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Adam Savage is OBSESSED with dodo birds, the maltese falcon

Adam Savage is OBSESSED with dodo birds, the maltese falcon

Adam Savage is OBSESSED with dodo birds, the maltese falcon

heathen says...

>> ^rougy:
That was pretty interesting. Wish it wouldn't have cut off at the fifteen-minute mark because I wasnted to hear the end.

Click the "Watch full program" link in the bottom right corner, then from that page click on "05: One problem" from the chapters list.

Need more car stuff (Politics Talk Post)

kagenin says...

If you act like a dodo, you deserve extinction.

Unfortunately, the biggest opponents to the bailouts are the Senators from Alabama, and its no coincidence that many foreign automakers have a presence there.

While I have nothing but sympathy for the auto workers - its not their fault they have idiots and assholes for employers - I think that America would be a lot better off if the Big 3 automakers face up to the fact that they've driven their companies into the ground.

We deserve better. We have the technology for better, more fuel-efficient cars. They've sat on it for years, and gave us a Hummer Truck instead. Fuck that noise. If they want a bailout, the oil companies have had record profits for the last few years. Let them bail out the auto makers.

Above the Law - Black Superman

MrFisk says...

I hit the loose juice, and pulls up in the duece
He gives me the scoop about the fake ass troops
And how nigga's out they're wanna play
I take another hit of the way, and then I blast away
How far playa? Far enough to go off the edge
I push another nigga off the ledge
So I stumble as I slide to the chevy
Yeah my eyes kinda teary, and gun kinda heavy
I'm a walking dead man is what they call me when I'm comin
Got the big S on my chest, so I'm kinda gunnin
High powered on my way too the west side
To check upon on some chickens, it's a hell of a drive, so drive on
As I hit my dodo stick to the break of dawn
Crime fightings what I do, and nigga's in my crew
Don't take lightly, to you busta's, and so we say f**k you
Then buck you, tuck you in for the night
As you think about the paper at the funeral sight
So when I'm hangin wit the click, and we in demand
I feel good that the city of angel's call me black superman

Now everybody know, black superman
Everybody sing, black superman
Now everybody know, black superman

Now it was once said by a known loc G
Always tryna come up, and yeah that's a G
Uh, cause when I bomb it's like a curse
Cause see once in a lifetime, everybody did some dirt
I guess it got to me the same
So at the age of 15, I enterted the dope game
I had my cane locked up tight
In the day I went to school, but I clarked all night
And when I went to class I always feel asleep
But I was out like a motherf**ker, if somebody beeped
My teacher said, 'boy can't it wait?'
I said, 'naw I got to put some mo' icin on my cake'
I think I saved about 50 G's
I bought a truck, a house, and a coup on D's
Moms is trippin, but she really don't know
All I'm thinkin is she ain't on the county no mo'
Before my mama f**ked wit the county again
I'd rather take the risk of doin 5-10
I'm not takin a chase, I'm staright makin a chase
So now we deserve, to get what we wanna get
I got my mama up outta they're
Because y'all motherf**ker's just don't care
Uh, you really wanna know why I sold scum?
Because my mama to me comes number one
Now you sucka motherf**ker's don't understand
But to my mama, I'm her real black superman

John McCain's Domestic Terrorism Problem

Adam Savage Falling Off a Treadmill in Slow-mo

jimnms (Member Profile)

Credit-Card Companies Killed Mythbusters Segment on RFID

Adam Savage - Fascination with the Dodo Bird

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'mythbusters, Adam Savage, dodo bird' to 'mythbusters, Adam Savage, dodo bird, pizza, pizza, crust, pizza' - edited by calvados

Maze (Member Profile)

George Galloway: Zionism IS NOT ISRAEL

Farhad2000 says...

Homosexuality is such a small issue in the ladder of things politically in the Middle East.

First there should be proper human rights when it comes to expatriates, then equality with the sexes with regards to rights, voting and opportunities, then we can worry about homosexuals.

But I agree that Zionism should take the way of the dodo.

Psychological Differences Between the Sexes (1964)

Crosswords says...

" aren't expected to fuss over a little pain the way a woman might, look at how she screams and hollers over the simple everyday act of child birth..."

Oh how easy psychology and the world in general must have been when the only culture that existed was that of the WASPs. There are biological psychological differences between men and women, but they tend to be heavily influenced by culture, and it's often difficult to tease out where culture stops and the biological side of things begins.

Up vote for defacto 70 and 60s educational film music. Doodeeedoodo doodee dee dodo

Stephen Fry gives a grammar lesson on QI

rosspruden says...

Great sift, and thread as well. Ah, where's Westy when you need him?

Whenever I hear people say between you and I, irregardless, or it's instead of its, I am constantly resisting the urge to correct them. Of course, we can all be a language Nazi, but words and their usage will always evolve, as Ferdinand de Saussure first noted; he classified language study into two groups—the static (a snapshot of a language at a given moment in time, which we call a dictionary) and the dynamic (the fluid usage of words, which changes so quickly that it's impossible to put into a dictionary). Unless you are working with an artificial language like Esperanto or mathematics, where its definitions are clearly explained from the outset, every word's etymology will be a Frankenstein to some degree. For instance, when should we use "that" instead of "which"? There is no One True Answer, only a messy history of usage which we must dig through to agree one usage is better than the others because... well, because we like the sound of it.

Still, it's frustrating. Why do we bother learning grammar and spelling rules if it's okay to suddenly not follow them? Here's a poem I wrote about exactly that:

Ode to Our Mislaid Apostrophes

O wonderful, mischievous, slippery mark:
I want to punctuate, but youre location is stark.
My meanings are loose, my intentions skewed—
my editors pens could leave me quite screwed!
They often complain that theyre English is good
while my typewritten words barely understood
If only Id divine when its was not it's
they just might be able to keep all there wits
Or not mistake they're when it really is there,
or swap out a your when you're is somewhere...
I find it so silly. Cant you understand my thought?
Is my english so bad that new laws must be wrought?
I suppose who and whom can go fly with the dodo
for who really cares, but Gandalf and Frodo
In fact, I will drop all punctuation at once
and no one around will suspect me a dunce
for they too will know what I mean with my word
so why need I try its so pointless absurd
lets assassinate all grammer and speling as well
im sure every school kid would love to us tell
how much they hate engish and other dim arts
no need to learn standards when its old pompous farts
insisting they bend to the will of those rules
like all human beings are grammatical mules
o wunderful mischevious slipery mark
i would use you if only i knew where you park
but no one cares now if youre lost to the wind
since apostrofe rules they wish to recind
its a simple mater of its usage you kno
wheter your is correct in your sentance flow
ah who cares no one maybe only a fyew
i do wish theyd speek up oh how I doo

P.S. And "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" is actually "Eats, Shoots & Leaves". Normally, I wouldn't say anything, but in this case, the author's comma placement is explicitly intentional. Tee hee.

P.P.S. I also agree with oxdottir that neither the internet nor this forum is a formal medium; we are not paid editors and nobody is expected to write as if they are paid journalists (least of all those for whom English is a second language). So, sorry in advance to anyone if I reach out and tag you. Westy, of course, is exempt.

On Trajan (the Movie Font)

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