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Olympic Torch? Who gives a shit?

Science Bob shows you how much metal is in your cereal.

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

jmd says...

This is why 3rd world countries (yes, that means you Russia) can't have nice things.

Considering just how much Russians suck at driving, I would not be the least surprised that ALL insurance companies require dash cams. Btw while not common stock at target yet, finding dash cams in boxs of cereal is not entirely out of the question. You can order basic ones online dirt cheap. A 720p capable dash cam with 2.5 inch display is just 27 bucks shipped.

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

David Mitchell's Soapbox - Carbohydrates

ghark says...

Yes, toast is delicious.

No, low carb, high fat diets are not a fad - they actually have some decent evidence to support them.

Overall I would say that while carbs can be a bad thing, especially foods high in simple sugars, the biggest issue is the poor quality of the food the carbs are often coming with. Macka's, KFC and the large amount of easily available packaged (highly processed) food are mostly to blame for globesity. I cringe when people talk about how awesome it is to try eating Cap'n Crunch or another random, similar breakfast cereal for all meals of the day - you just have to look at the side of the pack to see that you are basically just eating a bag of lollies, not exactly the path to good health.

Pixar's Cereal Bar

This Iguana is a lizard.

CERN scientists break the speed of light with neutrinos

CERN scientists break the speed of light with neutrinos

CERN scientists break the speed of light with neutrinos

Why Germans Poop on a Shelf

Obama scolds the Tea Party Reps - 7/25/11

shuac says...

I've got a great idea to help reduce the deficit. Obama should do live ads during his SOTU addresses.

"...balanced approach is best not just because it's fair but because it's effective. And that's why Total Raisin Bran appears on the Obama's breakfast table."

Then he lifts up a box of cereal from behind the podium and pours himself a bowl.

I think it could work.

Louis CK on Consumers and Capitalism (part 1/3)

shagen454 says...

"i dont know where you were on the east coast but when i lived in brooklyn, walmart was trying to get in and the community came out everytime to protest."

I used to live in PA. It was chain stores and outlets for hundreds of miles to Pittsburgh, to Philly, to Baltimore, to New Jersey. I remember my parents loved it. They used to take me to SAMs, one of those Costco-esque places and the immense size of those places used to almost give me a panic attack, as I would repeat in my head "this is what is wrong with world". Even creepier when they pretty much got rid of cashiers. I mean even if I had enough money to buy shitloads of stuff - I wouldn't even have enough space to put away the sort of things you could buy at a place like that. I've only room for like 4 boxes of cereal of hopefully different varieties.

Cereal Killer

Marcus And Michele Bachmann Explain Marriage

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