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Man of Steel - Teaser Trailer

kymbos says...

@Deano, agree it was the best, but that doesn't say much. And still there's the whole 'wearing glasses - Clark Kent, no glasses - Superman' silliness.

I saw a great idea for Superman written somewhere. Maybe Reddit. I've googled it and can't find it. It's something like Superman is around in the 1940s, but Lex Luthor puts him into stasis until around now. In the meantime, Luthor builds a mighty media conglomerate and slowly convinces humanity that Superman wasn't a hero, but in fact was evil. When Superman re-emerges, the world sees him as a massive terrorist and loathes him. He has to overcome the distorted power of modern media and a malleable, ignorant populace to defeat his enemy.

Something like that. Not my idea, but a great way to modernise the story a little.

If you are a man on the Internet, you NEED TO SEE THIS.

messenger says...


Enough with the projection. In all your comments, you assume that you know some deeper motivation than what this guy and I have already said. I'm not trying to pick up women or even get noticed at all. Being nice isn't about me; it's about the person I'm helping. Sorry that your slimy pick-up method of being nice to women unasked-for and expecting sexual interest as repayment hasn't worked out for you, but that's your sad shit and not mine. Get over it and learn how to be nice selflessly, and you might find you attract more women when they see you're not expecting something. And even if you don't do anything overt to show you're expecting their attention in return, women can smell it on you like shit on a pig farmer. It's in the way you stand, hold your shoulders, look around, cock your ear, etc. It all tells a story of creepiness and deception.

In the meantime, when I see a woman being bashed because she's a woman, I'm gonna continue to speak my mind and expect nothing in return except the good feeling for having helped another human being, even if it's only by giving her the feeling there's someone on her side, but hopefully it will also affect the behaviour of some of the people who are doing the bashing, if not now, down the road.

Live Action Planned Parenthood Sting Operation

MrFisk says...

Live Action public relations:
"AUSTIN, May 29 -- Today, Live Action released a new undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Austin, TX encouraging a woman to obtain a late-term abortion because she was purportedly carrying a girl and wanted to have a boy. The video is first in a new series titled "Gendercide: Sex-Selection in America," exposing the practice of sex-selective abortion in the United States and how Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion industry facilitate the selective elimination of baby girls in the womb.

"I see that you're saying that you want to terminate if it's a girl, so are you just wanting to continue the pregnancy in the meantime?" a counselor named "Rebecca" offers the woman, who is purportedly still in her first trimester and cannot be certain about the gender. "The abortion covers you up until 23 weeks," explains Rebecca, "and usually at 5 months is usually (sic) when they detect, you know, whether or not it's a boy or a girl." Doctors agree that the later in term a doctor performs an abortion, the greater the risk of complications.

The Planned Parenthood staffer suggests that the woman get on Medicaid in order to pay for an ultrasound to determine the gender of her baby, even though she plans to use the knowledge for an elective abortion. She also tells the woman to "just continue and try again" for the desired gender after aborting a girl, and adds, "Good luck, and I hope that you do get your boy."

"The search-and-destroy targeting of baby girls through prenatal testing and abortion is a pandemic that is spreading across the globe," notes Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action. "Research proves that sex-selective abortion has now come to America. The abortion industry, led by Planned Parenthood, is a willing participant."

Six studies in the past four years indicate that there are thousands of "missing girls" in the U.S., many from sex-selective abortion. The U.K., India, Australia, and other countries ban sex-selective abortion, but the U.S., save for three states, does not. On Wednesday, Congress will debate the Prenatal Non-Discrimination Act (PRENDA), which would ban sex-selective abortions nationally.

"Planned Parenthood and their ruthless abortion-first mentality is the real 'war on women'," says Rose. "Sex-selective abortion is gender discrimination with lethal consequences for little girls."

The complete, unedited video and transcript can be viewed at, a hub of research and information on sex-selective abortions.

Live Action is a youth led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending the human rights abuse of abortion. They use new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless.

For further information, please contact Dan Wilson or Jameson Cunningham with Shirley & Banister Public Affairs at (703) 739-5920 or (800) 536-5920 and email at"

Regulators considering review of Facebook's IPO

Porksandwich says...

*sniff* I smell corruption.

They want you to believe they know WTF they are doing. When it doesn't look right, they just blame the "uninformed" for what ends up happening.

Much like everyone keeps saying that huge housing bubble that happened falls at the feet of the people taking the loans for over a decade.....not the people who were lying about everything throughout the process and kept doing shady shit up until the house of cards collapsed. And now keep fucking up foreclosures in a myriad of ways.........

Those poor pitiful victims, those's sad how all of the outrageous BS they keep trying to force into existence comes back to fuck everyone in the end. It's just a few make a whole shitload of money off it in the meantime.

Limp wrist? Break it, says pastor

EvilDeathBee says...

Fuck this guy. This simple minded cunt and the cunt-drones mindlessly going "amen", have no clue as to the damage they do, nor would they give a shit.

It'll take a few generations, but this sort of indoctrination will die away as their offspring eventually start to think for themselves. In the meantime, however, how many kids will get beaten and how many will commit suicide cause wank stains like this.

Perfectly Executed - Diablo III Interview with Jay Wilson

How To Introduce Two Cats

PlayhousePals says...

>> ^Chaucer:

When I got my Siberian, I let them talk thru the door for a couple of days, then the 3rd day I let the kitten peak out. In the meantime I would brush the kitten and put the fur in various parts of the house. Days 4 - 5 I would bring the kitten out to play. Day 6, I let the kitten roam the house and I also put their kitty litters next to each other. Day 7, I let him out unsupervised.

Purrfect! It really pays off when you do things right =o)

How To Introduce Two Cats

Chaucer says...

When I got my Siberian, I let them talk thru the door for a couple of days, then the 3rd day I let the kitten peak out. In the meantime I would brush the kitten and put the fur in various parts of the house. Days 4 - 5 I would bring the kitten out to play. Day 6, I let the kitten roam the house and I also put their kitty litters next to each other. Day 7, I let him out unsupervised.

Prove Rational Atheism, Collect $1000

messenger (Member Profile)

The Gay Debate: The Bible and Homosexuality

The content industry has made everybody a pirate.

DrewNumberTwo says...

As I said, copyright reform is needed. Also, the media companies have, for the most part, completely mishandled what should have been an incredibly profitable way to deliver their content. I get what you're saying about content creators spreading their own content. They're working on it! But running a business is an entirely different skill set, so distributing through a company that knows what they're doing (to the extent that they actually can pay you) makes more sense most of the time.>> ^MilkmanDan:

>> ^DrewNumberTwo:
99% of the people of the world are pirates? There's about one computer for every three people. My parents don't even know what pirating is. There are less than 10 billion people on Earth, not 50 billion. This guy's exaggeration makes it look like he just doesn't know what he's talking about.
Granted, copyright reform is needed. But I think it's a mistake to put it in a different category from physical media without recognizing that 3d printers are on track to become household items.

My parents know what pirating is, but they aren't savvy or motivated enough to browse over to PirateBay, run uTorrent, PeerBlock, etc.
However, they ARE savvy enough to fire up YouTube, where they can find "infringing" videos that get around auto-detection by horizontal flipping, etc. etc. etc. The RIAA's and MPAA's of the world would love to point at them and the hordes of people like them and and say "pirates! Cough up $1000 for every song/video/whatever"!
In the meantime, I'm living in Thailand. Piracy is my default way of obtaining media. In many if not most cases, it would actually be very difficult or impossible to "legitimately" obtain said media. If that makes me an evil criminal, so be it. But I tend to think that it says much more about the distribution system being broken beyond repair and utterly antiquated than it says about the people like me. The real content creators need to stop listening to (and paying) the AA's crying over spilled milk and start looking for ways to embrace (and fund themselves via) the pervasive and un-policeable internet, which will be the way to distribute their creations. The cat is out of the bag, Pandora's box is opened, the internet isn't going anywhere and nobody will ever be able to stay a step ahead of the pirates.
Maybe 3D printers will become a household item within our lifetimes, but we're a long ways off from Star-Trek like replicators.

The content industry has made everybody a pirate.

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^DrewNumberTwo:

99% of the people of the world are pirates? There's about one computer for every three people. My parents don't even know what pirating is. There are less than 10 billion people on Earth, not 50 billion. This guy's exaggeration makes it look like he just doesn't know what he's talking about.
Granted, copyright reform is needed. But I think it's a mistake to put it in a different category from physical media without recognizing that 3d printers are on track to become household items.

My parents know what pirating is, but they aren't savvy or motivated enough to browse over to PirateBay, run uTorrent, PeerBlock, etc.

However, they ARE savvy enough to fire up YouTube, where they can find "infringing" videos that get around auto-detection by horizontal flipping, etc. etc. etc. The RIAA's and MPAA's of the world would love to point at them and the hordes of people like them and and say "pirates! Cough up $1000 for every song/video/whatever"!

In the meantime, I'm living in Thailand. Piracy is my default way of obtaining media. In many if not most cases, it would actually be very difficult or impossible to "legitimately" obtain said media. If that makes me an evil criminal, so be it. But I tend to think that it says much more about the distribution system being broken beyond repair and utterly antiquated than it says about the people like me. The real content creators need to stop listening to (and paying) the *AA's crying over spilled milk and start looking for ways to embrace (and fund themselves via) the pervasive and un-policeable internet, which will be the way to distribute their creations. The cat is out of the bag, Pandora's box is opened, the internet isn't going anywhere and nobody will ever be able to stay a step ahead of the pirates.

Maybe 3D printers will become a household item within our lifetimes, but we're a long ways off from Star-Trek like replicators.

Anonymous Exposes Ron Paul

aurens says...

@NetRunner, you just pulled apart my sentences into pieces that make no sense. That's not how productive conversation works. Go back and (re)read my comment; I think you'll find that it's internally consistent.


The part that you pulled out of context, namely this:

"I noticed a number of glaring inaccuracies and biases after the first few sentences, which I made aware to you in my next post. I suggested that the post was amateurish and, at a minimum, certainly not fact-checked. I've been waiting to find more reputable news sources reporting on this issue and as yet have found none."

... was referring to the article you linked to. I'm calling the article inaccurate and biased, not you. Please don't remove my comments from their contexts and misinterpret them—and invite others to do the same.

Second edit:

And, of course, you've removed my original claim of bias in the article from its original context, in which I make clear precisely which points I think are biased and not fact-checked:>> ^aurens:

From your equally informative link: "Ron Paul’s racist politics and affiliations are already well known, being viciously anti-immigrant, anti-abortion and against gay marriage — not to mention having authored the racist 'Ron Paul Papers.'"
Anti-immigrant? Against gay marriage? The author of the "Ron Paul Papers"? I'll leave you to fact-check that stuff. In the meantime, though, you might want to consider reading some more rigorously vetted news sites.
Oh, and those photos appearing as "evidence" of their claims? That's just priceless! Even you must admit it's amateurish.

Anonymous Exposes Ron Paul

aurens says...

From your equally informative link: "Ron Paul’s racist politics and affiliations are already well known, being viciously anti-immigrant, anti-abortion and against gay marriage — not to mention having authored the racist 'Ron Paul Papers.'"

Anti-immigrant? Against gay marriage? The author of the "Ron Paul Papers"? I'll leave you to fact-check that stuff. In the meantime, though, you might want to consider reading some more rigorously vetted news sites.

Oh, and those photos appearing as "evidence" of their claims? That's just priceless! Even you must admit it's amateurish.>> ^NetRunner:

@aurens got that out of your system? Good. Now click the link.

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