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gwiz665 (Member Profile)

choggie says...

yer right man, yer never wrong-lifes' a hard lesson to learn, most folks don't survive their own included-I am only suffering myself and others because I love them-you'll make it
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Say it to him. He started the shit storm, I escalated it. I tried to end it, he prodded again. He is the one that is outrageously in the wrong here, not I.

In reply to this comment by choggie:
and the douchebag rears it's ugly head.Try putting a lid onnit, man-yer batting a thousand as it is-Just a friendly suggestion...Qualm and I have a few bumps and curves here, he's a decent are you when you aren't brown-nosing or showing your ass-work on yer people skills maybe??.. I did, and like most of life, it's a work in progress.
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Go rape your step-dad and repay the favor of taking your virginity at age 6. And the run along.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
So you give up then. OK. Run along...

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Well, I'm sort of enjoying your grudge, so... can you keep hating me please, and just refrain from posting your violent rape fantasies and bizarre jibberish onto my profile page from now on?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
Oh whatever, you self-righteous, hypersensitive dingbat. I suggest that you don't bring anything up about me on this site again then, then I'll lay my grudge to rest.

You brought up a topic that I really don't like, completely unrelated to anything, which is why I got pissed at you and I still am, but if you just keep your damn nose to yourself, I see no reason why I can't just ignore you and live happily ever after.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
They were not simply "immature comments" that you left on my profile page, gwizz. They were bizarre, violent and of a sexual nature. I just glanced at them, but I saw the word "rape". There is nothing funny about rape, gwizz. Nothing whatsoever. I know that your very special Blankfist used to often casually joke about raping children here on Videosift - he finds that evil topic amusing, apparently - and it's starting to become obvious here that you sort of emulate him. Perhaps that is why you had such a strange outburst.

I see you'd like to just drop the whole matter. In that case I suggest that you stop writing on my profile page, and then my "differing opinions" will just disappear -- once you've deleted them, I mean.

Best of luck to you.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I left two immature comments in response to you bringing up that whole thing. I remember them well and they were quite considered. You took a shit on an exposed nerve, so I reacted. It wasn't particularly grown up, but there we go.

I've never posted stuff like that to her - my innuendo is rarely angry - and the stuff I did post to her were quite reciprocated. Hell, in the beginning she was as bad as I. I doubt you know that if you only heard the other side of the story. I liked AC, I really did, but she changed, and that's what drove her away. I want the old AC back, the cool one, not the one that rage-quit. But we can't all have what we want.

I deleted your comments, because I'd rather just move on. I think you acted bad and I responded with more bad actions, so I'm putting a stop to it from my end.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
Hey, you deleted my differing opinions!

No, you drove Alien Concept away. She was awesome, btw. Probably you posted comments to her profile page similar to the twisted stuff you recently posted to mine. Is this what you do when you don't agree with people? Do you even remember the atrocious comments regarding sexual violence you left on my page? Or were you blind drunk when you wrote them?

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
You started this attack, I only followed through. Bah, it's a waste of my time and energy to put any more effort into this.

I may have grown up, but you still have some to do since you only have name-calling left in you. I've not driven people away from this site, she drove herself away. If she must pin it on me, then bah.

If I had the ability to actually drive people away, there are a choice few who would be long, long gone.

In reply to this comment by qualm:
If leaving behind on my profile page a foul string of violent, threatening and insane sexual commentary, as you did, is what you call "differing opinions," then I can see why you worship that fool Blankfist. He used to do that too, when he'd get mad at me for disagreeing with him. Obviously I got under your skin, and that wasn't my intention. I was being quite sincere when I made note of the fact that you've seemed a little more mature lately, from the time, not too long ago, when one could rely on you, with 100% certainty, to post a dozen or more totally inane and puerile sexist comments per day.

As for my leaving, everybody knows you have a habit of driving people away from this site, creepy stalker guy:

Rage Against The Machine On BBC Radio

BoneyD says...

>> ^Payback:
>> ^BoneyD:
It's a travesty that it took a 17 year old song to beat McElderry's drivel. I know this is RAtM's point, but it's just sad to me that this event is going to be an impossible act to follow.

As the best choice for raging against machines, I would say the song is perfect for the job.

Oh I entirely agree with you! I think it speaks perfectly for the surging undercurrent of frustration at the state of the modern music scene. But why isn't there a modern day equivelant of this? Sony only put their shit out cause they know the masses'll consume it, grudgingly or not... so they need to stop buying it!

They need to put their money behind the 'good' bands out there and boycott the big label stuff. Or if it's the case that the disenfranchised are just not buying any music, then they should start.

Elegant Forkless Bicycle

jimnms says...

This made me think of back when I was in 2nd grade. I don't know why, but we had a test where we had to name three parts of a bicycle. I had gotten a BMX bike for my birthday earlier that year, and I had to have the fork replaced because I'm rough on shit like that. With that fresh on my mind I put fork as one of the parts on the test, and the bitch counted the answer wrong.

I hated my 2nd grade teacher. I'm not the kind of person who holds a grudge and I don't let things get to me, but for some reason I'm still bitter about this teacher. If she's even still alive and I ran into her on the street, I'd probably punch her in the face.

dag (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

On recommendation from Laura, I'm gonna share the pictures from my texas trip, just so you get a fuller picture of what happened

It seems to me that your mind has been made up, so it is futile to discuss any further with you.

Good day, sir.

In reply to this comment by dag:
You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I have no reason to change. The married woman who I groped have not left the sift, the two of us have settled it outside of the sift and are each continuing as productive members of the sift as well. The only person who have left because of me - that I know of - is peggedbea, and with the massive personal attack she made in her "flame off", I don't feel the loss.

alien_concept, by her own words (check the thread), had intended to leave anyhow, evil_disco_man left as well, but not because of this, or at least not solely because of this. Who else is there?

I am not a danger to this community, even though some people like to see me that way - I'm part of what makes this community great. I don't break rules, I sift popular videos, I fix dead videos, I socialize with sifters. You may be scared of me all you like, but I am no threat to the Videosift community, which is something I hold quite dear too. (If nothing else, my history should damn well reflect this.)

It seems to me that you have made it abundantly to me that you don't take a neutral stance and just "take the side of the sift", you work based of rumors as well as the rest of the mongrels. You judged me quite quickly during the whole alien_concept leaving thread, which I certainly did not appreciate. You also gave me a whole lot of shit for making a comment on the what's-her-face "seen her naked" video as well. This is not appreciated as well. You should be impartial, dedicated to the sift and to the truth - you instead chose to be dedicated to all the butt-hurt users who complained. Like when burdturgler complained about "spook" being used by quantumushroom and blankfist. These are not admirable leadership methods. I agree that you have to walk a balancing act at all times with such things, but consistently making the wrong choice is a bad move.

I am very appreciative that videosift is such an open community as it is, which is completely your doing. If it had been most other advanced forums, I would have been banned for life for disagreeing with an administrator. I applaud that you allow dissenting voices to be heard, but I don't like to be admonished, neither on my profile page or in polls I make. The jabs you got in in the poll were just cheap shots and they were quite unjustified. You should be bigger than that.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Just to be clear, I don't find your cockiness admirable- several great contributors to VideoSift have left due to your actions. You have hurt the Sift, whose side I'm on. I'm concerned that the actions you've admitted to, groping a married woman, and member of the Sift make you a danger to the community. As I said, I'm on VideoSift's side- and have to do what I can to make this a safe place. Your continued belligerent behaviour makes me think that you're not going to change.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
My cockiness is a trait to be admired. I am not against videosift in any way, and my post was juvenile, so I'm sorry for that. I do wonder why I am singled out in this, when so many others have posted much more hate in comments. Makes you wonder.

My feud will be where it is relevant, which is to say I will keep it to profiles as much as is needed. If it spills into other stuff, I will not be the reason for it from now on.

In reply to this comment by dag:
The depth of your cockiness is almost funny, but not quite. I'm not on anyone's side here except videosift. Please keep your feud on profiles or offline.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I was just wondering when you las admonished rasch for his vicious attack on my person? Is it that you've chosen a side already?

My post was not a necropost - he, himself, renewed it in so I responded to that. I assure you that my hate is completely new and fresh. He started it, I'm just following through and countering his attacks with re-attacks.

If that is all you have to say, then please refrain from posting on my profile in the future. If you have something to say - and perhaps apologize for - you are completely free to post, but know that anything else, from now on, will be deleted (which is really just "hidden") by me.

You have chosen your side and it is the wrong one. I only hope that you will realize it at some point.

Cheerio mate.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Please don't crap on old, very good threads by necroposting hate. I'm referring to this:

If you want to continue your little grudge match - keep it in profiles.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You continue to downplay your role in matters to the point of self-delusion- I'm leaving this discussion here- but my original message stands, please keep your feuds contained in profile comments or off the Sift. In complete honesty - I would prefer that you left the community- as I think there is some risk in your attitudes and behaviour to others. If you're going to stay, please prove me wrong by not hurting the Sift further.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I have no reason to change. The married woman who I groped have not left the sift, the two of us have settled it outside of the sift and are each continuing as productive members of the sift as well. The only person who have left because of me - that I know of - is peggedbea, and with the massive personal attack she made in her "flame off", I don't feel the loss.

alien_concept, by her own words (check the thread), had intended to leave anyhow, evil_disco_man left as well, but not because of this, or at least not solely because of this. Who else is there?

I am not a danger to this community, even though some people like to see me that way - I'm part of what makes this community great. I don't break rules, I sift popular videos, I fix dead videos, I socialize with sifters. You may be scared of me all you like, but I am no threat to the Videosift community, which is something I hold quite dear too. (If nothing else, my history should damn well reflect this.)

It seems to me that you have made it abundantly to me that you don't take a neutral stance and just "take the side of the sift", you work based of rumors as well as the rest of the mongrels. You judged me quite quickly during the whole alien_concept leaving thread, which I certainly did not appreciate. You also gave me a whole lot of shit for making a comment on the what's-her-face "seen her naked" video as well. This is not appreciated as well. You should be impartial, dedicated to the sift and to the truth - you instead chose to be dedicated to all the butt-hurt users who complained. Like when burdturgler complained about "spook" being used by quantumushroom and blankfist. These are not admirable leadership methods. I agree that you have to walk a balancing act at all times with such things, but consistently making the wrong choice is a bad move.

I am very appreciative that videosift is such an open community as it is, which is completely your doing. If it had been most other advanced forums, I would have been banned for life for disagreeing with an administrator. I applaud that you allow dissenting voices to be heard, but I don't like to be admonished, neither on my profile page or in polls I make. The jabs you got in in the poll were just cheap shots and they were quite unjustified. You should be bigger than that.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Just to be clear, I don't find your cockiness admirable- several great contributors to VideoSift have left due to your actions. You have hurt the Sift, whose side I'm on. I'm concerned that the actions you've admitted to, groping a married woman, and member of the Sift make you a danger to the community. As I said, I'm on VideoSift's side- and have to do what I can to make this a safe place. Your continued belligerent behaviour makes me think that you're not going to change.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
My cockiness is a trait to be admired. I am not against videosift in any way, and my post was juvenile, so I'm sorry for that. I do wonder why I am singled out in this, when so many others have posted much more hate in comments. Makes you wonder.

My feud will be where it is relevant, which is to say I will keep it to profiles as much as is needed. If it spills into other stuff, I will not be the reason for it from now on.

In reply to this comment by dag:
The depth of your cockiness is almost funny, but not quite. I'm not on anyone's side here except videosift. Please keep your feud on profiles or offline.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I was just wondering when you las admonished rasch for his vicious attack on my person? Is it that you've chosen a side already?

My post was not a necropost - he, himself, renewed it in so I responded to that. I assure you that my hate is completely new and fresh. He started it, I'm just following through and countering his attacks with re-attacks.

If that is all you have to say, then please refrain from posting on my profile in the future. If you have something to say - and perhaps apologize for - you are completely free to post, but know that anything else, from now on, will be deleted (which is really just "hidden") by me.

You have chosen your side and it is the wrong one. I only hope that you will realize it at some point.

Cheerio mate.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Please don't crap on old, very good threads by necroposting hate. I'm referring to this:

If you want to continue your little grudge match - keep it in profiles.

dag (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I have no reason to change. The married woman who I groped have not left the sift, the two of us have settled it outside of the sift and are each continuing as productive members of the sift as well. The only person who have left because of me - that I know of - is peggedbea, and with the massive personal attack she made in her "flame off", I don't feel the loss.

alien_concept, by her own words (check the thread), had intended to leave anyhow, evil_disco_man left as well, but not because of this, or at least not solely because of this. Who else is there?

I am not a danger to this community, even though some people like to see me that way - I'm part of what makes this community great. I don't break rules, I sift popular videos, I fix dead videos, I socialize with sifters. You may be scared of me all you like, but I am no threat to the Videosift community, which is something I hold quite dear too. (If nothing else, my history should damn well reflect this.)

It seems to me that you have made it abundantly to me that you don't take a neutral stance and just "take the side of the sift", you work based of rumors as well as the rest of the mongrels. You judged me quite quickly during the whole alien_concept leaving thread, which I certainly did not appreciate. You also gave me a whole lot of shit for making a comment on the what's-her-face "seen her naked" video as well. This is not appreciated as well. You should be impartial, dedicated to the sift and to the truth - you instead chose to be dedicated to all the butt-hurt users who complained. Like when burdturgler complained about "spook" being used by quantumushroom and blankfist. These are not admirable leadership methods. I agree that you have to walk a balancing act at all times with such things, but consistently making the wrong choice is a bad move.

I am very appreciative that videosift is such an open community as it is, which is completely your doing. If it had been most other advanced forums, I would have been banned for life for disagreeing with an administrator. I applaud that you allow dissenting voices to be heard, but I don't like to be admonished, neither on my profile page or in polls I make. The jabs you got in in the poll were just cheap shots and they were quite unjustified. You should be bigger than that.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Just to be clear, I don't find your cockiness admirable- several great contributors to VideoSift have left due to your actions. You have hurt the Sift, whose side I'm on. I'm concerned that the actions you've admitted to, groping a married woman, and member of the Sift make you a danger to the community. As I said, I'm on VideoSift's side- and have to do what I can to make this a safe place. Your continued belligerent behaviour makes me think that you're not going to change.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
My cockiness is a trait to be admired. I am not against videosift in any way, and my post was juvenile, so I'm sorry for that. I do wonder why I am singled out in this, when so many others have posted much more hate in comments. Makes you wonder.

My feud will be where it is relevant, which is to say I will keep it to profiles as much as is needed. If it spills into other stuff, I will not be the reason for it from now on.

In reply to this comment by dag:
The depth of your cockiness is almost funny, but not quite. I'm not on anyone's side here except videosift. Please keep your feud on profiles or offline.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I was just wondering when you las admonished rasch for his vicious attack on my person? Is it that you've chosen a side already?

My post was not a necropost - he, himself, renewed it in so I responded to that. I assure you that my hate is completely new and fresh. He started it, I'm just following through and countering his attacks with re-attacks.

If that is all you have to say, then please refrain from posting on my profile in the future. If you have something to say - and perhaps apologize for - you are completely free to post, but know that anything else, from now on, will be deleted (which is really just "hidden") by me.

You have chosen your side and it is the wrong one. I only hope that you will realize it at some point.

Cheerio mate.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Please don't crap on old, very good threads by necroposting hate. I'm referring to this:

If you want to continue your little grudge match - keep it in profiles.

dag (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

My cockiness is a trait to be admired. I am not against videosift in any way, and my post was juvenile, so I'm sorry for that. I do wonder why I am singled out in this, when so many others have posted much more hate in comments. Makes you wonder.

My feud will be where it is relevant, which is to say I will keep it to profiles as much as is needed. If it spills into other stuff, I will not be the reason for it from now on.

In reply to this comment by dag:
The depth of your cockiness is almost funny, but not quite. I'm not on anyone's side here except videosift. Please keep your feud on profiles or offline.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I was just wondering when you las admonished rasch for his vicious attack on my person? Is it that you've chosen a side already?

My post was not a necropost - he, himself, renewed it in so I responded to that. I assure you that my hate is completely new and fresh. He started it, I'm just following through and countering his attacks with re-attacks.

If that is all you have to say, then please refrain from posting on my profile in the future. If you have something to say - and perhaps apologize for - you are completely free to post, but know that anything else, from now on, will be deleted (which is really just "hidden") by me.

You have chosen your side and it is the wrong one. I only hope that you will realize it at some point.

Cheerio mate.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Please don't crap on old, very good threads by necroposting hate. I'm referring to this:

If you want to continue your little grudge match - keep it in profiles.

dag (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I was just wondering when you las admonished rasch for his vicious attack on my person? Is it that you've chosen a side already?

My post was not a necropost - he, himself, renewed it in so I responded to that. I assure you that my hate is completely new and fresh. He started it, I'm just following through and countering his attacks with re-attacks.

If that is all you have to say, then please refrain from posting on my profile in the future. If you have something to say - and perhaps apologize for - you are completely free to post, but know that anything else, from now on, will be deleted (which is really just "hidden") by me.

You have chosen your side and it is the wrong one. I only hope that you will realize it at some point.

Cheerio mate.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Please don't crap on old, very good threads by necroposting hate. I'm referring to this:

If you want to continue your little grudge match - keep it in profiles.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

rougy says...

I can sleep well tonight, knowing that somebody finally said it.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I took five days because I wanted to ignore it and move on. The more I thought about it, the more I had to reply. Cute how you're a fucking mean-spirited bastard, who have to attack other people on no grounds.

I'm not certain which behavior you are referring to, but if you are referring to the inflatablevagina incident, then I've settled that with her and that should be that - there's nothing more in that. You had neither the right, nor the knowledge to make statements about what happened there, the fact that you can't help to butt in says much about you.

If you are referring to the lies that came from peggedbea, then you are just running with rumors and taking their side because they are women - you are a sexist.

If you are referring to the way me and alien_concept talked to each other, that is none of your business. You don't understand the "relationship" we had - I only ever reciprocated all that talk, if she didn't want it anymore, she could have told me properly, instead of the shorthanded dismissal thing she sent me. It is not your place to put yourself between other people when you don't know what's going on; it's the same that happened with obsidianfire. Maybe you should burn out too, because your presence isn't welcome or appreciated anymore.

Oooh, people know how "disgusting" I am - no, they don't, they have no fucking idea. And neither do you.

Die in a fire.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Cute how you spend 5 days to come up with a reply.

And I don't care if I "damaged" myself while "defending" people on the sift. Your behaviour was inappropriate and unnecessacory, but despite what I and others had hoped, that seems beyond your comprehension. So whatever your current cute-puppy-theme is all about - just know that most of the sift know what a disgusting person you are.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
There was little to learn about myself from that whole ordeal, but a whole lot to learn about other people. Suffice to say, I'm more careful about what I befriend.

While we're on the subject of learning about ourselves, I want to shine a light on you, since it seems to me that you are completely oblivious of your own stance towards other people - your comments often have an unwarranted air of superiority about them, an "I know better than you" attitude even in things that you really don't like the quoted comment, like that whole thread. You were quick to say what I had to learn and realize, well, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that you don't know everything and not act as if you know better, or are better, than everyone else. You called me a sociopath - that is unforgivable, but I will ignore it, because there's enough fucking drama on the sift as it is. I hope you got a nice warm feeling from riding in your shiny armor to save those poor women who obviously couldn't speak for themselves, but only whisper in the corners, because in many eyes you damaged yourself in that thread much more than you damaged me, and in my eyes you have far more to learn from that thread than I do.

I shouldn't live with "it" on a daily basis, but I do - I was attacked by several people who had no idea what they were talking about, mostly you. You owe me a fucking apology for that, whether you realize it or not.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Yeah, get over it, no one should have to live with it on a daily basis. One thing though - try to learn something from it. Something about yourself. PS. Not meant in a disrespectful manner.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I took five days because I wanted to ignore it and move on. The more I thought about it, the more I had to reply. Cute how you're a fucking mean-spirited bastard, who have to attack other people on no grounds.

I'm not certain which behavior you are referring to, but if you are referring to the inflatablevagina incident, then I've settled that with her and that should be that - there's nothing more in that. You had neither the right, nor the knowledge to make statements about what happened there, the fact that you can't help to butt in says much about you.

If you are referring to the lies that came from peggedbea, then you are just running with rumors and taking their side because they are women - you are a sexist.

If you are referring to the way me and alien_concept talked to each other, that is none of your business. You don't understand the "relationship" we had - I only ever reciprocated all that talk, if she didn't want it anymore, she could have told me properly, instead of the shorthanded dismissal thing she sent me. It is not your place to put yourself between other people when you don't know what's going on; it's the same that happened with obsidianfire. Maybe you should burn out too, because your presence isn't welcome or appreciated anymore.

Oooh, people know how "disgusting" I am - no, they don't, they have no fucking idea. And neither do you.

Die in a fire.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Cute how you spend 5 days to come up with a reply.

And I don't care if I "damaged" myself while "defending" people on the sift. Your behaviour was inappropriate and unnecessacory, but despite what I and others had hoped, that seems beyond your comprehension. So whatever your current cute-puppy-theme is all about - just know that most of the sift know what a disgusting person you are.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
There was little to learn about myself from that whole ordeal, but a whole lot to learn about other people. Suffice to say, I'm more careful about what I befriend.

While we're on the subject of learning about ourselves, I want to shine a light on you, since it seems to me that you are completely oblivious of your own stance towards other people - your comments often have an unwarranted air of superiority about them, an "I know better than you" attitude even in things that you really don't like the quoted comment, like that whole thread. You were quick to say what I had to learn and realize, well, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that you don't know everything and not act as if you know better, or are better, than everyone else. You called me a sociopath - that is unforgivable, but I will ignore it, because there's enough fucking drama on the sift as it is. I hope you got a nice warm feeling from riding in your shiny armor to save those poor women who obviously couldn't speak for themselves, but only whisper in the corners, because in many eyes you damaged yourself in that thread much more than you damaged me, and in my eyes you have far more to learn from that thread than I do.

I shouldn't live with "it" on a daily basis, but I do - I was attacked by several people who had no idea what they were talking about, mostly you. You owe me a fucking apology for that, whether you realize it or not.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Yeah, get over it, no one should have to live with it on a daily basis. One thing though - try to learn something from it. Something about yourself. PS. Not meant in a disrespectful manner.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

rasch187 says...

Cute how you spend 5 days to come up with a reply.

And I don't care if I "damaged" myself while "defending" people on the sift. Your behaviour was inappropriate and unnecessacory, but despite what I and others had hoped, that seems beyond your comprehension. So whatever your current cute-puppy-theme is all about - just know that most of the sift know what a disgusting person you are.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
There was little to learn about myself from that whole ordeal, but a whole lot to learn about other people. Suffice to say, I'm more careful about what I befriend.

While we're on the subject of learning about ourselves, I want to shine a light on you, since it seems to me that you are completely oblivious of your own stance towards other people - your comments often have an unwarranted air of superiority about them, an "I know better than you" attitude even in things that you really don't like the quoted comment, like that whole thread. You were quick to say what I had to learn and realize, well, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that you don't know everything and not act as if you know better, or are better, than everyone else. You called me a sociopath - that is unforgivable, but I will ignore it, because there's enough fucking drama on the sift as it is. I hope you got a nice warm feeling from riding in your shiny armor to save those poor women who obviously couldn't speak for themselves, but only whisper in the corners, because in many eyes you damaged yourself in that thread much more than you damaged me, and in my eyes you have far more to learn from that thread than I do.

I shouldn't live with "it" on a daily basis, but I do - I was attacked by several people who had no idea what they were talking about, mostly you. You owe me a fucking apology for that, whether you realize it or not.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
Yeah, get over it, no one should have to live with it on a daily basis. One thing though - try to learn something from it. Something about yourself. PS. Not meant in a disrespectful manner.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

Is produce from 'Whole Foods' truly organic?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I've said nothing but nice things about your film and given you nothing but encouragement, and this regrettable transformation from blankfist to dourfist does not change this. If you feel the need to continue this sanctimonious tantrum, then by all means do so, but I've never once criticized your art or work ethic, so address your John Galt speech to someone else.

I don't hold grudges and look forward to welcoming the old fun blankfist with open arms when ever he decides to emerge - chest-burster-like - from your current emo carapace.

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

rasch187 says...

Yeah, get over it, no one should have to live with it on a daily basis. One thing though - try to learn something from it. Something about yourself. PS. Not meant in a disrespectful manner.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

rasch187 (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I am.

I'm trying to get over that whole thing, so it depends on my mood. It's basically inversely proportional to how recent I've looked at the talk post, or how vivid it is in my memory. I feel I was very slighted there and I think you owe me an apology for it.

I doubt I will ever get it, but in the mean time I'm trying to, if not bury the hatchet, then let it hang in the cubbard.

In reply to this comment by rasch187:
In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
This is a great tune. If only someone else had posted it, I would have qualitied. I'm carrying grudges that way.

>> ^gwiz665:

You are inconsistent! Thanks for the quality.

Thanks & Apologies & A** Gravity (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

Takes all kinds to make up this crazy place called paradise-

I will continue to refuse to discuss personal grudges with a handful of users in the public forum.

I extend an olive branch in the form of an open invitation for discussion with a view to understanding in private, off-site, to any of the users who feel that they were and are still disrespected without just cause on the threads having to do with my persona here on the sift.

Again, a heartfelt and sincere apology to those I have maligned in the past with reaction rather than thoughtful response.....except NetRunner, for it is my humble opinion he ingests too much Media. I never had a dislike for you NR, simply the content you serves' up. I most likely never will, for you maintain yourself quite well in the face of dissenting OPINION and can scribble pretty good,too....

Simple words. No regrets for my past actions, they are and were what they were. My only regret is the unwillingness of anyone offered discourse to continue to hold dear their frustration and perceived indignation on my part.

Nuff said, I will abide by your request KP and would hope for some future, amicable resolution.

Did I mention I love those funky new handcuffs??
When I lose my "P" and am un-miseried I hope I get to keep them instead of some other, colordy bling.

No more sockpuppets, I used them as a personal test of my ability to slip under the radar and structure choggie's re-instatement, which came in another form altogether. Part of what makes the world a special place, and a stimulating gig to trip on for a spell...

If I get ousted or hobbled again, I won't be back-but don't count on it....oh those who would that choggie suffer some fascist, cop-like indignation again.

Rules are made for the herd, and there to be tweaked by the wolves until the dross falls away revealing gold. This world is the way it is, for want of less restrictions.
Yaaaaawwwwwwwwwn. G'morning.

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