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Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal and gets violent

Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal (best of)

Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal (best of)

Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal and gets violent

Ryan Gosling Won't Eat His Cereal and gets violent

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Ad with secret anti-abuse message only visible to children

SevenFingers says...

Actually, cereal companies do this already. The 'kids' cereal is always on the bottom shelves (most of the time) and the characters logos are designed to have their eyes follow you.

Edit: I know that isn't the exact technology you were referring to, but it's a similar concept.

Tokoki said:

Interesting idea...but how long before some toy manufacturers start using that to target kids with ads tailored to them?

Glass How-to: Getting Started

probie says...

Fair point. And it certainly is a personal thing with me. There's just something annoying about someone sticking their nose into what I do, then using it for personal gain and to further the market of manipulation and influence that is capitalism. We're certainly headed for those scenes in Minority Report; can't walk down the street without being inundated, or touch a cereal box without being pestered. I tell ya, that's the day I go postal.

Glass How-to: Getting Started

probie says...

Personally, I don't like where this is going. It's bad enough Google and similar companies are making millions off tracking your surfing habits; just wait till these become popular. How long did he/she look at that cereal box or car or whatever? And at what part of it? Better get that info off to marketing to increase the font size and change the color. Meanwhile, let's bombard the user with up-to-date advertisements in real time.

Not to mention invasion of privacy (outward facing camera), increasing our already short attention spans and isolation from one another, draconian EULA's -- don't resell 'em, don't lend 'em out, otherwise our data gathering will be shit. What's next? Don't take them off?

Yes, I can see the thousands of beneficial uses these could provide too. Don't mean to go all Kaczynski/Orwell here but it seems an awful lot of trade just to be able to watch cat videos instantly.

Adam Sandler Really Wants To See Shaq's Junk

Tales of Mere Existence "Getting My Stuff Done"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Tales of Mere Existence, Lev Yilmaz, stuff done, eat, cereal, dishes, oil, chair' to 'Tales of Mere Existence, Levni, Lev Yilmaz, stuff done, eat, cereal, dishes, oil, chair' - edited by messenger

No Seatbelts - Ejected From Car - Thong Showing .. Russia

Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked!!!

Sagemind says...

Yes, Yes, you are correct
I don't no why I wrote all that - I just had a moment of rebelling against political correctness.

The truth is, other than on TV, I've never seen anyone dress up as the sexy whatever costume - at least not to extreme (outside of maybe at night clubs aka. the bars). Most people I know are fun and reserved and not at all pretentious and actually come up with some very original costumes..

The best costumes are the scary ones where you can't even tell who is wearing the costume.
"Sexy" as a costume - IS NOT A COSTUME. I don't even know why women would bother with them. I assume it's because they are too cool and are too insecure to let anyone see them except at their best - even when "Best" is artificial and shallow.

(Disclaimer: I don't even know if this makes any sense, Sorry, I'm tired and my kids are all in room blasting Youtube videos - on two different computers, across the room - making it hard for me to think or form any coherent sentences.)

My real opinion is that from all the videos I've seen this year - people are over-thinking their costumes and Halloween. The truth is, the costume doesn't matter - It's how much fun you have that counts.

Also: A knife in a box of cereal does not make it a serial killer costume

>> ^bareboards2:

@Sagemind -- I think you are missing the point.
Or maybe -- rather -- Your second line is exactly the point. "Did you ever stop to think that maybe guys like the whole sexy look?" Good lord, as women we can't get away from what guys want. It should ONLY be what the women want to do.
It is about giving a different message to young women. Right now, they get inundated with one message only. This is what guys want. In magazines. In the movies. On television. (And yes, men are starting to be pressured in a similar way, but I don't see that as progress. I see that as the disease is spreading.)
I live in a town where "dressing up" everyday is frowned upon. Lots of "dressing down" here. When Halloween hits, the Sexy Everything shows up in spades. Men and women both. Then the next day, they go back to six layers and flannel. It's a great release, it's great fun.
You aren't the target audience, dear Sage. The target audience is young women who have never thought about being Louis CK. The target audience is young women who perhaps have never considered having their own fun with a costume, having their own self expression, rather than yet one more iteration of "this is what guys want."
What do THE YOUNG WOMEN want?
They choose sexy? Fine. They choose to be a paunchy balding ginger? What a hoot!

Evil Clown Does Cereal Commercial

siftbot (Member Profile)

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