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Resettling The ResidentsOf MarALago

Cocaine Found In West Wing

newtboy says...

The projection is strong with this one.

That’s days before Hunter’s visit, not hours after dumbshit, and there’s been no footage found of Hunter entering that area, which is recorded like every public space in the Whitehouse and that footage would definitely have been “leaked” if he was on camera going in that room.
Hunter was filmed at Camp David on Friday, the cocaine found Sunday in an area searched every single day. One person thinks they saw Hunter outside the whitehouse Friday morning in a car, but no footage exists, but even if he had been there on Friday, how do you explain it’s not being found Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning during any of the multiple daily searches of the area?
The baggie was found next to cubbies where visitors store their cell phones near the public entrance to the West wing, not private areas where the president’s family might be. The president’s family doesn’t normally enter through the main West Wing entrance, and aren’t required to check their cell phones at the public check in cubbies. Public West wing tours happened Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Sorry buddy. You just can’t stretch this enough to blame even Hunter, much less Joe. I know you’ll still try, but your flapping gums are never truthful and everyone here knows it well. Those claiming this belongs to Hunter with no evidence are opening themselves up to defamation lawsuits…in his case they could be worth tens of millions or more. Enjoy the lawsuits! MAGA shelling out tens of millions or more over lies they spread is becoming a near daily thing.

Go hide from reality as you ALWAYS do. I know when more facts come out and it’s further proven impossible to be Hunter’s, you won’t retract your accusation, you’ll just hide from your intentional misread of reality and baseless accusations again like you do every single time you claim to know something only to have reality pimp slap the shit out of you in rapid succession.

Remember how BLM stormed the Capitol, led by ANTIFA on Jan 6 trying to install Trump as their president?
Remember how Pelosi’s husband’s boyfriend attacked him with a hammer in a lovers spat?
Remember how BLM shot at cops in Berkeley in 2020, and planted bombs?
Remember how Covid was a nothing burger that should be ignored and allowed to run its course, a plan designed to infect every American, which would end up killing up to 3% (or more because hospitals would be over capacity) and disabling up to 10% (or more from lack of care)?
Remember the whistleblowers…and the 17 audio tapes?
Remember your hilarious claim that Benjamin Franklin would be anti pornography!?!
Those are just a few of the hundreds of insane lies you’ve spouted in the last few years, not one having a scintilla of fact attached, not one retracted or admitted wrong when PROVEN to be utter bullshit nonsense and pure fabrication created out of whole cloth to hide your fascist people’s hatred of America, it’s values, and it’s people.

Nice try deflecting from the now 71 felonies and two more election fraud and sedition investigations he’s currently facing on top of multiple civil cases, that’s 71+ serious treasonous and seditious felonies Trump is facing with more coming. Nice attempt to hide from that reality, as you always do. 😂 sucker.

Test Don Jr for cocaine, then talk to me about Hunter. 🤦‍♂️ ask him how Gavin’s dick tastes while you’re at it.

Hunter lives rent free in that abandoned empty space between your ears. You’re more addicted to him than he was to crack. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

Disneyland’s Fantasmic Dragon Engulfed In Flames!

Gavin Newsom Wins Recall Election In Landslide

newtboy (Member Profile)

Gavin Newsom Wins Recall Election In Landslide

Russian helicopter accidentally fires on reporters

StukaFox says...

There's a famous poem about an incident that happened in Britain during WW2 in which an exhibition of Spitfire gunfire accuracy ended rather badly when the pilot mistook that viewing stand as the target and raked spectators and high-ranking military observers alike.

A lot of people died.


I can't find a link to the damned poem; it's named "Incident, Second World War" by Gavin Ewart.

Trump’s Voter Fraud Lies Are a Fundraising Scam

StukaFox says...

So how exactly does this nefarious plan work? It must have been pulled off by the same team who did 9/11, since thousand and thousands of people would need to be involved without anyone snitching. Of course, "the left" is funded by George Soro and Bill Gates, but who do you think the ring leader is? I'm betting it's Gavin Newsom because he's all smart and stuff. Unlike you.

Chaucer said:

These are real affidavits uncovering the ways that the left have rigged the election.

YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017 | #YouTubeRewind

radx says...

It's two for me: Gavin and Dan. Didn't recognize anyone else, not even when they listed the names at the end.

Speaks to the diversity of content on YT, doesn't it. At least for the time being, until the next adpocalypse or problems at Patreon.

eric3579 said:

I think i saw four or five YouTubers i knew and or sometimes watch. Weird because i watch a shit ton of videos.

10 Things Canadians Don't Know About Americans

Imagoamin says...

Oh yay, it's Gavin McInnes, the white nationalist dude that got booted from the company he founded for being even worse than the rest of Vice...

" McInnes has referred to Asian-Americans as "slopes" and "riceballs," suggested Muslims are "stupider" and "more violent" due to inbreeding, defended blackface because some minstrel shows were "just mimicking black people" and "fun," backed the racist comments of Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, and argued that to yell the n-word at someone is "not racist" but "just very rude."

10 Things Canadians Don't Know About Americans

Fox Guest So Vile & Sexist Even Hannity Cringes

eric3579 says...

I think it's pretty apparent by the articles below, he's a professional troll. I'm sure fox knows what he is and has him around cus hes good for ratings. Kinda surprised TYT got sucked in. Hmmm maybe they are just as bad as the rest of the media when it comes to checking out who and what they are reporting on OR maybe they know and are doing it for the clicks. That would be disappointing but not surprising.

"It became irresistible to goad people and corner them into conversations about controversial politics because they were so hysterical and easy to anger," McInnes wrote, trying to explain how he had been misquoted as a white supremacist in a news article because of a prank he'd pulled. "Plus, incendiary political statements garnered endless publicity for us, and playing with mainstream media became a fun game."

The full article tells the story i think

A letter he wrote to gawker long ago on his antics

Fox Guest So Vile & Sexist Even Hannity Cringes

Fox Guest So Vile & Sexist Even Hannity Cringes

kir_mokum says...

just so everyone knows, gavin mcinnes is essentially a professional asshole. he was one of the 3 people who started vice mag (to get money for more drugs) then got booted out 'cause he's, well, just an asshole. i'm not totally sure what he believes but i'm pretty sure he thinks this is all hilarious.

lurgee (Member Profile)

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