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Pushkill (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Well, I appreciate your good nature, and apologize for questioning your coolitude. I look forward to seeing you turn bronze within the hour!

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:
thank you, I just want to be clear on how certain things go around here, I try to avoid submitting dupes as much as I can, and I don't want to call out other dupes if they are in fact not dupes. Like I said, I've been trying to get that video sifted for a couple weeks and then you promoted that one and I saw the submit date on it as being only a day or two old, and got pretty confused, hehe. All is good though, happy sifting, and thanks for the replies!

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
That's exactly right, videos that didn't get enough votes would roll to 'discard', and could only be resurrected with the 'save' invocation. I'm gonna let this whole thing drop, since you're only one point from being bronzed, and you are cool.

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:
yeah I know what you mean, there seems to be a redundancy between PQ and discarded videos. From my understanding of how it goes now, discard is meant to remove the video from submission and any possibility of it being resurected by another member, kind of like a private PQ, (which is why I would suspect they don't show up in searches or the dupe checks) and the PQ is like the holding area for videos that couldn't get votes fast enough, but still are attempting to be sifted. I'm wondering if there should be a siftbot command that a submitter can use to transfer their discarded videos to their PQ (is there one?).

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
I have no doubt that you are, for submitting Fintroll in the first place. I'm pretty confused about the whole business, because the "discard" pile used to be what the "pq" is now, so some people have some really cool stuff in there that I like to promote. Gets me in trouble more often than not.

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:
Discards don't show up in the search or the dupe check from what I have seen, so what is there to prevent those videos from being submitted over and over? I try to thoroughly search before I submit and nothing Finntroll related came up. I don't care which post is discarded I just wanted that video sifted because it deserves it and I've been putting it through beggar's canyon a few times.

(P.S. i'm pretty cool, too)

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
This one was submitted first, and is sifted. Protocol would be that yours is to be discarded.

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:

schmawy (Member Profile)

Pushkill says...

thank you, I just want to be clear on how certain things go around here, I try to avoid submitting dupes as much as I can, and I don't want to call out other dupes if they are in fact not dupes. Like I said, I've been trying to get that video sifted for a couple weeks and then you promoted that one and I saw the submit date on it as being only a day or two old, and got pretty confused, hehe. All is good though, happy sifting, and thanks for the replies!

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
That's exactly right, videos that didn't get enough votes would roll to 'discard', and could only be resurrected with the 'save' invocation. I'm gonna let this whole thing drop, since you're only one point from being bronzed, and you are cool.

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:
yeah I know what you mean, there seems to be a redundancy between PQ and discarded videos. From my understanding of how it goes now, discard is meant to remove the video from submission and any possibility of it being resurected by another member, kind of like a private PQ, (which is why I would suspect they don't show up in searches or the dupe checks) and the PQ is like the holding area for videos that couldn't get votes fast enough, but still are attempting to be sifted. I'm wondering if there should be a siftbot command that a submitter can use to transfer their discarded videos to their PQ (is there one?).

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
I have no doubt that you are, for submitting Fintroll in the first place. I'm pretty confused about the whole business, because the "discard" pile used to be what the "pq" is now, so some people have some really cool stuff in there that I like to promote. Gets me in trouble more often than not.

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:
Discards don't show up in the search or the dupe check from what I have seen, so what is there to prevent those videos from being submitted over and over? I try to thoroughly search before I submit and nothing Finntroll related came up. I don't care which post is discarded I just wanted that video sifted because it deserves it and I've been putting it through beggar's canyon a few times.

(P.S. i'm pretty cool, too)

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
This one was submitted first, and is sifted. Protocol would be that yours is to be discarded.

In reply to this comment by Pushkill:

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Wow! Deputy-Dog featured on BBC Click! (British Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Yeah I was just watching a download of it off a new UK tracker I found and it was on the segment featuring websites, and all of a sudden they are like! "I wonder where he finds all this neat stuff! He is surely a web guru!" It was hella surprising.

But then they started calling each other Deputy and killed the love.

I'm Voting Republican! - You'll Get What You Deserve!

9058 says...

I upvote just because i like the way it was shot and in technical terms its a good parody. However that being said i agree with everyone else that see's this as bullshitish. Its not about parties, both suck and both commit almost all the crimes this video states. Just because one con artist calls the other one out first doesnt mean they are the hero. So really it should be "I'm Voting for...Anyone, You'll Get What You Deserve"

What Mormons Believe

MINK says...

>> ^thepinky:

How is a church that encourages people to be good, that promotes strong and happy lifestyles and families, and that does an incredible amount of humanitarian work anything like Saddam Hussein's secret police?

Both are organisations with an ideology and a uniform.
The fact that followers of the ideology might be pleasant people does not support the ideology, whether it is Saddam's or Smith's or anyone else's.

... on a regular basis receive ridicule and real live persecution because of ignorance and intolerance (see my reply to dag), and the users of videosift are perpetuating that attitude toward them. It's sad.

Some people would say that insulting Christianity by claiming that Jesus visited your country and ordained a magic hat is both ignorant and intolerant. I think almost all organised religion is by definition intolerant of others. You can't tolerate justifiable attacks on the integrity of your organisation, you have to demand they stop. Why should they stop? Sure the retards going on about polygamy should update their criticism, but you're still gonna get criticised. You got a big temple and stuff. That's a legitimate target.

I didn't mean that it [the magic hat] is unimportant, I just mean that it isn't doctrinally significant enough to put in a short summary.

it undermines the validity of your organisation. it is a "dirty secret".

Mormons believe that Jesus died on Calvary, was resurrected after 3 days, and following his ascension into...heaven or whatever you want to call it, he visited Christians in the Americas.

And Smith died how? Resisting arrest with gunfire? Isn't that a bit weird for a Christian?
Now do you see my point?

Relax, I am not saying you are a bad person doing bad things. I am just saying it's highly debatable whether or not there is any foundation for your insistence on the particular strand of religion called "mormonism" ... other than you were born into it.

Popcorn popped by 4 cellphones

Arsenault185 says...

FAKE. Just tried it. Didn't work. I had 2 phones calling the other 2 phones didn't work. So i answered with the other 2 phones so they were all actively transmitting and receiving. It didn't work.

FOX jokes about killing Obama

10949 says...

>> ^twiddles:
^Indeed. It is sad that comments like that can be awarded a star point. There appears to be no civility left in the sift.

Oh come now, of course there's civility left. Obviously it's your choice of whether or not to believe me, but I really never use that word. In this case however, I wanted to mean it. And it seems like this is the last curse word that one can use which lets people know one means business. As I said to the one member who sent me a comment about this, I'm all ears for any other word you may suggest. Should I have said bitch, or asshole, or fucker, or douchebag? They all seem to lack the requisite punch of insulting this lady. I mean, wouldn't you agree that any of the above words are too good for this woman?

<begin punchiness>
Also, please recognize that when one woman is called a cunt, it doesn't mean the accuser is calling ALL women cunts. In fact, some of my uncivil male friends call my other uncivil male friends cunts from time to time. The result is usually hilarity.
<end punchiness>

I'm sincerely interested to hear a few things. Why is this word personally offensive to any ladies on the sift? If YOU wanted to call this woman something, what word would you choose? And are there any other off-limits words I should know about?

Ignoring Member Comments (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Wow, I didn't know that comment blocking was going to lead to Communism, choggie. This is a little surprising coming from a guy who says that opinions are like you-know-what.

Look, I don't plan on blocking anyone's comments, but if someone else wants to block them then who gives a rat's ass? People filter shit all the time in their lives anyway. Many choose not to watch FOX News because it sucks. Some people will only read the New York Post and refuse to even look at the New York Times. Some people refuse to read a single word of Ann Coulter's, and others can't stand to even hear the sound of Keith Olbermann's voice. What are you going to do, force everyone to watch and read everything so that they know all 879,000 sides of every story?

Now you could argue that the world is in such bad shape these days partly because people are always selectively filtering information. However I don't see human behavior having changed so drastically over the millennia to say that people only started selectively filtering information just recently. People have ALWAYS done it. It ain't the end of the world.

Besides, those who filter comments will probably notice that some threads won't make sense because they chose to filter out comments. Oh well, that's what they chose to do, so those are the consequences they'll have to accept.

If in a few days time we all start calling each other "comrade" and start posting old Soviet propaganda videos, then we'll know choggie was right after all. However I'm still banking on comment filtering not even registering a blip on the social-interaction radar here. And I watch the radar, people. Trust me.


elysse says...

this video, for me, fails to accomplish it's goal. i dislike Wilders instead. his skimming view of an entire culture (much less religion) is on par with anything the american right-wing has thrown at us, only he know how to edit film (sort of). he cherrypicked the darkest of the dark in human behavior and expects us to believe that it's somehow specific to only one religion and people because of the language and clothing. i'm not Muslim, i'm not Christian, i'm not even an Aperture Science employee, but even i can see through this to the self-imposed racism and fear that Wilder must live with every day. he'd have a fine time with Limbaugh or Imus. they should have their people call each other and do lunch.

i can neither upvote or downvote the video. i see the merit in promoting a voice stifled (as an idea), but i cannot be party to the promotion of such xenophobic and hate-filled bile.

and Wilder is, himself, in violation of Godwin's Law (see the text at the end).

My Girlfriend made some other guy pay for the Abortion

moodonia says...

I knew a girl who did that, slept with some other guy after she got pregnant to get him to pay up. Dont know if the guy ever found out, I guess he must have if word reached me. Small towns. I almost called the other guy a sucker while typing that but I guess that could happen to anyone. Hope that sad little tale hasnt bummed anyone out.

Least helpful/ Most hated comments. (Sift Talk Post)

JAPR says...

>> ^joedirt:
Note to admins:
This is more proof that your top-down decisions to make micro-managing behavior acceptable will lead to an unpleasant place full of tattle tales and calling out other people's comments and behavior. And then comment moderation wars, then voting wars, then calling banning those who vote in a certain way. Enjoy your bed.

Ummmmm, whatever dude. We're having a fine, pleasant conversation here. We can do that. It's not like people are all bitching their asses off and flaming each other.

Least helpful/ Most hated comments. (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...

Note to admins:
This is more proof that your top-down decisions to make micro-managing behavior acceptable will lead to an unpleasant place full of tattle tales and calling out other people's comments and behavior. And then comment moderation wars, then voting wars, then calling banning those who vote in a certain way. Enjoy your bed.

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