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U.N: One child killed every hour in Gaza

newtboy says...

Before "Israel" was stolen from the locals, they lived together there in peace.
You are right about one thing, it's far less about who's god is better and more about who's military hardware is better now.
The fact that Israel's hardware is SO advanced, yet they continue to target known civilian shelters (any claim to the contrary is simply ridiculous), tells me all I need to know about them.

chingalera said:

Dude, get a clue-EVERYTHING in the news regarding Israel and Palestine is fucking propaganda-Left?? Right?? All idiots will regurgitate their programed scripts and your view on the matter is no-less full of shit, tinctured with half-truths, and most importantly you have no way of having enough REAL information on the sit-rep to make an informed decision-It's the fucking Jews and Persians mate, they've been cunts to one-another for fucking centuries.

In the current stage of the paradigm, WILDCARD!~We've learned how to refine crude into all-manner of covetous bi-products. This ain't yer granpappy's, whose-god-is best-argument any longer.

BIll Maher Unleashes Against Militarized Police

TheFreak says...

With respect, I believe the point of this video is to point out "calculated intent".

When the individuals who are unable to use the power they are give wisely are positioned high enough up the command chain, you have an institutionalized problem. Evidence of this is given in the video: small town police forces with tanks, uncontrolled use of high impact tactics in low threat situations, the ubiquitous "temporary desk duty" punishment for criminal acts...

All too often we select the lowest common denominator, for interpersonal skills and self awareness, to place in these positions of power. Now they're stoking their own Liam Neesons fantasies by equipping themselves with military hardware. Against what threat?

Not all cops are bad. But given the opportunity to flourish, the bad elements will grow until the good actors are minimized or pushed out. If this escalation continues, it can't end well.

VoodooV said:

It's pretty easy to cherry pick instances of cops behaving badly and ignore instances of cops doing good. This sift alone has a wide variety of videos of both types of cops. So you (not implying you personally) have a rather large burden of proof to meet to make a valid claim of "fascist police state" you need to prove calculated intent. Until then, you've just got a significant number of individual cases of people who are simply unable to use the power they are given wisely and ignore the responsibility they have. Something all of us humans have been guilty of at some point in our lives.

The internet is a great tool for communication to bring stuff like this to light, but it also breeds a massive amount of armchair quarterbacking.

8088 Domination: Video capture from an IBM PC 5160

Elite: Dangerous E3 2014 Trailer

jmd says...

Sorry It was in response to newtboy, in which I was actually referring to production value and pc hardware requirements. I am expecting this game to be kind of like eve where there is a deep underlying strategy and building game underneath its space battle like visuals. Again not alot of people cup of tea which is why no ones ever come into my store asking if we sell "EVE", but that doesn't mean its a bad game. Just a bad title.

artician said:

Huh? What games are you currently playing?

And please don't confuse cinematic production value with immersiveness,

Star Wars Battlefront : Official Trailer

Ashenkase says...

Please, please, please... can someone produce Xwing 2.0 !? I went out and bought $400 worth of hardware to get that game to run on my 486 and wasn't disappointed in the least.

Munk Debate on State Surveillance

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

shveddy says...

Progress has a sense of humor. Awesome. Of course these guys would like to see every square foot of north american asphalt replaced with this stuff, but I think that they are smart enough to know that that isn't going to happen any time soon.

What could happen, however, is that we all gradually adopt the technology. First we start with with the densely wealthy liberal eco-conscious places that have a cultural incentive to swallow the initial economic hurdles and lower overall manufacturing costs to a point where it starts to make sense to the wealthy conservative gas guzzling folks, and then slowly expand from there.

The concept is sound. At some point the hardware might just become cheap enough to be viable - it's an option worth exploring, at the very least.

And if you think that making really long roadways out of relatively expensive tiles is impossible, try telling that to the ancient Romans.

Light painting with pixelstick

wraith jokingly says...

Wow, now they invent (and finance via kickstarter) special hardware for silly internet memes that will be totally forgotten next year.

Strange that nobody thought about breeding an actual flying cat that farts rainbows.

Munk Debate on State Surveillance

chingalera says...

Freedoms are what we say they are and what we are willing to claim for ourselves. Laws are for morons and apes...domesticated primates.

Here's one I heard second-hand about the other day as reported early today by:

Intercepting orders for servers, taking them to the Grinch-warehouse and outfitting them with virtually undetectable routing hardware, restoring the packaging material as it was and then sending them on to their 'customers.'

As the general here alludes to in his opener, the shit Snowden blew his whistle about resides in iceberg tips-If they reveal anything regarding the technology in place to keep track of ALL of humanity, military capabilities, breakthroughs in science or medicine etc., chances are good once the information gets to the masses the shits been around for quite some time.

What you think you know about their capabilities and the information hidden from the masses is old fucking news. The only meaningful question left is who are, "THEY?"

Trancecoach said:

"our freedoms"
Well, when you put it that way...
They should have a debate about, what are "our freedoms" anyway?

Mac Pro No (Funny)

Snowdrop engine Dev Diary

CreamK says...

About right except UR4 needs massive hardware so unless you have actually made something with it, i really doubt on "runs well" part. Rest of them need about half or even less sheer grunt power. We are just doing our tests how well these perform. I hope Source 2 is not too far behind, before me make our decision which engine to pick. At the moment, it's SnowDrop which is the one we are looking for, then Cry3, Unity5 or UR4. The latter just costs a lot more in inhouse equipment but has what we need.

sixshot said:

here's how I see it:

UE4 -- runs well, does well, good for creators
CryEngine -- does well, runs like crap, all-in for visuals.
Frostbite -- does well, runs okay, great in FPS, completely junk in driving games (look up NFS: The Run)
Source 2 -- who knows...
Unity 5 -- can't comment.

Captain America: Winter Soldier - Trailer 2

cosmovitelli says...

They alter Hollywood scripts for studios that want US military hardware in their movies. Want to film a taxpayer funded aircraft carrier in this/any movie you're making?? We're not keen on this line where the guy mentions CIA heroin dealing/ lies to invade Iraq / torture centres / deathsquads etc etc..
Some say no (independence day) most go along with it as economic neccesity, others have their nose so far up the military ass they make Leni Riefenstahl look like a impassionate observer (Bruckhemer/Scott etc).
Didn't you wonder why all modern mainstream Hollywood films have become propaganda?

lantern53 said:

What is the US military propaganda wing?

Snowden outlines his motivations during first tv interview

radx says...


Releasing everything in one big pile didn't get us anywhere in case of the Afghan War Logs, the Iraqi War Logs or the Gitmo Files. Piece by piece keeps it front and center, at least over here in Europe. Not to mention the fact that it also nullifies all criticisms of careless dumping of sensitive info, which reduces his risk of lead poisoning.


He wouldn't be stuck in Russia if a) the US hadn't canceled his passport and b) the entirety of Europe wasn't such whipped dogs. If, for instance, Germany had offered him asylum, he'd probably be in Berlin right now, just like Laura Poitras, Sarah Harrison and Jacob Appelbaum.

And no, I don't think the Russians, the Chinese, or anyone for that matter, have gained access to his hardware before he handed everything over to Greenwald amongst others. Snowden knows what he's doing.

If, however, you don't think that crypto works, then I can't convince you otherwise.


The copyright owner, a German public broadcaster, made sure it's geofucked on YouTube. By the time I submitted this, DailyMotion was the only source available without a German proxy. That said, Adblock Edge + Ghostery + NoScript and you don't have to endure any ads on DailyMotion.

Bill Nye the Science Guy Dispels Poverty Myths

VoodooV says...

While on one hand, I've always known that foreign aid is barely a drop in the bucket of our budget, but on the other, I'd still be hesitant to increase foreign aid to be completely honest.

so much shit that needs fixing and investment here domestically.

If we really could make a decent dent in military spending...then I'd be more comfortable with more foreign aid.

hate to say it but don't these people need to overthrow their own dictators and overlords? I'm ok with giving them some aid and giving them intel and other kinds of non-hardware military support. but they do need to fight their own damned battles.

Bill Maher interviews Glenn Greenwald

ChaosEngine says...

Yeah, I was surprised at how ignorant Bill was on this too, although it wouldn't be the first time Maher ignored the facts to suit his own preconceptions (vaccines, anyone?)

At this point, it becomes increasingly difficult from a technological standpoint to put the genie back in the bottle. The internet, as a technology stack from browser to OS to network layer to hardware to comms protocols is now a hugely complex device. There are multiple attack points where malicious entities can insert "back doors" to access supposedly private communications. And governments are just one group of spies. There's also criminals and even scarier, corporations.

The only way I can possibly imagine it ever being truly secure is an end to end open technology stack that is peer-reviewed for potential issues constantly, but that would essentially mean tearing down all existing infrastructure, so it's just not going to happen.

artician said:

I'm relieved Greenwald shared my opinion of Snowden's "they basically have freedom of access over your entire life" (paraphrasing) comment, because Mahar's labeling of that perspective as crazy was really unexpected. I don't see how you can't see that as the present and definite-future on our current path, when you look at the history of humans and power. You have to have a lot of (misplaced) trust to think any of the people in charge running that show are capable of showing restraint.
We need to understand that we're pretty far behind the curve for making a change to this. It doesn't matter what "laws" get passed or (false) changes are made to their system. Individuals are basically fucked for privacy from here on out, end of story. It's going to take a war to stop it at this point. I am so glad I don't have children.

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