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Dancing Mercury

This car wash is a bit too abrasive in GTA 4/IV.

99 percent vs. 1 percent?

Skate 3: Hilariously Great & Awful Physics

highdileeho (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

march 5, 2012

this is a thought that I have been wrestling with for, ohhhh five minutes. So i'm sharing it with you ghost people who may in the future read it. So i'm sure we all know about the tornadoes the ripped through kentucky and beyond. my thoughts initially had to do with the outpuring of food, money, and community resources by local churches, as well as parishes all across the country. I find it to be one of those overlooked elements in the athiests argument. I will add, in an almost painfully cliched way, that i'm an athiest. thay being said , i'm also 31. iv'e come to the very real understanding that people's values are unshakable. And only through deep personal understanding can one develop those values. no ammount of comment trolling or reddit posting will do anything to change the world. so i despise reddit, for it's misinformation (mostly regarding news), and for the way it assimilates people into becoming unsocial, A.D.D-like automotauns. It saddens me to no end to see human discourse and interraction de-evolving. But it was the Church! the church! that renewed my faith in humanity. they didn't donate for karma points, or for self entitlement. they walked out into their community and
got people back on their feet. by no way will this make me somehow a believer in god. but it certainly reinforces the notion that these ghost people, offer nothing to society, and the complete lack of honest discourse in this country is sad. comment as needed.

Santorum: I Don't Believe in Separation of Church and State

jwray says...

This video shows Santorum doesn't even know what "separation of church and state" means. He's acting as if it means religious persons are not allowed to run for office or participate in political campaigns. Nothing could be further from the truth. The establishment clause of the first amendment prohibits any kind of religious test for public office (redundantly to Article IV's explicit No Religious Test clause).

The Beatles - Maxwell's Silver Hammer (cartoon)

David Simon - 2011 Frank Porter Graham Lecture at UNC

The Return of the Jedi--How It Should Have Ended (and Began)

The Terminator Meets “Grand Theft Auto IV”

ant says...

>> ^shole:

well, technically it's just a robot when it doesn't have any flesh on
it's a cyborg when it's a merger of living tissue and machine
would love an open world terminator game like this though


Wait, is this a liquid Terminator since it made a motorcycle?

The best video game music ever

Hamster Powered Submarine

Prometheus - First Trailer

poolcleaner says...

>> ^shagen454:

That is an interesting piece of info I did not know about. I never really understood why they went with Lynch for Dune, either. Not that that was a bad idea, I know a lot of people complain about Lynch's adaptation but I liked it a lot. I bet Jodorowsky's version would have been absolutely insane and even less on point with the Dune novel. I can only imagine all of the shit Jodorowsky could shove into that.
wiki: "he planned to cast the surrealist artist Salvador Dali as the Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV, who requested a fee of $100,000 per hour. He also planned to cast Orson Welles as the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who only agreed when Jodorowsky offered to get his favourite gourmet chef to prepare his meals for him throughout the filming.[23] The book's protagonist, Paul Atreides, was to be played by Jodorowsky's own son, Brontis Jodorowsky. The music would be composed by Pink Floyd, Magma, Henry Cow and Karlheinz Stockhausen"
Damn, man has some fine taste in music. And yep, looks like it would have been insane.
>> ^poolcleaner:
>> EDIT: oh yeah, it's all there on IMDB but I won't spoil it for anyone.

That's because Dan O'Bannon recruited Giger for the alien creature design after working with him on Jodorowsky's failed attempt to make Dune.

Weird times. The days of hiring directors like Lynch to take over a science fiction epic are over. It didn't work and it's not what people want to see.

If Jodorowsky had made Dune, it would have given a handful of people hard ons and Rocky Horror would have fallen to the way side as the midnight movie standard. All in all, I think there'd be less trannys and Hedwig and the Angry Inch would never have been made.

Frank Herbert, Dan O'Bannon, Jodorowsky, Dali, Welles, and Pink Floyd all under one roof? The entire movie would have been one big water of life spice orgy. Pregnant women viewing the movie would've given birth to abominations possessed by Orson Welles.

Prometheus - First Trailer

shagen454 says...

That is an interesting piece of info I did not know about. I never really understood why they went with Lynch for Dune, either. Not that that was a bad idea, I know a lot of people complain about Lynch's adaptation but I liked it a lot. I bet Jodorowsky's version would have been absolutely insane and even less on point with the Dune novel. I can only imagine all of the shit Jodorowsky could shove into that.

wiki: "he planned to cast the surrealist artist Salvador Dali as the Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV, who requested a fee of $100,000 per hour. He also planned to cast Orson Welles as the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, who only agreed when Jodorowsky offered to get his favourite gourmet chef to prepare his meals for him throughout the filming.[23] The book's protagonist, Paul Atreides, was to be played by Jodorowsky's own son, Brontis Jodorowsky. The music would be composed by Pink Floyd, Magma, Henry Cow and Karlheinz Stockhausen"

Damn, man has some fine taste in music. And yep, looks like it would have been insane.

>> ^poolcleaner:

>> EDIT: oh yeah, it's all there on IMDB but I won't spoil it for anyone.

That's because Dan O'Bannon recruited Giger for the alien creature design after working with him on Jodorowsky's failed attempt to make Dune.

BBC Panorama: What now, Mr. President?

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Beggar's Canyon