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Little Girl Puts On Lipstick All By Herself

BSR says...

Lying comes naturally to ALL kids.

As for dad "encouraging" it, you have no idea what took place after the camera was turned off. The kid is probably in the hospital right now with belt marks all over her back and a couple of missing fingers.

newtboy said:

She is going to be serious trouble in about 10 years.
Lying comes naturally to her, and dad is encouraging it.

Why Shell's Marketing is so Disgusting

bcglorf says...


Walking backwards to simplify, my main point is that simply blaming ALL fossil fuel usage on the company providing the fossil fuel is stupid and misleading in the extreme. We don't see millions of people willingly abandoning fossil fuels and living in abject poverty to save the world, instead they are all very willing and eagerly buying them and this video lets all those people off the hook. This video lets everybody keep using fossil fuels, and at the same time pointing the finger at Shell and saying it's all their fault. It's an extremely detrimental piece of disinformation.

"explain what, specifically, I claimed that's not supported by the science."
-Complete collapse of the food web
-Wars over hundreds of millions or billions of refugees
-Loss of most farm land and hundreds of major cities to the sea
-Loss of well over 1/2 the producers of O2
-Eventual clouds of hydrogen sulfide from the ocean covering the land
-Runaway greenhouse cycles making the planet uninhabitable for thousands if not hundreds of thousands or even millions of years

Filibuster: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

HenningKO says...

"a bunch of trashbags from a Cracker Barrel dumpster brought to life by an ancient curse when a clown fucked a car alarm"

*fingers to mouth... *mwah

Trump Commits A Crime To Lie About Dorian Hitting Alabama

Sagemind says...

Agreed, but I'm referring to the legal system, which is translated as the Rich can do anything they want and no one lifts a finger to stop them while the poor can't walk backwards without going to jail for it.

BSR said:

If the only humans on earth were the top 1% there would still be poor people at the bottom.

Always with MEOW - OST Spirited Away (Studio Ghibli)

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Good find. hope they find more fraud.

Why doesn't Trump Tweet the F out of this you aks.

Probably same reason Policy and Cummings dont talk about their shit hole cities. No one likes to point the finger at themselves.

Dose CA have a good voter ID in their state?

Would be great if all states used an ID to vote, and a paper ballot.

newtboy said:

Have you heard of Gustavo Lerma (aka Hiram Enrique Velez) ?

Trump finally found the illegal alien voter he's spent millions searching for, so why isn't he tweet raging about him?
(Annoyed grunt)

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

Congratulations Jigga!

Level up for you! I never knew that about you. If you've mentioned it in the past, I missed it. You should speak about that more often. It gives more answers about how to not be a racist rather than convincing someone they are.

I'm glad were joined in the conversation together.

I'm not asking you to keep your mouth shut. I'm saying you're not being heard. Racism is symptom of a much deeper problem. If you don't get to the root you will always be pulling weeds.

Yes, you can act alone.

All alone, or in two's
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists
Make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall

Isn't this where -Pink Floyd


There is magic at your fingers
For the spirit ever lingers -Rush

JiggaJonson said:


I already donate regularly to my local children's hospital, give any spare change I have to people you describe, and work at an inner city school where I keep boxes of cereal (it's cheap and vitamin packed and the kids like it) because my students come up to me on a somewhat regular basis hungry.

But as an individual, it's easy to act alone. To combat what one considers bad-public-policy, one must join the conversation.

What are you really asking me to do here? Someone posts some racist memes and I'm to keep my mouth shut because it won't do anything. I do not agree.

I can act alone, but to change policy it starts by having conversations about perceived ills in society. Forgive me but keep your stoic silence to yourself and I'll keep talking if the spirit moves me.

The Brain-Eating Amoebas of Kerosene Creek

noims says...

"You're more at risk, frankly, from shoving your finger up your nose and then touching a cut accidentally than you are from having your brain eaten by an amoeba."

Words to live by.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

newtboy says...

Read it, it said almost exactly that.

"The entire religion of Islam is simply the violent ideology of a sixth century despot masquerading as a religious leader, which justifies endless war against anyone who opposes it and calls for the murder of unbelievers and apostates.
The truth is Islam is not like any other faith. It is the religious equivalent of fascism, and just because the followers of this savage belief were not the killers in this instance does not make them blameless.....
....Those who follow a violent religion that calls on them to murder us can not be surprised when someone takes them at their word and responds in kind."

He clearly says ALL who follow Islam. He says they are all fanatics. His speech did not include the words homosexual, Jews, free speech, or woman, you added that in it's entirety.

The dumb lie that no one condemns the destructive parts of islam is ludicrous. People are lining up to shoot Muslims over these usually ignored parts of the Koran, not egg them. Christianity has all the same requirements to murder non believers and apostates, the same violent prescriptions against women's rights, Jews, Homosexuals, atheists, inpious people, nonchristian people living where they want to, etc. and has actively done so for centuries, and it creates plenty of viciously violent fanatical terrorists too, obviously. Why does he not attack them as well?.....hmmmm.....since these related religions share so much of their doctrine, what's different about the average worshipper....hmmmmmmm......just can't put my finger on it.

transmorpher said:

No such thing is in the transcript I linked.

He specifically called out fanatical Muslims, the ones that hate homosexuals, Jews, free speech, and woman's rights.

Granted, Anning himself probably hates homosexuals, Jews, free speech and woman's rights too.... but the difference is that we have plenty of people lining up to condemn him for it, literally lining up to egg him for it.

But if someone stands up for the same rights, and they point the finger at someone who isn't a white christian male, they get attacked by lefties.

It's not consistent. Even poor Ayan Hirsi Ali gets called a racist, don't ask me how that works.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

transmorpher says...

No such thing is in the transcript I linked.

He specifically called out fanatical Muslims, the ones that hate homosexuals, Jews, free speech, and woman's rights.

Granted, Anning himself probably hates homosexuals, Jews, free speech and woman's rights too.... but the difference is that we have plenty of people lining up to condemn him for it, literally lining up to egg him for it.

But if someone stands up for the same rights, and they point the finger at someone who isn't a white christian male, they get attacked by lefties.

It's not consistent. Even poor Ayan Hirsi Ali gets called a racist, don't ask me how that works.

newtboy said:

He was saying Muslims are evil, and their existence naturally leads to right wing terrorists, who aren't to blame.

Racist Australian Senator egged by hero kid

transmorpher says...

You've just proved exactly what I'm talking about.

You can't prove anything he said was racist, so we go straight to the lefty thing of calling me "low" because you've mistaken moral outrage for an actual argument.

You live close to Western Sydney if you are from NZ. Go there dressed with the slightest hint of being homosexual, Jewish, or if you are female show a little bit of leg. You'll see the real bigotry and intolerance very quickly. This is what you are defending by not talking about it, and simply pointing the finger and yelling racist.

Don't get me wrong, Anning is a racist fuck head. I'm not defending him. I just hate lefties because of the reasons I've described.

ChaosEngine said:

From the image you posted:
"The real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place"

No, the real cause is a racist fuck head with a gun who decided to murder innocent people.

Also, maybe do a couple of seconds of research before posting. Anning is a well known racist dickbag who has spoken before about a "final solution".

You can ignore it and play semantics all you want, but there's no question of his position.

Also, your ignorance is really showing when you start talking about "lefties" condemning him, when he was condemned by Australian PM Scott fucking Morrison who's about as left-wing as Paul Ryan.

I never had much respect for you transmorpher, but this is a new low even for you.

James Hill, "Billie Jean" With His Imaginary Band

Sexual Assault of Men Played for Laughs

bcglorf says...

No, I understand just fine you only want to discuss torture as a means of interrogation and even then with more caveats on what counts as meaningful results. What I am pointing out is that torture, violence and rape ARE used for other purposes and do so successfully. You insist on entirely ignoring that, you might as well stuff your fingers in your ears and yell 'i'm not listening'.

JiggaJonson said:

I'm sorry, you have misunderstood me.

What I mean to say is that your post that included the example does not contain an actual example, only a generalization devoid of any reference.

I don't trust that you are a reliable source of information on the history of Saddam Heussane's use of torture and whether or not his results could deem an interrogation effective.

You are speaking generally enough that I'd like evidince I can inspect for myself before I take your word on this or that point being factual or definite.

In other words, I did read your comment and found it unconvincing in terms of substance.

Or in other words, I don't believe you know what you're talking about.

Near 100 Captive Orcas & Belugas at Risk of Freezing Drownin

Mordhaus says...

Sadly, I am sure it is for much the same reason Japan gave up on faking scientific reasons for whale kills and just basically gave the international community the middle finger.

That reason is that we quit trying to force/persuade/negotiate other countries into doing what is right and no other country (or group of countries) cares to take our place, or they haven't figured out how to do it.

I'm sure the EU/UN/some other nations are frothing about it, but they'll never DO anything so who cares?

newtboy said:

Most orca and beluga populations are endangered. I cannot fathom how they could be captured and kept in tiny pens for sale under international law.
Boycott any Russian products, or European products made with Russian parts or energy if you want to see change. Voting with your wallet is far more powerful than voting with your vote or voice.
Upvote for exposure, not support of the practice.

Celebrities Freaking Out Over Meeting Other Celebrities

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