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Steve Jobs on Death - The best 4 mins you will ever spend

Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Blocking School Integration

newtboy says...

Ashley Babbitt.

To you, no, because blatant racism is a nothing burger to you. That’s been well established. Racists never care about blatant racism.

To non racist cultists, yes, being one of the students that beat black kids for daring to want an education, and continuing that blatant vitriolic racism for over 1/2 a century while owning a business whose profitable employees and product are mostly black (except for management which is nearly 100% white) matters.


bobknight33 said:

Can this be any more of a non story?

Arizona Republicans Attacking People Trying To Vote

surfingyt says...

What was all that stuff they always babble on about freedom and fighting tyranny?.... The GOP is an extremist organization, no different than the Taliban- violent, misogynist, anti-intellectual and education, mono-religious, and antidemocratic. It’s high time that the US national security apparatus begin approaching it as such.

There is little difference between "Sharia Law" that repulses them and the fascist "Christian Nationalism" that they are hell-bent to install but to the Taliban's credit there is a slight difference between the GOP and the Taliban. The Taliban allows abortion if the woman’s life is in danger and in other situations.

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

No, sorry, you’re thinking of Trump. More projection.
Turned his back on the attack he fomented, and Americans died defending democracy from MAGA.
Clinton did her job well with the information at hand. She didn’t turn her back like Trump undeniably did, she simply didn’t foresee the future when terrorists would pick one embassy to attack instead of one of the other 255 embassies and consulates. Since she testified for days without once pleading the fifth and no one hid what happened at any of the 10 purely partisan illegitimate hearings about it, unlike every person in cowardly Trump’s circle, we know without a doubt she did not turn her back, nor was she in any way responsible for the 4 Americans who died. You might want to educate yourself.
Republicans admitted plainly and publicly that the only purpose was to defeat her politically, so they consider the never ending hyper partisan extremely expensive hearings that 100% exonerated her a success. I believe the costs ran well over $200 million tax payer dollars for their political commercials couched as “hearings”.

Trump turns his back on constitutionality, civility, rationality, transparency, and reality….he hides everything that happened in the whitehouse, instructs public servants to refuse subpoenas, don’t testify, hide steal and destroy evidence, and don’t in any way cooperate in investigating the viscous violent terroristic attack against America and democracy he personally led to seize power. He said for decades only criminals plead the fifth, you agreed….every person from his administration subpoenaed has pleaded the fifth as has he….you don’t see the connection.

Also, let’s not forget the extra 1 million Americans that his own CDC said died needlessly because Trump turned his back on the pandemic. He’s infinitely more responsibility for 250000 times more deaths after dismantling Obama’s pandemic response team and ignoring Covid, and his plan was to double that number of dead Americans by opposing any public health measures and never locking down.
“I know all grandparents agree with me. Grandma and grandpa will be happy to die to get America back to work in weeks instead of months…they WANT to die for America. Get back out there and let the elderly take care of themselves.”
Party of millions of deaths, more pedophilic debauchery in the extreme daily, and the continuing attempted destruction of democracy in America by force…that’s you, friendo. Derp.

Such idiotic rewriting of history, bob. There were 10 illegitimate partisan hearings that she cooperated with over something that, had every accusation been true, still wasn’t criminal. For Jan 6, a deadly coup at Trump’s public direction on American soil that killed MORE Americans and was a DIRECT ATTACK AGAINST AMERICAN SOIL BY TERRORISTS, you say “nothing burger”, proving how unserious, irrational, and a full fledged cultist you are.

Good thing they shot that Traitorous cunt Ashley Babbitt, Bob says you shouldn’t have fucked with police, sweetheart.

bobknight33 said:

That was a ligit hearing because she turned her back on Americans and they died.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes. Kids are capable of understanding these concepts at very young ages if you’re just honest with them and don’t dance around facts. It’s the lies, obfuscation, misdirection, and misinformation that makes them confused and prone to stupid permanent decisions and unhealthy/unsafe experimentation.
Just say no was an abject failure. Same with abstinence only sex education. Every attempt to hide the facts from kids ends with kids finding out the hard way.
What’s more, it’s often painfully obvious when a child born with male genitalia has a female brain, and vice versa, and stopping or delaying puberty is a reversible way to make their transition as adults much more successful and less invasive. There’s no legitimate reason to oppose that type of reversible treatment when everyone involved agrees it’s called for.

No. Ignorance ALWAYS does more harm than good….as do palatable lies.

Keeping kids ignorant leads to dangerously ignorant adults….something you know about.
More knowledge is always better and leads to informed, well considered decisions.
More ignorance is always worse and always leads to kids making uninformed decisions, often horrible decisions.

But the GOP says “to keep ‘em dumb, get ‘em young.”

The idea that informing curious children that their sex can be altered (with years of difficult, very expensive treatments and eventually painful risky surgeries after years of long term psychological counseling and doctor consultations) is “grooming” them, is convincing them to alter their sex, is moronic and says WAY more about those that claim it than they understand.
Did you want to change your sex from the first time you heard it was possible? Is that why right wingers say they think that? It’s the only logical conclusion.

Sad you are still incapable of addressing the traitor Ashley Babbitt who fucked around with police and found out. That says volumes.

bobknight33 said:

Your talking about kids, not adults.

This is more harm than good.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today’s Trumpist terrorism….

The FBI arrested Catherine Levy, a strong trump supporter, for allegedly calling in a bomb threat to Boston Children's Hospital following the right-wing conspiracy smear campaign against the hospital alleging it was providing gender-affirming permanent sex reassignment care to infants, children, and adolescents….and you MAGOTS are moronic enough to not just believe it based on absolutely nothing, but to make bomb threats against critically ill children over this nonsense.


You gradubated from the Trump de-education center.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

luxintenebris says...

the whole 'worthless degrees' is largely bogus. unless it's a DJT University ratskin, just the experience alone broads a person's mind (some more/some less).

a cartoon once read where a woman lamented to her girlfriend, that as a housewife, she didn't get to use her psychology degree. her husband interrupts them complaining about the cleanness of the floors. the wife tells him she just did them and the argument goes into overdrive. finally, she chides him w/"oh! big talk! as if you could do better!" oh, of course, he takes the bait, rolls up his sleeves...and the wife's friend smilingly says "you never use it?"

don't think it ever goes to total waste.

and bk33's contention that free education would be undervalued is largely bupkiss too: the desire to pay back is often a motivation; enhances the tax base; fills jobs that translate to greater national security...etc. the value is too great to be ignored. for the country or the individual.

even if it was worthless, it still can be appreciated. like the time Bob Newhart told the story of a tryst he had w/a woman he met at a party. both drunk, ending up in the back of his car - - as he put it, "it meant nothing. never saw her again. it was the cheapest, meaningless moment that i'll never forget for the rest of my life!"

btw: an idea of what a French citizen pays at the Sorbonne

newtboy said:

When my mother graduated summa cum laude from Rice University, it was one of the most respected universities in America and 100% free. Her degrees are anything but worthless. So much for that talking point.

In California, jr colleges are quite affordable, when I went it was under $250 a semester for 15+ units, all transferable to nearly any 4 year school. That’s a savings of about $80 k on freshman and sophomore years alone. The classes were small, the professors award winners, and they got to teach instead of trying to weed out 2/3 of the class like many 4 year colleges. Now in many cases 2 years of full class schedules are free in California at least. I don’t know why anyone would go to a 4 year college for freshman and sophomore year.

I didn’t care about a degree, so I stayed at jr college for 10 years taking whatever I wanted. More people should take advantage of them.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

luxintenebris says...

holds water. at the time, thought with derisive cyniscism 'why is he doing this? maybe he wants to be sure the GOP has enough voters!'

held that thought privately until it became obvious.

yeah. most enlightened (the truly bright) find education a gift that all people should be given. ben franklin, Andrew Carnegie, et al knew the deep effect of education on a people/nation/society.

'sides, doesn't do the US well to have hungry air force personnel mistakenly launch missiles when they thought the button said 'lunch'.

draak13 said:

I think this argument is invalid from the standpoint of what groups of people he is talking about. The people who tend to value free education by supplementing with tax dollars tend to vote democrat. People who want to keep education expensive and withhold tax aid tend to be republican. Particularly in these modern times: the exit polls show that the more educated you are, the more likely you were to vote democrat. The most educated people seem to be electing those who would like to make education low cost.

Given this, the argument that 'education is kept expensive to keep competition down' is unlikely (though not impossible) to come from an educated person...because the statistics show that this tends to not be the values of an educated person. The educated 'club' tends to value exactly the opposite, and wants everyone to be educated.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

luxintenebris says...

not just the colleges that are out of line - but let's skip that...

no offense but wanting something bad isn't a guarantee. hanging from a cliff, one really wants not to be - but the reality might have a stronger pull on them.

so what about it? were the payments that made bob a better man? if it cost half as much, you'd been half the man? would find that...dubious.

know people that ace your struggle story*. not one wants that for another. if they had it easier, it would have been easier. they found very little endearing about it. yes, they strived but know they had it better than some. it's just reality.

am down w/'free' education. smarter people make for smarter people. goes along w/the idea of one generation making it better for the next. (WhereTF has that gone?)

btw: bet you're right about dad. good for you. now, go get a cookie.

*or to some 'Mein Kampf'

bobknight33 said:

Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

Lets play... WIll. THIS. BURN?!

BSR says...

How smart is it to have such a flammable product stored like this. You would be just as stupid as the curious dipshit. Can only hope some intelligence was gained at the same cost as a Harvard education.

Grave Diggers “Can Hardly Keep Up With Demand"

newtboy says...

Your point?
States with highest gun violence rates
Mississippi -- 28.6 per 100000
Louisiana -- 26.3.
Wyoming -- 25.9.
Missouri -- 23.9.
Alabama -- 23.6.
Alaska -- 23.5.
The list, and trend continues.
Republican states consistently have higher gun death rates, the top ten states for gun deaths are all Republican led….so much for blaming Democrats.
Republicans don’t care. The #’s point this out horrifically and consistently.
Republican states also don’t care about keeping the lights on or having running water in their cities anymore…I’m looking at you, Texas and Mississippi. Florida has abandoned education in favor of far right wing indoctrination for children (maybe with field trips to Epstein island with the ex president if they’re good and pretty and will sign a binding NDA).

(Pretty chicken shit to claim Dems don’t care, while Cons block every attempt they make to solve the issue, but you do you.)

Um….did I EVER advocate gun free zones, or even indicate I think they’re possible in America? I don’t think so. Why must you always fight windmills and paper tigers? It doesn’t make you sound sane.
It would be excellent…if it were possible. No one is hunting inside city limits, if no one had guns, no one would need guns. It’s not possible unless we take drastic, unconstitutional actions (or change the constitution like the founders intended).

There aren’t enough gun regulations when a schizophrenic person can legally buy as many guns and as much ammo as they wish, and so can murderous gang members who served their sentence/probation.

They DO need MUCH better enforcement of existing gun laws, we agree there. If laws were applied consistently regardless of the perp, there would already be less gun crime. The problem with that being prisons are so overcrowded they simply cannot house more, and most police seem to not be interested in or capable of legal crime-preventative policing, so making illegal gun possession/use come with harsher sentences simply isn’t going to happen….and has never worked to stop crime.

They also need to remove “loopholes” (intentional back doors) that allow mentally ill and violent criminals to legally purchase firearms with absolutely no background checks and no paperwork. Seems to be a no brainer, but your ilk calls that “terkin’ er guns” (I have to believe because you know you’re all insane and can’t pass mental health screenings), not sane regulation.

No surprise you think more draconian punishment is the answer….how’s that been working out? Not great. Countries that focus on rehabilitation of convicts instead of simple housing for profit have recidivism rates near zero, unlike the US.

Using a gun in the commission of a crime already comes with pretty harsh penalties, btw….often turning misdemeanors into felonies just by having it, not using it.

Prison reform is one part of any functional answer, not more, bigger, worse prisons for longer sentences. Funny, you thought the same when Jan 6 defendants started being rounded up and denied bail…odd you cared about all those ANTIFA and BLM activist though. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Philly PA is a Democrat city/ state..
Democrats don't care. You #'s point this out.

2016 277 murders in Philly
2020 500 murders in Philly.
1990 500 murders in Philly.
2022 300 murders 2/3 of the way.

You want Philly to be a gun free zone?

Sorry can do that.
There are enough gun laws.

Need to make the punishment for improper gun use that causes these occurrences extremely harsh.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

newtboy says...

Wait a minute….didn’t you recently brag about how well your dad did in life despite dropping out in 8th grade?

Yeah, great plan, lower assistance hoping the for profit schools will do the right thing at their own expense, and if they don’t, it’s just some poor kids that don’t get an education, so a nothing burger. How Republican of you, let’s try the thing that enriches the rich while the poor take 100% of the risk.

bobknight33 said:

Truly there should be a helping hand to bright students who can't get a scholarship, loans to to to higher education.

I was poor student , didnt care about it got low grades. -- A year of washing dishes made me think find a white collar job. Dad refused to pay / help. I ended up getting student loans.

Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

Dad was a HS grad and was writing quotes for Navy Nuclear and many other million $ bids. Smartest man I know.

Paid my way through Penn State, slept on the floor, no heat 1/2 year ---- but I did it . Paid back my student loans and I am a better person for it.

higher education should place a finical burden on you - You will work harder because you can't afford to fck around.

That being said college / universities are over charging and raping students more and more every year.

? do college charge more because they know that the student can get the loan? I think so.

I think If you drop the amount a student can get in loans I sure tuition will drop to that level --- Supply and demand.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

bobknight33 says...

Truly there should be a helping hand to bright students who can't get a scholarship, loans to to to higher education.

I was poor student , didnt care about it got low grades. -- A year of washing dishes made me think find a white collar job. Dad refused to pay / help. I ended up getting student loans.

Dads motto -
IF you want something bad enough you will find a way.

Dad was a HS grad and was writing quotes for Navy Nuclear and many other million $ bids. Smartest man I know.

Paid my way through Penn State, slept on the floor, no heat 1/2 year ---- but I did it . Paid back my student loans and I am a better person for it.

higher education should place a finical burden on you - You will work harder because you can't afford to fck around.

That being said college / universities are over charging and raping students more and more every year.

? do college charge more because they know that the student can get the loan? I think so.

I think If you drop the amount a student can get in loans I sure tuition will drop to that level --- Supply and demand.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

noims says...

Unfortunately the republican party seems to excel at convincing a huge percentage of their membership to vote against their best interests. The less educated republican voters you refer to have been manipulated to benefit the 'club' that Beau talks about in the video.

This holds for education, but also for plenty of other subjects, like universal healthcare, taxation, and even foreign military policy.

draak13 said:

I think this argument is invalid from the standpoint of what groups of people he is talking about. The people who tend to value free education by supplementing with tax dollars tend to vote democrat. People who want to keep education expensive and withhold tax aid tend to be republican. Particularly in these modern times: the exit polls show that the more educated you are, the more likely you were to vote democrat. The most educated people seem to be electing those who would like to make education low cost.

Given this, the argument that 'education is kept expensive to keep competition down' is unlikely (though not impossible) to come from an educated person...because the statistics show that this tends to not be the values of an educated person. The educated 'club' tends to value exactly the opposite, and wants everyone to be educated.

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

draak13 says...

I think this argument is invalid from the standpoint of what groups of people he is talking about. The people who tend to value free education by supplementing with tax dollars tend to vote democrat. People who want to keep education expensive and withhold tax aid tend to be republican. Particularly in these modern times: the exit polls show that the more educated you are, the more likely you were to vote democrat. The most educated people seem to be electing those who would like to make education low cost.

Given this, the argument that 'education is kept expensive to keep competition down' is unlikely (though not impossible) to come from an educated person...because the statistics show that this tends to not be the values of an educated person. The educated 'club' tends to value exactly the opposite, and wants everyone to be educated.

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