a traditional Western bit with the added advantage of rotating the shanks you can make pressure changes on each side of the mouth independently. In actual practice, it pinches the horses lip in this situation and horses tend to react by tossing their head up or holding their head in an unnaturally high position. With a strong pull it becomes extremely severe. Using it requires a very light hand.

I have used a Tom Thumb successfully with a well trained horse that required no head control but had developed a bad habit of testing his rider by picking up his gate and then bolting. The bit allowed me to ride with no hand but when the horse stretched his neck to take control he ran into the bit. When he relaxed back to the correct position, the pressure was gone. Eventually he didn't want to cause his own discomfort and once he'd broken his bad habits the bit wasn't necessary.

In my opinion, the Tom Thumb appears to check a lot of boxes but in reality it does few of them well. It can work for the right horse, with the right rider, in the right circumstances.

Roy is clearly an inexperienced rider and his personality demands that he assert control, even when he's out of his depth. He's riding a gaited horse (I think it's a Tennessee Walker but my daughter disagrees) and he seems to be trying to make it move like a Quarter Horse. My guess is he's trying to ride in like a cowboy but the horse naturally moves like pretty princess horse. Chaos ensues.

I hope that makes sense. I tried to avoid horse-people terms. If something's unclear or if anyone feels I'm wrong, then I welcome comments.

Fairbs said:

he seems to be a phony through and through

can you explain what a tom thumb bit is? would a good rider be able to use one effectively?

Jake tapper schools Ted Crockett

Jake tapper schools Ted Crockett

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