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TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

Drachen_Jager says...

>> ^Deano:

So basically George W Bush was the intellectual high point in recent Republican history?

Not so recent really, you have to go back before Regan to find a Republican president with a properly functioning brain.

TYT - Romney: Why Don't Airplane Windows Roll Down?

Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech 2012

bobknight33 says...

I must be delusional. I find myself agreeing with you. Sifters make strange bedfellows.>> ^Yogi:

>> ^PostalBlowfish:
It's hilarious to me that people can say something like that without mentioning George W. Bush.

It's hilarious to me that Democrats think George W. Bush was so bad when they Revere Clinton who is responsible for 500,000 Iraqi deaths.
Take the wool off of your eyes, our leaders are all bastards doesn't matter what stripe.
Also Clinton supported the Genocide in East Timor.
Jimmy Carter doubled funding to those committing the Genocide by the way, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize. So has Obama, who has been committing targeted assassinations in foreign countries.

Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech 2012

Yogi says...

>> ^PostalBlowfish:

It's hilarious to me that people can say something like that without mentioning George W. Bush.

It's hilarious to me that Democrats think George W. Bush was so bad when they Revere Clinton who is responsible for 500,000 Iraqi deaths.

Take the wool off of your eyes, our leaders are all bastards doesn't matter what stripe.

Also Clinton supported the Genocide in East Timor.

Jimmy Carter doubled funding to those committing the Genocide by the way, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize. So has Obama, who has been committing targeted assassinations in foreign countries.

Bill Clinton's Full DNC Speech 2012

Martin Bashir (MSNBC) Kicks GOP Talking Head Off

doogle says...

President George W. Bush also served the United States. Could we not cast aspersions of his work?

If Martin Bashir continues on like this, he's going to find it difficult to find pundits for his show who are willing to withhold their punditry.

George W. Bush Comedy Flashback

bobknight33 says...

I Don't think so.

Obama and the Democrats had full control and had the ability to pass every thing they wanted. They squandered their time and accomplished very little.
The failure is on Obama and the Democrats.

Obama is running again on the same platform as he did last time.


Obama is an utter failure and Jimmy Carter can die in peace knowing that there was one worse then him.

>> ^PlayhousePals:

>> ^bobknight33:
I don't think so. Obama is so bad that he makes Jimmy Carter look good.
>> ^charliem:
Still the worst president ever.

Perhaps things would be infinitely better had he not faced the concerted effort to thwart his every move in an attempt to insure his failure these past four years.

George W. Bush Comedy Flashback

PlayhousePals says...

>> ^bobknight33:

I don't think so. Obama is so bad that he makes Jimmy Carter look good.
>> ^charliem:
Still the worst president ever.

Perhaps things would be infinitely better had he not faced the concerted effort to thwart his every move in an attempt to insure his failure these past four years.

George W. Bush Comedy Flashback

Save yourself if you're choking and alone

Colin Powell to Romney:"Come on, think!"

VoodooV says...

>> ^DuoJet:

>> ^bareboards2:
Surely this guy can't get elected?

Surely he can get elected. George W. Bush was elected twice.

I think you just highlighted exactly why he couldn't get elected. The system is not designed to attract the best and the brightest and the statesmen who wish to serve and to put the country's interests ahead of their own or ahead of their party.

Left and right both have adopted the lesser of two evils approach In 2004, the left said, "anyone but Bush", and in 2012, the right said, "Anyone but Obama" When you don't really care about your own candidate, you're just voting against the other guy, you've got a broken system.

The first past the post system is a dud. Abolish all parties, vote for the person, not the party. If that means we have 42 candidates instead of 2, then fine. If that means the guy with most votes only represents a small fraction of the total vote...tough. We already have shitty turnout in our elections and presidents are already elected by a small fraction of the populace so really, what's the difference?

and lastly. eliminate all private funding from elections. money is not speech. speech is speech, that's why we have two different words for them. Every candidate gets a publicly funded website to do what they want with it. That's all you fucking need in today's world. no stupid billboards and lawn signs, no commercials. Just a website and a series of debates. That's all we fucking need to make a choice.

It's shit like this that make me wonder if Heinlen isn't right. You can't lead unless you've served. There has to be some demonstration that you're willing to sacrifice. I'm not just talking about military service either, there are plenty of ways of demonstrate selflessness and willingness to serve than just the military. We just have to identify them and ensure that our wannabe leaders abide by it.

[EDIT] Ooops, I thought you were referring to Powell, bareboards and Duo

Colin Powell to Romney:"Come on, think!"

"What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us"

shinyblurry says...

I am aware. Did you notice I responded to some of your points in it like accusing me of not watching the right wing hitjob video?

The rest I didn't bother responding to. But after second thought, I'll respond to the question of whether Obama is extreme to the left or not. And this is a really easy one...

Name a single thing Obama has done that's honestly extreme to the left. An actual policy. I'm not talking a moderate-left policy. Raising taxes on the top income earners from 35-38% wouldn't be an extreme left idea. It's moving the dial a notch or two to the left. If he proposed raising it to 50%, that would be a hard left move.

See, I don't really care if *some* of Obama's appointments are far to the left. I care about policies proposed or enacted.

Not *some*, *most*. Obama governs mostly to the center-left, except for his recent forays into religious freedoms, abortion, and gay marriage. He lets his minions do his dirty work for him.

Yet another thing I get irritated about - characterizing someone you don't like as a political caricature to the extreme side of that political direction. Don't like George W. Bush? Paint him as a Nazi because he's more to the right than you. Don't like Obama? Paint him as a godless communist because he's to the left of you. Of course the extremes in the parties complain their own guys aren't conservative/liberal enough. This way, nobody is happy, and everyone complains about how crappy our gov't is!

I agree, this happens all the time. It is the lens through which everyone seems to understand politics. I just don't think anyone really knows what makes Obama tick, and certainly not what he plans to do in his second term, when he is no long accountable. He is not a traditional democrat, certainly. I think this film may provide some insight:

>> ^heropsycho:

"What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us"

heropsycho says...

I am aware. Did you notice I responded to some of your points in it like accusing me of not watching the right wing hitjob video?

The rest I didn't bother responding to. But after second thought, I'll respond to the question of whether Obama is extreme to the left or not. And this is a really easy one...

Name a single thing Obama has done that's honestly extreme to the left. An actual policy. I'm not talking a moderate-left policy. Raising taxes on the top income earners from 35-38% wouldn't be an extreme left idea. It's moving the dial a notch or two to the left. If he proposed raising it to 50%, that would be a hard left move.

See, I don't really care if *some* of Obama's appointments are far to the left. I care about policies proposed or enacted.

Yet another thing I get irritated about - characterizing someone you don't like as a political caricature to the extreme side of that political direction. Don't like George W. Bush? Paint him as a Nazi because he's more to the right than you. Don't like Obama? Paint him as a godless communist because he's to the left of you. Of course the extremes in the parties complain their own guys aren't conservative/liberal enough. This way, nobody is happy, and everyone complains about how crappy our gov't is!

>> ^shinyblurry:

>> ^heropsycho:
For the record, I AM NOT thin-skinned about Obama. I get pissed off when people criticize Romney for firing people when he worked at Bain, when that was his FREAKING JOB! If he didn't do that, and Bain was unsuccessful, then the left would have attacked him for being a crappy businessman like George W. Bush was with a baseball team. You can't have it both ways.
Or that his dog was tied to the top of the roof on a family vacation...
Or he, along with friends, picked on someone they thought was gay decades ago in prep school, ignoring the fact everybody did stupid things in high school. It has no bearing on them decades later.
It's totally ridiculous, unproductive, divisive, and doesn't do anybody any good whatsoever. But most importantly, it detracts from honest debate about issues that actually matter.
I don't have any problems with people criticizing Obama for real issues. Him being impolite?! I watched your idiotic right-wing bent hit job video. That's impolite for a leader?! They slammed Obama for making comments where he respectfully disagreed with the Supreme Court. What should he have said instead? Did he scream at them? You know, like the dude who screamed "YOU LIED!"? NO! Him being impolite wasn't the issue. Conservatives are really just upset that he voiced his disagreement with their view, and it's spun to accuse him of being rude and disrespectful. It's ridiculous. He took Eric Cantor to task in a political discussion. Did he scream at him? Cuss at him? NO!
Here's the difference:
If you want to criticize Obama for perhaps overstepping his bounds and the ideal of separation of powers when he criticized the Supreme Court decision? Fine, I disagree, but that's an honest debate. I wouldn't be chewing you out for that.
I watched the video. I didn't see a single instance of him being overly impolite as a leader. If that's the case, every single damn president we ever had is an asshole. And where was your outrage then?!
I'm tired of this shit from both sides. I get pissed off at partisan hackery and absurd distortions of the truth. You, sir, are doing that with this drivel about Obama. I don't care if you dislike him as a President. I'm not a big fan, either. But if you're gonna trope this idiotic crap out, expect to get reamed for it by reasonable people.
>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^messenger:
Yeah, I'm gonna vote Romney because he has promised not to put his feet on the coffee table. WTF? This is your criteria for a good President? Until he walks with people, he's a bad President? Get off it.>> ^shinyblurry:
I'd like him to be more polite {video}

Why is everyone so thin skinned about Obama? That's my question. I was being somewhat facetious, although I think the video, while humorous, shows a definite pattern of behavior. In any case, I'm not voting for Romney. Although I share some of his views on social issues, that isn't enough to get me past our theological differences, which are great. My prediction is that Romney will actually be far worse for this country, spiritually, than Obama. That is the reason I won't vote for anyone who doesn't worship God in spirit and in truth.

You responded to the wrong post. You can find the one where I replied to you here:

"What More Do We Want This Man To Do For Us"

shinyblurry says...

>> ^heropsycho:

For the record, I AM NOT thin-skinned about Obama. I get pissed off when people criticize Romney for firing people when he worked at Bain, when that was his FREAKING JOB! If he didn't do that, and Bain was unsuccessful, then the left would have attacked him for being a crappy businessman like George W. Bush was with a baseball team. You can't have it both ways.
Or that his dog was tied to the top of the roof on a family vacation...
Or he, along with friends, picked on someone they thought was gay decades ago in prep school, ignoring the fact everybody did stupid things in high school. It has no bearing on them decades later.
It's totally ridiculous, unproductive, divisive, and doesn't do anybody any good whatsoever. But most importantly, it detracts from honest debate about issues that actually matter.
I don't have any problems with people criticizing Obama for real issues. Him being impolite?! I watched your idiotic right-wing bent hit job video. That's impolite for a leader?! They slammed Obama for making comments where he respectfully disagreed with the Supreme Court. What should he have said instead? Did he scream at them? You know, like the dude who screamed "YOU LIED!"? NO! Him being impolite wasn't the issue. Conservatives are really just upset that he voiced his disagreement with their view, and it's spun to accuse him of being rude and disrespectful. It's ridiculous. He took Eric Cantor to task in a political discussion. Did he scream at him? Cuss at him? NO!
Here's the difference:
If you want to criticize Obama for perhaps overstepping his bounds and the ideal of separation of powers when he criticized the Supreme Court decision? Fine, I disagree, but that's an honest debate. I wouldn't be chewing you out for that.
I watched the video. I didn't see a single instance of him being overly impolite as a leader. If that's the case, every single damn president we ever had is an asshole. And where was your outrage then?!
I'm tired of this shit from both sides. I get pissed off at partisan hackery and absurd distortions of the truth. You, sir, are doing that with this drivel about Obama. I don't care if you dislike him as a President. I'm not a big fan, either. But if you're gonna trope this idiotic crap out, expect to get reamed for it by reasonable people.
>> ^shinyblurry:
>> ^messenger:
Yeah, I'm gonna vote Romney because he has promised not to put his feet on the coffee table. WTF? This is your criteria for a good President? Until he walks with people, he's a bad President? Get off it.>> ^shinyblurry:
I'd like him to be more polite {video}

Why is everyone so thin skinned about Obama? That's my question. I was being somewhat facetious, although I think the video, while humorous, shows a definite pattern of behavior. In any case, I'm not voting for Romney. Although I share some of his views on social issues, that isn't enough to get me past our theological differences, which are great. My prediction is that Romney will actually be far worse for this country, spiritually, than Obama. That is the reason I won't vote for anyone who doesn't worship God in spirit and in truth.

You responded to the wrong post. You can find the one where I replied to you here:

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