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BSR (Member Profile)

Skateboard Magic

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

fuzzyundies says...

Human terminal velocity is around 120mph when falling in breathable altitudes in a belly-down (flat) position. Pulling in your limbs will get you closer to 200mph, which is roughly what a peregrine falcon hits in its dive and in the ballpark of what a .30-06 round in freefall (ie, after being fired straight up) would reach. Professional speed skydivers fly head-down and reach 330mph. The higher you start, the lower air density and thus higher terminal velocity you get. Felix Baumgartner jumped from 128,000 feet and reached 840mph.


Liberal Redneck - Mueller Report Schmueller Report

newtboy says...

No, Bob, that's called projection. Your head has always been in the clouds.

There is obstruction there. No question. It will be assumed to be felonious obstruction without a full release of the investigation, something already being fought against by Trump even as he tells you he wants it released. This report specifically did not exonerate Trump, so of course he lies and says it does...and of course you take his word over the report summation itself about the report itself. *facepalm. I wonder why I talk to you, you tell me you think I'm intelligent, knowledgeable, and communicate well, but never does a fact make it past your ears (eyes). You admit Trump is a massive, professional liar and fraud, yet you believe every word he tells you. It's simply asinine and mirrors the actions of someone with serious mental deficiencies or disorders.

YOU want to play this game another 6+ years....with Clinton, a private citizen already cleared by multiple investigations over multiple never ending politically motivated accusations already spending 10 times the money and effort to nail her, and your bubble was burst and your dreams of charges went bust....but you want more...More...MORE.

No, I am not the one of us in a bubble....never was. I held no illusions that this investigation would publish any findings that would make a difference, being politically stymied as it was, nor that there would be any consequences if it did because it was led by republicans, controlled by republicans, and any consequences relied on republicans to do their job and not kowtow to their great exalted leader. Since you people are all brain dead sycophants who love Trump exponentially more than America I never had any illusions it might matter or change any minds. I was correct.

Funny how as recently as last week this report was all lies and a purely political hit piece, a witch hunt created by unprofessional frauds and liars and based on lies that should be discarded out of hand because it's so tainted it's worthless, and this week it's an unimpeachable Trump vindication (even though it's blatantly not) prepared by honorable professionals that did a great job. *facepalm

Now, the multiple felonious state charges in states not controlled by republicans, those might stick, but won't matter a whit to your ilk. He won't be jailed, so you'll gladly vote for a felon....again.

So the great divider gets to lie more about the findings and erode our international standing, political discourse, and civility farther and you get to kiss his feet and prepubescently thumb your nose at anyone not following suit....while our union dissolves and we slide towards dissolution. Enjoy. Your kids get to live in the hell you're creating.

bobknight33 said:

You head is lost in the clouds.

There is no there there. Do we need to continue to play this game another 6 years?

Your bubble was burst and you dreams of collusion went bust .

CHP Chase Ends With Breakdancing

CrushBug (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your comment on Plane Ran Out of Fuel at 41,000 Feet. Here's What Happened. has just received enough votes from the community to earn you 1 Power Point. Thank you for your quality contribution to VideoSift.

Trump Is Losing the Shutdown Fight: A Closer Look

RFlagg says...

I don't get how Trump and the GOP say the Democrats need to be willing to negotiate. They are offering $1.6 Billion in additional funding. But Trump is acting like Veruca Salt, and stomping his feet, saying he wants $5.7 Billion, and he wants it now. That's not how negotiations work. You want $5.7, they offer $1.6, you come down to say $4.6, they come back at $2.3, you come back with $4 and permanent residence status for Dreamers, they come back with $3 and permanent resident status, then you meet at $3.5 and permanent resident status. You don't just keep acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum and demanding the $5.7, and if you don't get it, the other side is the one's being unreasonable.

The "Pro-life" party, that loves the death penalty and war, so not really pro-life at all, is now holding millions of Americans (800k, plus their families, plus the millions of people who depend on those services) hostage in an act of economic terrorism, until the other side fully caves into their demands. They are the ones not willing to negotiate, but are doing some 1984 level doublespeak, and blaming it all on the Democrats. And the Fox News types are eating it up, which is probably why Trump thinks he's winning. "Just look. Steve says I'm doing good and that all real Americans support me."

They need to pass a law, that Congress, their aids and staff, the President, their aids and staff, the White House aids and staff... all don't get paid on any shutdown. If they've already given up their salary (I love how Trump followers commend Trump for giving up his salary, while ignoring he makes more a year off the Secret Service than he would in years of salary) then they have to reimburse that salary they would have made in that time. Congress and the President may not take back pay, and it takes a 60% vote to authorize the aids and staff back pay, but only if all other Federal workers also get their back pay first in a separate and prior authorization.

Old Guy Takes Down Two Big Trees

Stormsinger says...

The only time we ever cut a tree, we were shocked at how far it "jumped" with the final cut. The base of the trunk flew at least 12-15 feet, coming -way- too close to the truck supplying the tension. That pulley allowing the truck to supply tension from a different direction is nothing short of brilliant. If only youtube had been available in the 70s, we too could have been smart.

The Deadly Logistics of Climbing Everest

eric3579 says...

I got up to 13,550 ft. at Annapurna base camp. I woke up after being there overnight with altitude sickness which was the most horrible thing. Once i got down a couple thousand feet the illness went away. Here is a pic i took from base camp of Annapurna

(edit) and since i'm sharing here are a few pics i took while trekking in Nepal

Warehouse Jenga

Buttle says...

You're serious! Anybody that lost his feet in that shit died.

newtboy said:

Maybe...I thought he's likely just been swept off his feet, but it's possible he got crushed. There's surprisingly little info about this to be found.

Warehouse Jenga

newtboy says...

Maybe...I thought he's likely just been swept off his feet, but it's possible he got crushed. There's surprisingly little info about this to be found.

Buttle said:

I wouldn't take a bet on whether the forklift driver survived, but the guy standing on the right hand side of the screen is pretty clearly buried -- if he made it was a miracle.

White House revokes CNN reporters press pass

Briguy1960 says...

If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.
[formal, disapproval]
A man had accosted me in the street. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: confront, challenge, address, stop More Synonyms of accost
COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
Word Frequency
accost in British
(əˈkɒst )
1. (transitive)
to approach, stop, and speak to (a person), as to ask a question, accuse of a crime, solicit sexually, etc

It is suggesting the police were in error or were being rude at best.
This is how most people of my generation would understand the term.
So all I have to do is shed my clothes now and let things swing in the wind and I can do whatever I please, even coming within feet of the potus?
I don't think It would be a pretty picture/outcome for several reasons.
Biased reporting.
Just because Fox does it doesn't make it right.
You admit you can't even stand watching Fox for more than a couple of minutes.
You therefore have no ground to stand on.
You must endure it until your hair starts falling out as I have with CNN.
That's about 5 minutes.

Another definition might work as well.
The reporter constantly berated,grandstanded and hogged the microphone refusing to show an ounce of decorum.
He pulled an Acosta.

newtboy said:

No sir. There is a world of difference between slight bias in reports about the nationalistic leader who continues to attack all actual news reporters like a 2 year old and direct his terroristic followers to attack them as enemies of the people and a deeper level of bias against all non right wingers paired with outright campaigning for the same anti free press candidates. still defend Fox as having reporting but claim you don't need someone to bend facts? Bending facts like using proper English to describe a scene? But reporting on the birther movement for years as true, and the ridiculous waste of money named the Benghazi investigation, continued denial of climate science, etc. does bother you? Fox doesn't bend fact, they omit it. They don't get credit for using 5% (yes, that's exaggerated) truth to sell their lies.

I watched Chris Wallace interview Conway just yesterday (for as long as I could stand it, which admittedly was only a few minutes), his questions were ok, but delivered with a slow underhand pitch and with no follow-up or contradiction of her ridiculous rambling factless replies. That's not good reporting, it's being the setup for spreading their agenda/propaganda.

You think CNN goes to far by using words like "accost" to describe 3 policemen tackling a topless woman in tights, and while you claim to have looked up the definition , you still claim the word is somehow loaded and not proper. Please explain.

When the police were going after the fleeing armed supporters of Mr Bundie under Obama I think you likely called them violent thugs who attacked that poor innocent man unnecessarily....Fox did. That man was armed and an anti American terrorist, but right wing so Fox called him a strong patriotic American standing up for American values that the unAmerican Kenyan thug in the Whitehouse wanted to murder.
There is no equivalence. Fox is (disgusting unAmerican) entertainment, not news. There is no right wing news outlet, they are all propaganda outlets and little more today.
The Ministry of Truth doesn't need fact, you will believe any nonsense they tell you to, even when it contradicts what they had you believe yesterday. They have you believing any non Trump biased news is fake news reported with hyper liberal bias, even in other countries, but Fox has good reporting and less bias.


English is hard

ChaosEngine says...

We'll begin with box, and the plural is boxes;
But the plural of ox should be oxen, not oxes.

Then one fowl is goose, but two are called geese,
Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,
Yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.

If the plural of man is always called men,
Why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?

The cow in the plural may be cows or kine,
But the plural of vow is vows, not vine.

I speak of my foot and show you my feet,
If I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?

If one is a tooth, and a whole set are teeth,
Why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?

If the singular is this and the plural is these,
Why shouldn't the plural of kiss be named kese?

Then one may be that, and three may be those,
Yet the plural of hat would never be hose;

We speak of a brother, and also of brethren,
But though we say mother, we never say methren.

The masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
But imagine the feminine she, shis, and shim!

So our English, I think, you all will agree,
Is the craziest language you ever did see.

I take it you already know
Of tough and bough and cough and dough?

Others may stumble, but not you,
On hiccough, thorough, slough, and through?

Well done! And now you wish, perhaps
To learn of less familiar traps?

Beware of heard, a dreadful word,
That looks like beard and sounds like bird.

And dead; it's said like bed, not bead;
For goodness sake, don't call it deed!

Watch out for meat and great and threat;
They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.

A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother, broth in brother.

And here is not a match for there,
Or dear and fear for bear and pear.

And then there's dose and rose and lose,
Just look them up, and goose and choose.

And cork and work and card and ward,
And font and front and word and sword.

And do and go, then thwart and cart.
Come, come, I've hardly made a start.

A dreadful language? Why, man alive,
I'd learned to talk it when I was five,
And yet to write it, the more I tried,
I hadn't learned it at fifty-five!

Monsoon V

shagen454 says...

Yeah people are moronic about flooding during monsoons, that's why we in Arizona have a "stupid motorist" law that charges them for their own rescue.

Not only a month ago I was driving back to AZ from San Diego and it was pouring the whole way back. Got back to Tucson and it was cold and clouds everywhere. Next day decided to go to this awesome canyon because I knew there would be water and after a rain like that the Sonoran desert becomes gloriously green. Basically the whole canyon park is split by a wash that turns into a raging river and on this occasion the water was flooding over all of the bridges essentially making half the canyon park inaccessible.

Then, out of the blue comes this young guy walking super fast holding his two daughters' hands, began to cross the flooded bridge, the water was about two feet deep but it was moving fast. Luckily, a park ranger stopped him, but those two little kids probably would have been swept away and drowned. Later, on we saw a rescue heli go up and saw on the news that someone had been swept away because they tried to cross.

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