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Why Covid Outlook is Better in States that Voted for Trump

Magicpants says...

If anyone is curious about why this was taken down, the presenter said (in another video) there were two reasons:
1) A fair amount of the data problems could be isolated to Texas and Florida (and he wants more time to analyze this)
2) Some people were using this data as "evidence" that wearing masks didn't matter. (and that scared him)


newtboy says...

Actually, I find it informative to know what the q-anon crowd is claiming first hand, it gives me the opportunity to research it and have some facts ready to debunk the insanity in real life.
I am curious why he likes to post 1/2 hour far right propaganda videos he knows will get maybe 3 views and zero votes constantly. It seems like a waste of time for him. Maybe he has a quota to meet?

wtfcaniuse said:

Why are you still here Bob? Nobody wants to watch your trash or listen to your ravings.

Caterpillar loader in Kuwait is boiling hot

ReverendTed says...

I'm curious if the "58" refers to Celcius. That would be 136.4 F, and higher than the highest officially-recorded temperature on Earth at 57.6 C in Death Valley, CA back in 1913.
Kuwait does have one of the top four, though, at 54 C.

Banksys Pandemic Inspired Graffiti | London Underground

eric3579 says...

"Gettting up" means to paint your name places and get recognition. He "gets locked down but gets up again" means he was in quarantine but now he's back. That's why the work features an old school dirty drip tag. It's classic old school graffiti on a subway. - Reditor

I'm curious to see what happens to his work. Could be a nice little windfall for the London underground.

Here is the original London Underground video he seems to get inspiration from

Law and Order

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Do jeeps not come with roll bars anymore? Mine has a full cage with 4 point seatbelts, it's nearing 50 years old.

I'm also curious to see other cars tested this way. I bet most flop over in this test, that or have the front wheel or crash wall inside the cab at the end. Yes, 4x4s roll easier, but most are made stronger AND have extra safety like roll bars. If you wear a seatbelt, you wouldn't be ejected.

Definition of "cool as a cucumber"

blacklotus90 says...

Depends on the type of bear and why it's advancing / whether it's attacking! Generally it's good to calmly make yourself known and look large, as you say. This one already seemed aware and curious, but not necessarily threatening, so provoking it probably wouldn't be a great idea. It's a myth that running or trying to move away will activate a chase, especially if the bear is in territory with food - moving away while watching the bear and grouping together to seem larger was the right thing to do. Should the bear actually attack: If the bear's black, fight back (and/or call its bluff charge). If it's brown, lay down (play dead for brown or grizzly bears).

SFOGuy said:

Blueberries for Sal in real life!

I thought the National Park Ranger approved thing to do was turn, make yourself as big as possible, waving your hands and flaring out your jacket (Dad? Dad, can you put the phone down and help me here?)---and then make some noise---but not to back down or turn your back.

However: not actually an outdoorsman.


An actual smoke screen (smoke curtain)

Garbage Truck Bursts Into Flames

moonsammy says...

I was curious why this was being filmed. Apparently the youtuber just loves filming garbage trucks. Guess everyone needs a hobby...

Heilung : Berzerker's Songs

Dr Drew's Horrific Coronavirus Advice Compilation

lucky760 says...

@newtboy > Who knew that Adam Corolla would turn out to be the reasonable and sane adult

What is Adam Carolla's take on the matter? I used to be a daily listener but not for several years now. Curious what he's been saying about it.

Seriously shocked at Drew's idiocy. Curious if he'll ever change his tune, perhaps once deaths are into 6 figures in the US? Probably not. He's pretty adamant about being right even when everyone else knows he's wrong.

David Byrne: Once in a Lifetime (Live) - SNL

Whale And a Bowl Of Petunias

House Robbery In Suburbia Goes Terribly Wrong.

eric3579 jokingly says...

I don't know, but I'm curious where you learned the name of that color from? That's no crayola color. I'm just gonna imagine you dye your wifes hair

newtboy said:

What the he'll is wrong with people these days.....who gets their Bentley in pastel sea foam?

Republicans Say They Will Not Hold a Fair Impeachment Trial

Drachen_Jager says...

It just shows what many of us knew all along. Senate Republicans will soon swear to God something that is completely untrue.

God is just another scam to them. They pretend to be deeply religious because it gains them power, but the instant it becomes inconvenient, they have no trouble betraying what they claim are their most deeply held convictions.

How does that make people like @bobknight33 feel? I'm genuinely curious here, though I suspect he's blocked me. Can someone else ask him?

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