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Tesla driver loses control as car speeds down street

cloudballoon says...

Where's the outrage & conspiracy theories that say "ah Tesla, the machines that the US send to kill Chinese discreetly?" Just wait until the CCP find an excuse to kick (or crippling) Tesla out of the Chinese market.

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

I never said she was, only that it’s likely, and that breaking into a campaign headquarters is, by definition, a political crime. It’s still quite possible she or her campaign put him up to it, intentionally hiring a homeless looking guy so people like you would say exactly what you said (once fed it), or not. Nothing has indicated otherwise. Even homeless guys know campaigns don’t keep cash or jewelry around, nothing to steal there but campaign data, not the stuff homeless people steal.
Either way, it’s a political attack to break into a political headquarters, even if that’s not the intent.

How about wait and see before declaring her innocence based on nothing. Can’t wait for a fact before you post no story pushing a fake innocence. Even if she’s not involved directly in this crime, her rhetoric is responsible for hundreds of credible death threats and other threats and attacks. She may not be guilty of this crime, but she is far from innocent.

Oh, I’m so sorry, only bob is allowed to “push narratives” or make suppositions without having all the facts, or in his case any facts. You have no leg to stand on after years of pushing obviously fake stories that, surprise surprise, all turned out to be totally fake with no evidence on which to base them in the first place. Don’t whine now that someone else jumps to conclusions like you always do.

Know what’s definitely not fake? The violent attack against Pelosi’s elderly husband in an attempt to murder her….I suppose you would say it’s wrong to call that a politically motivated attack too.

You are gullibility incarnate. You still believe covid is a hoax, and just a cold, and a plot by China to destroy the west by infecting itself. You still believe Russia didn’t ever interfere in our elections, and Trump really won the popular vote once. You believe Jan 6 was ANTIFA and BLM not MAGA despite the guilty pleas, and that stealing nuclear secrets and keeping them in public hallways where Chinese spies repeatedly brought recording equipment and roamed freely is a “nothing burger” but Clinton not seeing the murky future is a high crime. Everything you claim to believe is certifiable nonsense, bob. Pretty certain you think long dead Hugo Chaves used Italian space lasers to change votes in dominion voting machines in a shared plot with the Illuminati and the sleestacks (lizard people) to hurt Trump because he was going to expose their pedophile vampire club where they vivisect children for pineal glands. ROTFLMAHS!!

bobknight33 said:

Holy Cat Shit Robin

The caught the bad guy.
Dos Reis

Are real Watergate break in kind of guy.

Definitely Kari lake behind this NOT.

Guy looks more like a homeless guy than and operative.

Can't you just wait for a fact before you post 1/2 a story pushing a possible fake narrative ?

God you are gullible.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump personally directed employees to move and hide the classified documents after getting a subpoena for them, and directed them to lie about it, but now that the FBI has security footage of them doing it, they have admitted hiding the stolen documents at Trump’s direction and insistence and admitted to lying about it.

They also have these employees cooperation. They have agreed to testify that Trump himself directed them to move/hide boxes he knew contained classified documents that had been subpoenaed AFTER he received the subpoena. Game over.

His lawyers knew this when they lied that all documents had been returned….unfortunately for them so did the FBI.

This is evidence of his knowledge of guilt….proof he knew he was committing crimes, and a crime itself. Obstruction carries up to a 20 year sentence per document he hid….and there are hundreds if not thousands of stolen pages he hid.

Can’t wait until some of these documents show up on Chinese and Russian government computer systems.


Why it's hard to be Republican w/a mind and heart

newtboy says...

Talk about being delusional. Trump HAD nuclear secrets (and/or other national secrets of the same highest possible level secrecy classification and danger levels never to be kept or read outside secure facilities designed to safeguard such sensitive information.) kept them unsecured in publicly accessible areas of his public club filled with foreign nationals…and thinks it’s fine he stole and exposed them. That’s delusional.

If he still any, he should absolutely be shot for treason at first sight by any and every patriot regardless of party, right?

What can’t he hold? Anything not actually officially declassified on Jan 20, 2020.
This includes all top secrets and nuclear secrets he cannot declassify himself, and 700 pages of classified documents he did not declassify before stealing them on his way out the door. His claim “anything I took was automatically declassified” is nonsense. That’s not how declassification works at all….you know that.

Where can’t he hold it? In boxes in the hallway outside the unlocked basement in his club where foreign nationals are allowed to wander freely, where Chinese and now Russian spies are KNOWN to have penetrated carrying bags of surveillance and recording equipment, spyware ready to install, etc. Even frat boys have just wandered in off the beach to these areas. It makes Clinton’s server look like Fort Knox. For the highest classification documents, they can only be kept at hardened secure locations designated for that purpose…not a closet, basement, hallway….not even a fire safe.

There’s no enlightening you. You prefer to live in the dark. It’s easier to make up lies and convince yourself of nonsense if you never look at reality. Any facts you dislike you simply discard, thinking your magic mantra, “fake news”, protects you from reality. Any lies you find comforting you simply believe and absolutely refuse to consider reality. It’s a serious mental issue, and if Reagan hadn’t defunded national mental health care, you would be institutionalized, but the right prefers the insane to be among us because they tend to vote Republican.

This answer has nothing to do with the Majestic Spaghetti Monster….I don’t know what you mean….

…but stupid elitists are on the right, they’re the ones who took millions in ppp loan forgiveness (often for fraudulent ppp loans for employees they didn’t have) but claim $10k to poor people trying to become educated will ruin the nation, turn us communist, bankrupt us, etc.. It’s fine if billionaires get handouts of multiple trillions, not a peep of concern then, but not those struggling with crushing debt from fake schools like Trump’s that stole their money for a completely worthless piece of paper and zero education….the same millionaires up in arms over the poor getting $10k took hundreds of thousands to millions despite making the equivalent of over $250k (and millions if they cheat, which the ALL did, insider trading is the norm from the right).

Elitist?! 😂 again, we live with 2 people on under $40k in California….near poverty level. Hard to be elitist and in poverty at the same time. Elitists are people making $250k, another million in insider trading profits, and $3 million in forgiven loans who complain poor people shouldn’t get $10k rebates, but they should get more tax breaks. That’s an elitist stupid answer, it came directly from your Republican representatives like MTG.

I’m not rich, I’m stable. We have no debts, property taxes of only $1250, and I grow over 50% of our food. We live better than most middle class, including international vacations almost yearly, 4 cars, all the top notch organic produce we can eat, a swimming pool size koi pond, Solar, an orchard, no government handouts, etc. all on poverty level income. I’ve never shirked a debt, not once. I’ve never even walked away from an obligation. If you were capable of taking in new information, you would know all that because I’ve told you repeatedly.

bobknight33 said:

Talking about being delusional.. Trump has nuclear secrets..... That delusional.

Exactly what documents can't a EX president hold personally ?

Please enlighten me witty you stupid elitist MSM answer.

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

newtboy says...

Answer this, Bob. Is this what the FBI should have done to Hillary?

Secondly-Can you tell me why the shallow state is so terrified of that old woman?

Nothing came of that because, unlike Trump, Hillary had done nothing wrong. 😂

FYI- Undeniably Trump stole over 300 top secret documents
(Edit: now nearing 1000 pages of classified documents that had not been declassified)
that aren’t allowed out of secured viewing areas, many documents he did not even have the authority to declassify btw, much less any record of him doing so, actively hid them from investigators, gave back some and swore to the FBI that was every secret document he had (secretly claiming he personally owned the rest), gave back more under subpoena but secretly withheld hundreds still, including nuclear secrets, outright lied under oath to the FBI claiming everything had been returned….again…all the while keeping these insanely sensitive and secret documents unsecured and unguarded in a basement and closet where Chinese spies had already penetrated at LEAST once literally carrying bags full of electronic surveillance equipment, thumb drives loaded with spyware, and burglary tools….or to you, “nothing wrong”. You just love to show off how serious you aren’t. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

All just for show.
Just to keep the Trump war drum beating.
Just to keep Trump from running 2024.

The real question is why is the deep state so afraid of this man?

Nothing will come of this because Trump has done nothing wrong.

Biden Approval WTF

newtboy jokingly says...

Biden beat Trump.
He would again.

Trump stole nuclear secrets and lied about still having them repeatedly, keeping them where Chinese spies and frat boys had already penetrated previously, with no extra security.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Wow do you have reality 100% backwards.
Hunter never worked for the American people, so could not sell out American people like every one of Trump’s children did. He did not get paid billions, he’s never had billions…unlike Jared that was paid 2 billion for Trump’s protection of the crown prince and weapons sales.

Hillary, how did she sell out America? Benghazi? Emails? You got anything that hasn’t been debunked by Republican committees a dozen times? I thought not. Clinton delusion syndrome.

Joe…sell out America? Lol. Give examples, not stupid internet memes claiming Hunter is one of the super rich and powerful along with public train riding Joe.

Trump force one riding crushing debt Trump, no he never would sell out for money. (Spent $60k of donations on Melania’s dress buyer, and another on Newsom’s ex shouting nonsense for 2 minutes, but not a dime on fighting election fraud or supporting Republican candidates he raised it for…permanently barred from charities because of fraud, fraudulent businesses, fraudulent school bilking millions from the poor…the list goes on forever, everything he does includes fraud.)

Trump sold out America for 4 years straight, taking Russia, China, even N Koreans side over America almost every time. Handing over Afghanistan, Crimea, Ukraine, etc. to our enemies.
Trump sold out America over the election, trying dozens of verified vote fraud schemes and he still lost the election badly, then he sold out America again by trying a violent coup to turn us into a banana republic dictatorship.

Trump stole top secret nuclear documents for personal gain, whether to sell, barter for protection, or use to blackmail America, he stole them for personal gain and to harm America, no other reason to have nuclear secrets….none at all. That’s treason plain and simple.

Your delusion has removed you from reality. Trump and family sold America over and over and over and over and over…you can’t point to a single instance from Hunter, Clinton, or Biden selling America for personal gain, I can point to 6 verified undeniable times Trump sold us out for millions and even billions in personal/familial gains from China, Russia, Saidi Arabia, Russian Ukrainians, even the Taliban….

Trump is an asshole who gets things done for himself, and you are a cultist that thinks that’s the same as working for America. He destroyed faith in every government agency he put his people in, destroyed our international standing, destroyed our economy, destroyed our employment numbers, cost >$500 million for his coup, 1 million dead Americans for his denial of the pandemic, and has divided the nation to the point that almost 1/2 the nation wants civil war….and they think that’s patriotic.

Again, just to name 3, Trump sold us out to China for $36 million for Ivanka and however many millions were in his secret Chinese bank accounts they used to bribe him (how’s that amazing trade deal coming?), to Russia for untold funding including hundred million loans he hasn’t paid back (yep, Rusher), to the Saudis for a $2 billion no show contract with Jared so we would sell them billions in high tech weapons.
You can’t list a single sell out from those you listed. Not one. 😂

All 3 living in your head for free….you even make up interesting back stories for them to keep them there. You love them so much you’ve given up your sanity to keep them in your head. 🤦‍♂️

Trump only still gets attention because he’s still attempting to destroy America actively, now with a civil war over his criminal actions, solely to save himself from prosecution, not for America one whit, he doesn’t care one whit how badly he’s damaged America either.

bobknight33 said:

Hunter, Joe and Hillary sold out American people for personal gain.
Trump is just at butt hole who get things done for Americans, Not sold out

Trump’s Maralago Home Raided By FBI

newtboy says...

Lol. You are so delusional.
Trump appointed judge, Trump appointed FBI head that he praised lavishly, red state FBI agents. Do you mean the Trump deep state, because it was done by the people he installed. Derp.
I bet you guys wish Garland was a Supreme Court judge and not the AG about now, don’t you! 😂

Yes, traitors who both attacked America with a violent mob and stole top level classified secrets and kept them unsecured in an unlocked basement, lied about having them repeatedly under oath, then was turned in by a Desantis plant (maybe) because he was still holding these super top secret, to be viewed only in special secured locations by a handful of people (which citizen Trump is not one of)…top secret nuclear information Trump could not declassify BTW….those people SHOULD be made ineligible for office. I say the same thing if it was Biden, AOC, or Sanders….but they don’t expose state secrets publicly on a regular basis like Trump has.

Lol….poked a small nest of nut jobs. Yes, armed thugs are menacing fbi buildings in some places, usually in groups of under 30. Yes, there was a group of Trump supporters rallying at Maralago….about 7 of them.
There are more people turning from Trump and the Republican Party now than there are nuts defending it. The Republicans are now suggesting we just get rid of espionage as a crime, quick before Trump is charged. Think of the heads exploding if Clinton had suggested that right after her email server was discovered!

Backfire?! You do live in a fantasy land. It sent some of you into a tissy fit, throwing tantrums, attacking the fbi (because you’re the law and order party!) making death threats against anyone you think is involved and attempting to follow through (because the right is so rational and non violent). That’s not a backfire. Hundreds of thousands of Republicans have become never Trumpers seeing how loose he is with Americas security at the highest levels. Those supporting him in congress are seeing their poll numbers tank. It’s looking now )knock on wood) like the midterms might be the best Democrats have ever seen, they will certainly be voting, while Republicans are not one bit excited about politics and their representatives now.

Yes,the bs of trying to keep nuclear secrets, maybe to sell, backfired. So did every ploy since the legitimate, legal, by the book, pre announced, kid gloved raid happened, all excuses and deflections fell apart as more info came out…like the warrant and receipt…Republicans wanted that so badly until they got it, now you wish it was still secret because the facts are disasterous for the right. D’oh! Talk about backfiring! ROTFLMFAHS!!! 😂

What’s the next attempted excuse? Aren’t you going to try the “everything he took was automatically declassified because Trump says so” ploy? Or has that already failed you as the ridiculous fantasy it is? Don’t you want to claim it’s all planted by the FBI? Or has that lie been destroyed because both lawyers for Trump and the secret service were present for everything, despite desperate talking heads with no information claiming they weren’t, and everything being on camera. Don’t you want to complain they didn’t give Trump a copy of the warrant or receipt and burst in unannounced at dawn with a small army smashing down doors, or has that lie fallen apart completely since they did provide the warrant and the receipt signed by Trump’s lawyers who witnessed their collection, the deferral until 10am to avoid attention, the warning of the secret service well ahead of time, the plain clothed agents to avoid detection by the press (and embarrassment by the ex president) and the 100% lack of smashed doors?
Are you ready to claim highest level classified nuclear documents being kept illegally and unsecured and being exposed to Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Israelis, etc are a nothing burger? I know it’s coming, get there and prove your anti Americanism idiocy again.

bobknight33 said:

Yet more BS fuckery by deep state to keep Trump from running 2024.

But that did poke the stick at the hornet nest of the republican party.

Boy did this BS back fire


newtboy says...

The irony could not be more delicious.
In 2018, in an effort to put Clinton in prison and invalidate her as a candidate in the future, Trump and Republicans signed into law new, much harsher penalties for taking and keeping classified documents inappropriately. These new penalties were a (mandatory ?) 5 year sentence and making it a “hard” felony that cannot be lowered to a misdemeanor by pleading guilty. My read is that’s one charge for every page.
Also, it seems some of the stolen documents are top secret defense documents concerning our nuclear weapons…the most ultra classified information our government has…kept in an unlocked basement in an often empty, unguarded home.
Seems Trump inadvertently just made himself totally ineligible to run for office and likely an inmate for life. D’oh!

So, @bobknight33, Trump’s FBI head and a Trump judge followed a Trump enacted law to investigate Trump for definitely doing exactly what the right was apoplectic at the mere suggestion Clinton might have done but could find no evidence of.

BTW -Trump won’t release the warrant or receipt of what they took because it would include details about the meeting and subpoena he was served with in June after refusing to turn over the documents voluntarily since January when they were first discovered and requested by the DOJ…a subpoena he ignored forcing the raid…and would also list much of the ultra top secret defense documents concerning our nuclear arsenal he was keeping while hosting Russians, Chinese, Saudis, Israelis, maybe even N Koreans at his home where these secrets were being kept unsecured. There are serious questions as to whether he sold any to enemies of the state. There’s no question at all that he would if the price was right.

because they charge espionage, it doesn’t matter if he thinks and claims, like a king, saying the documents were declassified makes them declassified because it doesn’t hinge on the documents being classified, only if it’s harmful to our security if they’re unsecured. Bye Felicia!

Biden and the June job reports

Spacedog79 says...

It feels like Biden has divided opinion so comprehensively that the two sides can't find any common ground. They each think the other side is the work of the devil and so are unable to take legitimate concerns seriously.

Speaking from a UK perspective I don't like either side, but I see what Biden and his crew are doing around the world and they seem to be an incredibly dangerous administration. Lighting fires and inflaming tensions in countries across the world.

He's upset the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians hate him, so do most of the middle east and Latin america.

Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it.

I'm really starting to miss Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Time to throw out your “lions not sheep” apparel. Busted for buying Chinese items, cutting out the made in China tags, adding a made in America tag, and selling items they claim are 100% made in America because they put the altered shirts in a bag in America.
Fined heavily and ordered to stop lying.
Toss out your MAGA gear, it’s all Chinese.


Cocaine in the Ukraine

newtboy says...

Btw @bobknight33 …. It’s obvious to those of us with brains that the rehash of the Hunter Biden nonsense is a blatant attempted red herring meant to distract from good economic news, because Cons absolutely HATE any good economic news during a Biden presidency…and we have increased GDP, massive increases in jobs (jobs, jobs, jobs….remember?), over a trillion in infrastructure to facilitate an economic recovery, increased wages, dropping fuel prices, and lots more the Cons want to ignore and deny….and you’re so ridiculous you think attacking the non political son of a politician means something besides exemplifying your kindergarten level mindset.
That’s why you posted this twice in a week…you need this distraction out there because gas prices plummeted.

Wrong is wrong, and this is wrong, you know it’s wrong, and you take great joy in it. Such a sad, grasping, ethically bankrupt fool you let Trump make you into….and you want more!

Hey, I got an idea…how about we investigate Trumps kids, who were top level unelected officials in our government after Trump installed them in top positions even though they couldn’t qualify for clearance, some because of drugs (Don Jr’s coke addiction for instance, helps him ignore the taste of Newsom’s huge cock in his girl’s mouth). How about we check their bank accounts, not just the American accounts that increased $640 million for Jared and Ivanka while working in the White House, but including their secret Chinese accounts the Chinese government uses to bribe them, and Saudi accounts the crown prince used to bribe Jared to the tune of TWO FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS, the secret Russian accounts Putin used to influence American policy, and their tens of millions in no show contracts with foreign governments that every watchdog in both countries has said clearly are bribes, the companies involved don’t meet minimum standards to even operate, much less actually do business.
You want to look at children? Start with those that were installed into high positions in government and took hundreds of millions with them when they left despite being unemployable drug fiends and morons…despite being directly involved in a failed coup against America, otherwise known as treason. You can ignore Tiffany, she wasn’t part of any administration…and forget Hunter, he isn’t either.

Such sad, weak, just pathetic attempts at meaningless distraction. Every accusation you make is an admission. Grow up, baby.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Hmmmm….Chump just said in Vegas that we should, and he will, switch to the Chinese justice system where, when police accuse someone of a crime, they have a “quick trial” (without the defense portion) then immediately execute them without appeal.
He also said he will “take over” democratically led cities. Remove their leaders and ability to govern themselves. Basically saying he would outlaw democracy except where his people win.

This is you guy? This is you choice? And you think people believe you are American.

Biden and the June job reports

newtboy says...

Noooo….you still don’t like Biden. You still think self serving narcissistic Trump was a leader, but a lifelong frugal public servant isn’t. Nooooo! (I know there’s no breaking through your fantasy, bob. You are a lost cause, totally divorced from reality and totally uninterested in honesty).

No bob, I mean the Union…as in the United States of America. As in the Union vs the Confederacy. Trump nearly dissolved the Union, so much that Republican platforms now include secession as their goal. Derp. Another “L” for your column. Another dunce cap for your collection.
Republicans want to erase America out of infantile spite, but have no idea what to do afterwards. Better learn Chinese or Russian, red states can’t afford to defend themselves, you are all welfare queen states with the highest murder and crime rates.

Side note: But, this means you are anti union, so 100% anti worker? Really? What favors has Biden handed unions? Most unions (all you oppose) lobby for workers, blue collar employees. You would limit lobbiests to to those lobbying for billionaires and huge corporations (including religious corporations) that actively lobby against workers rights, pay, safety, ecological responsibility, hours, etc. Think about that.

You fucking moron, it went from 3.08% (higher than Trump ever reached) in 2015 under Obama to -3.5% in 2020 (the lowest ever in history). Who the fuck told you .2%? Who told you Trump left it at 2.5%? Overall Obama’s growth rate was actually 50% higher than Trump’s, and Obama inherited a deep recession, Trump inherited a boom. They outright lied to you, and you just lapped it up without ever looking. They’re feeding you poo pie bob, not chocolate. I really wish I didn’t have to spend so much time correcting your obviously fabricated statistics, especially since you only spout them to force a correction, getting you attention, not because you believe or even understand them. So you understand, printing 50% more money while your economy is in the worst contraction ever causes inflation, and that’s what Trump did in 2020 while focusing on the election he lost in a landslide and ignoring the pandemic and economy.

Jobs?!? Obama job growth was near 8% adding 12.5 million jobs, Trump was the only president ever to lose jobs, losing 3.2 million. Another 100% break from reality, buddy. I’m telling you, you need professional help.

Yes, Trump did turn us around, from a massive recovery and booming economy to massive economic losses, job losses, absolutely insane deficits and trying to double the debt, huge money printing in 2020 (magic wand waiving) that creates massive inflation (that he now blames Biden for), undreamed of losses of life, and teetering on the brink of depression and pandemic. He made us madder. For libs that means angry, for cons that means totally bat shit crazy with no ties to reality at all.

Far from it, lots of positive, but so much negative left from the previous one we are still in the red.

They have made policies that help the American pocketbook, Trump robbed it blind to hand to billionaires (and fake billionaires).

Who told you that lie. The Democrats have done everything they legally can to force oil companies to increase production and stop price gouging, Republicans all voted against doing anything, then claim “Biden’s fault”. No fossil fuel production has been cut. You’ve been lied to, and you aren’t intellectually honest enough to investigate for yourself…you don’t want to hear the truth.

Republicans are to blame for high fuel prices, Democrats are responsible for the recent lowering. Democrats are making efforts to lower them further, Republicans are 100% opposed to any actions.

Trump benefited on fuel costs thanks to the economic collapse he caused by denying and ignoring Covid for months, dropping the demand for fuel to nothing…not a good policy overall, or do you suggest killing another million and shutting down another year to lower gas prices?

Lol. You are claiming reports say the average American spends $500 more on fuel and goods per month than under Trump? What reports? Glen Beck, AON, or Rush Limbaugh’s ghost? Only if you are a trucker using hundreds of gallons of gas a month. Even in California, fuel cost has gone up less than 1/5 of what you say.

Trump cost you SO much more than $6k per year, over $60k per taxpayer on the official debt alone…and these extra expenses (probably $100-$200 per month tops) are thanks to Trump printing 1/3 of every dollar in circulation (inflation) and fuel supply and demand being out of hand intentionally because oil companies make more money by producing less, and aren’t nationalized so the government can’t force them to stop gouging.

Such nonsense bob. Your facts are all wrong, and since you won’t investigate you are just going to continue to believe the lies you were fed. The people you listen to are making money off your beliefs, bob, and they see you as a huge sucker they can convince of anything and get your money or support for their America destroying “get me richer quick” schemes.


Summary, since I don’t think you can read that much.
Union = United States Union, not unions
Gdp- Obama 1.59% rising consistently during his presidency Trump 1% falling precipitously to the worst ever in history. Also never beat Obama’s high.
Jobs- Obama added 12.5 million, Trump lost 3.2 million
Debt- Obama added $9 trillion, ending a recession and creating a boom over 8 years. Trump added $8 trillion on the books (and trillions more off the books) in 4 years ending a boom and creating a recession
Deficit- 2020 was the biggest budget deficit ever by >200% at $3.13 trillion and added well over $4.2 trillion to the debt that year, way more than 2021 at a still horrific $2.7 budget deficit but ending adding only $1.5 to the debt.

Oil/gas price - all cost cutting measures opposed by Cons.

bobknight33 said:

I applaud the jobs #

But when you say *quality leadership, -- You are Sadly mistaken .

Putting Union back together -- you mean political payback for all the $ spent buying Biden / Democrats that Biden is now paying back the unions in favors?

So you are saying that You are in favor of big business buying our politicians and getting special breaks using American tax dollars.

What Trump damage. Went from a 0.2% GDP growth /yr to 2.5 + Growth. Obama touted that this0.2% was the new norm and Trump claimed BS. Trump said he wold crate jobs and Obama dumbly said how by waving a magic wand.

Trump, for all his BS turned America around and mad all of us better.

A strong work force is the only positive news of this Admin.

Biden and Democrat policies can make policies that help the American pocketbook but wont.

This biggest is the party stance on oil. Americans are getting poorer mostly from this fact alone. The party decided to cut out fossil fuels and go green. This decision is costing families hundreds of dollars extra, that they don't have every month.

Not just from the extra at the pump but also the extra cost to deliver goods and services .

Current media reports that this extra cost is running about 500$/month 6K$/year.

This is you man Joe, and his party's policies?

I just assume to keep Trump , mean tweets and all, and keep the $6 grand / year in my pocket.

Lawrence: ‘Fox News Has Blood On Its Hands’

cloudballoon says...

Is it just the entertainment branch though? It's more like the US Republican's equivalent of the Chinese CCP's Ministry of Propaganda to me.

surfingyt said:

the republican party is the lowest common denominator for the
worst type of people. fox is the entertainment branch of the republican party.

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