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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Estimated by diaper Don and his criminally indicted sycophants like the mayor who think 10000 is the same as 100000 and that you are dumb enough to believe them still (they’re right, you are). Trump told the mayor how many to report, the mayor went out and repeated the lie. Here’s your 80000 notice it’s much closer to 15000 maybe far less, the maximum capacity of the venue was 20000 and it was not full and over half left DURING TRUMP’S SPEECH. They aren’t coming for him anymore, they come for the maggots so they can be with like minded idiots and not rational people telling them how stupid they are constantly.
Biggest Biden event…$26 million verified.

Leave YOUR (possessive form friendo) head up YOUR ass, leave the shit in YOUR ears, eyes, mouth, and brain cavity because you clearly like it. YOU’RE (short for you are) a long lost cause, you abandoned reality in 2016 to pretend a business failure, cheat, and fraud, rapist, constant debt welcher, racist, philanderer, and a man who publicly bragged about his pedophilic incestuous fantasies about his own daughter was a Christian paragon of virtue and man of the people, and you are such an insecure child you cannot admit you were so incredibly wrong, so you double down on wrong time and time again. Sucker.
Uh-oh…Biden now up 6%.
Uh-oh…after business record disclosures in his NY business fraud case, Trump is now being investigated for double dipping on hundreds of millions in losses from his failed Chicago building which may (will) be determined to be MORE tax fraud to the tune of $100 million.

So, Real men wear Diapers or Diapers over Dems? We are waiting! Inquiring minds want to know….I want to know! 😂

bobknight33 said:

The Orange Maggot got estimated 80,000
Biden biggest event? 500?

Take you head out of you ass, wipe the shit off you eyes and ears and truly listen.

But your a lost cause. You love begin buried in shit.

Simulation of two black holes merging

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy sheep shit! The CIA has released information about a plot by Trump/Kushner in Oct 2020 to set up a secret communication channel with Russia using Russian diplomatic facilities in order to avoid any American monitoring of the pre-inauguration discussions (but clearly Russia would know all). Just one more instance of maga selling America to our long term enemies, in your eyes another “nothingburger” like every crime Trump commits, but if Biden did anything close it would be treason that requires a civil war.

Meanwhile maga representatives are saying on camera that everything they do in the House of Representatives should be about electing Trump…not protecting America, not improving the economy, not addressing immigration, not working to solve America’s issues, not anything positive, just help Donny….but nooooo…it’s not a cult. 😂

The judge actually corrected VonShitsinpants’s lies from the bench, namely the idiotic lie that the gag order means he cannot testify, a pure total lie he’s telling his moronic followers to excuse his not testifying…because there’s no way in hell he’s testifying without convicting himself of multiple crimes, he’s absolutely incapable, everybody knows it. It seems he was trying to set up an ineffectual council defense pretending his lawyer told him the gag order stops him from testifying or is even in effect inside court…the judge destroyed that weak attempt by correcting the lie on the record, Trump CAN testify, he chooses not to, just like every other case he’s been convicted of, he never testifies, it’s the smartest move he’s ever made.
His second chair lawyer ruined her legal reputation today arguing with Merchan over getting pre approval to violate the gag order again by retweeting posts that violate the orders, which is not a thing. The judge obviously turned them down, saying the order is crystal clear on its face, judges don’t give advisory opinions to defendants, and if they’re unsure if they’re about to violate the order AGAIN maybe just don’t post it, duh.

Came out today from people in the room that when sanctions were being set he tried to remove China from the countries being sanctioned because Xi was nice to him on the phone and so he promised he would.
Also in court today, Trump and Cohen on tape discussing setting up payments to his mistresses, how to hide the payments and not pay in cash, etc. 😂


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Barron is appealing this ruling. He doesn’t want Sleepy Don gassing his entire school.

Sleepy Don again fell asleep in court, sharting his life away, and is apoplectic with his lawyer for not attacking the jury and judge (what an utter moron). He’s claiming he didn’t know McDougal or Daniels, but both are in his address book, phone, and call records (and photos). He’s complaining about spending so much time in court, and complaining the case is going too fast…basically he’s just complaining about everything and falling apart before our eyes. He’s complaining about being forced to sit at a desk for up to 4 hours a day while running for a job that entails sitting at a desk all day most days (if you do the job that is). He constantly whines that he can’t campaign, but doesn’t campaign on the days off he golfs.

Trump won’t stipulate to videos of himself so the prosecutor is bringing in witnesses to verify them while the jury watches Trump deny everything he’s said in the past while it’s proven on video with witnesses. Could he be more stupid? I don’t see how.

Just so you know your boy….

newtboy said:

He also finally ruled on Donald going to Barron’s graduation and said he may

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wait…you know I don’t follow the trials?
You know this because I send you a half dozen Trump courtroom failures a day that you pretended you didn’t read (despite referencing) because the facts presented contradict your ridiculous narrative? Silly boy. Because you can’t comprehend what’s happening doesn’t mean others aren’t following along. 😂 I can only explain it to you, I can’t understand it for you.

Trump insiders are beginning to publicly wonder what they’ll do when Trump isn’t their candidate, admitting that his mental state is not at all well and deteriorating rapidly under the pressure of trial(s), his court cases are hurting badly (despite claims they would help) and he’s refusing to campaign even in his 3 free days a week out of court (he needs that money, can’t waste it on rallies).

Meanwhile Biden speaks off the cuff at events like the correspondent dinner (that Trump avoided like a coward knowing he couldn’t tell jokes or be funny even with the teleprompter) where he once again killed it on stage, being sharp, witty, and with great timing. Sleepy Joe sure is bright eyed and bushy tailed, rational and intelligent, vibrant and focused whenever you see him unedited, must be adrenochrome, right?

The RNC has a maximum of 6 months to dump Trump, but he knew that was coming and nepatized the RNC 100% so now it’s nothing but a cash cow for his personal legal bills and won’t drop him if he’s in prison. He decimated the entire party. So much for “I won’t take a dime, I’m going to self fund my campaign”, right? Now he takes every dime and doesn’t spend any of his money at all, he even pays himself to stay at his own properties. 😂 Just another blatant lie you ignore in a never ending string of lies.

bobknight33 said:

Yep Trump will loose in his highly biased Judge and Jury, Just like all the other trials. Trump will have to win on appeals, dealing with less biased judges.

I know you dont follow the trials, Your IQ is too low to follow.

On the other hand Joey B mental capacity is failing daily.
When do you think the DNC will SWAP him and the useless VP? The DNC got 4 months to dump sleepy Joe.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I know that’s his excuse for such horrific performance, but it’s more nonsense. He won’t get an appeal, there’s no misconduct, the judge is more than fair, the jury remains to be seen but if there’s a single maggot empaneled who would have lied to be on it it’s absolutely not, so far the judge has been giving defendant Trump far more leeway and second and third chances without repercussions than any other defendant has ever enjoyed. 😂
The only actual biased judge handling his cases (besides the Supreme Court) is Cannon who is clearly and undeniably bending and breaking the law in Trump’s favor, and using her court calendar to shield him from any other prosecutions before the election, and trying multiple methods to throw the case that have been reversed. The other judges YOU say are biased have not been reversed because they aren’t biased, in fact they were investigated based on Trump’s suggestion they are biased and found to be impartial and fair by a panel of judges including Trump appointees.

Buddy, my IQ is double yours. You can’t read or write at a third grade level, I read and wrote at college level in 6th grade, took AP chemistry in 7th, and AP B-C Calculus in high school. You struggled through trade school, I went to college for 10 years for fun. Don’t ever compare your complete lack of intellect with my intelligence and intellectual curiosity.

Joe only looks impaired when edited to look that way, every time you have actually watched him speak you admitted he spoke surprisingly well and logically, so you stopped watching him and now just repeat what liars say he said, because you are an idiotic tool afraid of reality. If you apply the same measure of cognitive ability to Trump, Trump is exponentially worse at every turn every time, any clip for clip. Trump can’t complete sentences, or even words often, and is in fact incapable of staying awake for an even just few hours a day during a trial he absolutely should be deeply involved in defending. Biden misspeaks every now and then. Trump is always incomprehensible. Biden embellishes, Trump is deathly allergic to the truth.

Joe is wiping the floor with disgraced Donald again, who can’t stay awake in his own trial. Unlike Joe, his designation of “sleepy” has been proven daily and is visibly getting worse daily, Joe is out there walking Pickett lines, giving hours long speeches in the pouring rain, and running the country all bright eyed and bushy tailed while decrepit Don cries at home and cancels rallies because of minor rain (the same rain Biden held his rally in) and after weeks of begging supporters to show up for him there are still none, and not even his family shows up for him.

Sucker. You fell in love with a self absorbed asshole who hates you, and only wants you for your money and vote, then you should die. Yes, he has said exactly that…” Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it”.

But your rectal shield protects your tiny little brain from these realities.

Joe beat Trump, and he will again. Perhaps you haven’t noticed the polls since trial started and testimony published and since people finally recognized the economy is (and has been) doing great. Not to mention the biggest vote driver in our lifetime, women’s health care rights (women’s rights in general if you listen to the honest righties that admit they plan to remove the vote from women shortly). It’s swinging the wrong way for you, hard. The RNC has 4 months to find a candidate that won’t be in prison and isn’t universally reviled, but the cult refuses to consider it.

STILL WAITING BABY BOY. I’m capable of answering all your idiotic loaded questions with verifiable facts, you absolutely refuse to answer a single question because you are not capable of rational thought and have no answers.

bobknight33 said:

Yep Trump will loose in his highly biased Judge and Jury, Just like all the other trials. Trump will have to win on appeals, dealing with less biased judges.

I know you dont follow the trials, Your IQ is too low to follow.

On the other hand Joey B mental capacity is failing daily.
When do you think the DNC will SWAP him and the useless VP? The DNC got 4 months to dump sleepy Joe.

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

bobknight33 says...

To a blind man everything to blissful.

Sorry you can't see the reality of life.

Try rubbing the shit out of your eyes.

newtboy said:

So, trying to sell the same thing the right claimed was happening in San Francisco years ago, but it turned out the chain stores that were closing were actually just not making money, and other stores nearby with significantly worse theft losses were remaining open because they made money. This totally contradicted the right wing narrative often parroted by the company CEO’s that they closed stores because of high theft, a lie they approved because then they got to shirk responsibility for the store closures and blame it on something out of their control.
If the doom and gloom the extreme right has claimed is reality in “liberal cities” for years or decades was real, these cities would be abandoned by now, not remaining the most valuable and attractive real estate in the country.
New York is less criminal today than last year, the Trump crime family has been banned from the state, lowering crime rates noticeably by itself. 😂

Funny, the right wants harsher penalties for minor crimes, but no penalties for hundreds of millions stolen, and doesn’t want to pay a dime more in taxes to build more prisons, overcrowding is encouraged until it’s them in prison, then it’s unconscionable torture requiring their immediate release…looking at you Jan 6 terrorists who all wanted Gitmo overfilled with BLM.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

3 criminal contempt charges filed. He’s guilty on all 3.
Prison is unlikely, this time, but he could serve 90 days on this alone if Merchan desires (and Trump has made him desire it) . It’s a near guarantee he will spend time in jail before this trial ends, he’s incapable of following the law even with all eyes on him and under specific court orders, he has no self control at all, so expect the next violation to get jail time, and all those thereafter.
Any other defendant would be in jail already, this is the two tiered justice system Trump constantly whines about in action….notice he’s always in the “I’m special and above the law” tier.

Outside court yesterday Trump admitted the crime he’s on trial for…paying a citizen for an NDA to hide an ilicit affair (as part of his campaign for president) and illegally hiding the payment as a “legal expense” not a “campaign expense”. HE ACTUALLY SAID TO REPORTERS OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE THAT THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID! The judge sees these interviews, so does the DA, and they will almost certainly be entered into evidence to dispute whatever nonsense lies Trump spews on the stand, or to explain his refusal to testify if he pleads the 5th. 😂
I love it when a plan comes together.
Remember this is just trial #1 out of 4…with more to come, he hasn’t stopped criming yet!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. You’re hilarious. How many times are you going to try the “even CNN agrees” nonsense, how long will you pretend you don’t know they went right wing years ago? No fact can penetrate the rectal shield to reach your eyes and ears, can they?

Trump has hardly ever told the truth about anything, nice try. He recently made a huge deal while campaigning about his very recent (that day, so no excuse for misremembering) conversations with the family of the woman killed by an undocumented immigrant and their support for him but the family says bullshit, he’s totally lying, he never contacted them and they do not support him or his policies. Little DJ said he won the election, he still says it, and he tried multiple coups based on that lie, people died. His lies are consequential and constant, not grandpa’s stories fudged to make a moral point.

Biden never stole from veterans, never defrauded students, never cheated multiple contractors so badly they went bankrupt and committed suicide, never cheated on his wife, and never raped anyone, never lied about an election, and never tried to take the country by force. He’s also not facing 91 felony counts mostly for crimes against America and democracy.
Diaper Don was also historically beaten by Biden easily even though Biden barely campaigned and so many maga vote fraud schemes occurred, even Clinton got millions more votes than Disgraced Don.

BTW- Still waiting coward. You will never grow a pair and be a man. Your tiny little sack is empty.

The 3rd line

cloudballoon says...


For me,

1st line: That's a line I say often, but she just goes doe-eyed on me.

2nd line: never said it.

3rd line (word): somehow I always follows up with "damn it!"

newtboy said:

I think I said them before we were married too.

Consequences- Once she said “I didn’t do it, you did”…she was right, once she said “I did, now you”. You get to figure out what lines she replied to.

We’re still married 26 years later.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not only did he say he would give more tax cuts for the ultra rich, he said he would return to family separation at the border, and that Americans who don’t support him are far more dangerous than Russia or China.

Meanwhile righty media is complaining about how good the economy is doing…saying it’s “too good”. Unemployment is too low, jobs are too plentiful, and wages are rising faster than inflation, also bad in their eyes.

You guys have become so silly.

Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies

BSR says...

I'll send you my address and $10 so you can send me 2 cookies or you have no proof.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lev Parmas, Giuliani’s buddy and source for anti Biden/Ukraine propaganda is testifying to congress in the Biden investigation right now.

He is testifying that the allegations he and Giuliani and Don made up about Hunter in Ukraine are not only false, they are part of a Russian counter intelligence produced disinformation campaign he was a part of.

He admits his “evidence” he found for Giuliani was anonymous letters generated in Russia and delivered in Ukraine he would forward to Giuliani and within hours would be all over Fox and OAN and the rest as “more proof of Biden corruption from credible sources”, but he knew there was no such evidence or even any credible accusations. He also now admits he was in a cult, forced to only accept information from a tiny circle and going outside that circle for information gets you thrown out of the circle. He admits he had to be arrested and prosecuted to hit the wall and realize what he had been doing himself, brainwashing himself by intentionally blinding himself to facts and only seeing what Don told him to see. Perhaps that’s what you need to wake up.

Here’s a bit about the MAGA NAZI (one of Don’s “good people”) just ousted from office in Enid Oklahoma.
Don’t you think it’s odd that every single racist group from neo-Nazis to the KKK to white nationalist groups everywhere all exclusively associate politically with MAGA, but you still claim to not be racist? Never mind…that would require thought.

More evidence of MAGA selling out the country to our enemies for a crumb of a fake political attack against a private citizen while their official representatives sell state secrets and the identities of foreign agents and sell official policy (when Don knowingly in his words “saved his ass” when bin Salaman brutally murdered and dismembered an American journalist and diaper Don covered it up) and sold top tier weaponry to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion in personal payouts and they turn a blind eye.

It worked ...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. The transcript of the Biden interviews totally contradicts the liar who concluded he was a “elderly man with a poor memory” but omitted the parts of the interview where he told Biden he has a near photographic memory.
Both can’t be true, and we can see with our own eyes that Biden’s memory is just fine unlike his predecessor.
Even right wing papers are retracting their dozens of stories they produced based on this report now that they can read the transcript and see that the report was nothing but a political smear, with the transcript proving that Biden was not confused nor stumped on basic questions and that it was the interviewer who couldn’t remember details from minutes earlier or even if it was morning or afternoon.

😂 Once again, reality rears its ugly head and utterly destroys another MAGA lie. 😂

Bonus - Republican Representative Ken Buck of Colorado’s 4th district has announced he’s so disgusted with MAGA nonsense he’s leaving congress this week, further narrowing the razor thin majority.

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