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VideoSift Delurking Week (Sift Talk Post)

MINK says...

any place where a select few people have enormous diamonds next to their name is going to discourage people from even bothering to start trying. You need to have 2 ratings, one for all time history, one for "this month".

Also, remember that if you get more members, it gets less cozy, the injokes stop, and you spend your whole time talking to noobs while the pioneers of the community go off somewhere else quieter. Is that really what you want?

Takeshi Kitano Teaches!

rickegee says...

Only good ones. I wouldn't mind watching an entire episode of WKRP right now.

I somewhat understand why the TV shows ban was instituted in the beginning. At the same time, any TV show network or production house that is likely to have content sifted here also has the means to remove their content quickly from video hosting sites. It is really an issue that will sort itself out without involvement by the admins. If admins are looking to cozy themselves up with Conde Nast or Richard Branson, though, then I can see where it would create some difficulties.

But when you discard Beat Takeshi, you have discarded me.

Recent Unpleasantness (Sift Talk Post)

pigeon (Member Profile)

9/11 Mysteries-Fine Art of Structural Demolitions

choggie says...

DOPPLER-"None of your "points" matter because unless you are a subject expert your opinions mean nothing."
Faith in god, faith in experts, faith in yer fucking shoe, does common sense, and your OWN ability to process data ever come into play?? Experts are so-called, so paid, so what. Give me enough cash and I'll find you a cabal of experts....fuck em!
ZAMNIGHT-"All I see is a tragedy played out over and over with people repeatedly seeking a reason for it. It's almost the denial stage of grieving that finding the towers were demolished, rather than official reasons, changes the fact that they are gone. I do think there's a steaming pile in all of this but I doubt that it is in how the buildings collapsed."

Denial?? Yes. Denial that the possibility exists, is an idiot's wallow. Why label anyone a conspiracy nut, before facts are in? Does it need that cozy and comfortable "OFFICIAL" stamp to ring true or plausible? A nut in this case is someone that does not want to deal with a dynamic, fluid, and ever-changing world.....there are still folks who believe in the fairy tale of "Oswald, the Lone Gunman"...just as there are still men alive who know the truth about what happened. But the supreme omnipotenece of our wonderful country, has locked the files till 2025, when all who would be held responsible, will have led their lives out in full.
This one may be no different....if enough folks like those here who trust in the spin, the diversion, the "EXPERTS", and the false hope, that this country has a chance in hell at lasting another 100 years, clicking along, business as usual....

Our government did not "DO IT", the government is a tool, just like her peoples, in a game bigger than folks want to believe......Truth being stranger than fiction is predictable, moreso now, as we spiral downward...then up...then down....

Just like Wobal Glorming, humans have everything and nothing to do with it at all......Cyclical Phenom. Theo is as frustrated with folks for not copping to the "FACT" of global warming, but all the "FACTOR" are never addressed by the devout.....its a goddamn religion, with devout, and tithers, just like a Southern Baptist congregation....

Solar-what about the blast furnace called the sun?
What about the natural phenom that produces greenhouse gas?

Humans are a drop in the freekin bucket, and humanity has waaaayyyy more to worry about than what he is doing to the physical world......

Google Turns Over User IDs (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

I agree with Ren, that was blatant copyright infringement on the largest television show in the US... Hmmm any real surprise there? However if it gets to the point where am arrested by Martin Scorcese for my Soy Cuba clips... then thats a whole different ball game.

I wonder how cozy Google is getting with big media, so as to convince them of selling their content through them. Stringent enforcement of copyright protection is something all these media companies crave. Google could be proving itself to them.

I think that Do No Evil crap died for me the day Google bent for the Chinese Government.

swampgirl (Member Profile)

choggie says...

NO!! I will NOT change the tags, to make it plain for the cheap seats!!!
Let them decide if they will be is their own process doing the offending!!!

and to answer yer q....of course, then everyone could feel like they had a "marched with King in Selma" experience, from their cozy chair in Cananda, and then talk about it, at a dinner party, with their, "sensitive, compassionate,clever and intelligent, like-minded, cracker friends!!

In reply to your comment:
If Choggie were to change the tags to insert, "racism" or "racist"....then would it be considered editorial opinion in the same spirit as say the "documentary" I offered above?

The Real John McCain

joedirt says...

Here comes the double talk express:

* McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks. (Indeed, McCain has now hired Falwell’s debate coach.)

* McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.

* In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.

* McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June, he abandoned his own legislation.

* McCain used to think that Grover Norquist was a crook and a corrupt shill for dictators. Then McCain got serious about running for president and began to reconcile with Norquist.

* McCain took a firm line in opposition to torture, and then caved to White House demands.

* McCain gave up on his signature policy issue, campaign-finance reform, and won’t back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.

* McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.

* McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.

* McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.

* And now he’s both for and against overturning Roe v. Wade.

I'm guessing Brave New Films is building an "Outfoxed" type documentary on McCain's video clips.

Dear Mr. Supercomputer . . . send more troops

choggie says...

Agreed rickegee, the realities of the worlds' most watched and editorialized events, (snuff is not war-dead or dying) should be witnessed, if the means are there-beheadings included.

Daniel Pearl?? remember him?? His widow and surviving family do….
-Again, to keep true to the theme here, the paradigm,- we live in a world driven by money. The power is in the hands of the well-insulated leftovers of who knows, the Roman Empire?? It sure ain’t fuckin’ Genghis Khan!!!

Military Industry, Pharmacueticals, Fossil Fuels, Banking, Insurance, This is why we fight. Masses are bred, fed, and led, by assumptions and desires, which the archetects of this boardgame understand fully, and exploit skillfully and completely.

The cracks in the ediface, showing and growing for years, are ignored and go unexploited, through diversion and misdirection, by giving the worker-bees what they desire…..pollen comes in new and improved colors and textures nowadays, with lots of flashy lights and cozy warm feeeeeeelings.

Hmmmmm.? Isn’t there a Colesium-like structure in every major city in the world???
And if sports aint yer diversion, then eye-candy, blow-jobs, Allah, Jesus, or mini empire- building is. What’s yours?? A holy crusade against drunk driving, or save the freekin snow beavers’ from wobal glorming!!!???

Collective heads in in asses is why the world chugs along the path of chaos….enjoy the wonder years while you can, the change will be abrupt, and all-encompassing.
Hopi you’ll aaalllllllll make it….
You will, we will.

Rosemary's Baby-Heloooooo, Antichrist!

choggie says...

So, the inspiration for this post, was looking at the profile, and choggie has 666 votes received to date...Please don't vote for this, or any more of his posts, or his father will not recognize him, when he comes around to kick Jesus' ass around a bit, before returning to his cozy, underworld home...with choggie...

Levi's ad w/Jennifer Love Hewitt, symmetric time travel shot

choggie says...

....Like, i just don't understand, they are the first thing we associate with warm, cozy, and fed, as a baby, puts our only sesory apparatus that works well, on them, whenever we feel uncomfortable,(which, moms', is a no-no).....i just don't get the fascination....

Michael Ware on CNN: if Iraq is not a civil war, what is?

Farhad2000 says...

What is this Mike Ware thing you keep mentioning, as far as I know he's just an opportunistic ass who got a video from the net... whats this he followed someone bit?

I always find it ironic how America is so cozy with the most oppressive government in the middle east, the wahabi monarch state of Saudia Arabia. A country with a handful of rich royal families and vast poor majority, who are taught hate as unspoken policy towards other cultures so they don't question the current status quo...

The Paradox of Choice or Why You Won't Watch This Video

choggie says...

....had to stop the post to comment, excellent stuff, by the way-Another by-product, and he may get to this, is that people are becomming increasingly less able to make decisions that will benefit them, in a healthy, tangible, and productive way. The fundamentals of morality, values, and personal responsibility, being eroded at a break-neck pace....

And, my personal peave, folks are, for the most part, either unwilling to, or incapable of dealing with confrontation....they simply turn into robots, reacting to stimulus, instead of dealing with it....This sick little disease, infecting most of the so-called "civilized" world..?? Passive Agressive Behaviour-saying or doing something as a reaction to stimulus they are unable to process....One of the reasons, no doubt, that my flagrant abuse of expletives, and my percieved Backward, Un-progressive, Fundamentalist, Arcane, andDe-Evolutionary(monkeys love labels) world view on this sift, is a thorn in some flesh for some....

Rambling as they can get, editorials are not meant to make folks feel cozy, warm, happy,etc...
they are catalytic ,and meant to produce discourse which leads to mutual understanding, awareness, and enlightenment, for whom it will....and to piss off the peanut gallery, of public mastubators, myself included....

....damn , did I get off a subject?? which waaaaaasss, oh yeah, TED, wish we had more Theodores like him!

"Queen of the House" (sexy retro-housewife fantasy)

Spectacular Volcanic Eruption

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