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dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Horror in Myanmar--Warning, Video of Shooting of Journalist

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'japanese, revolution, monks, photojournalism' to 'japanese, revolution, monks, photojournalism, myanmar, burma, protest, kenji nagai' - edited by lucky760

Brink of Revolution

Arcade Fire / Eisenstein - Intervention

choggie says...

upvote for, Eisenstein.....Vlad was sure a prick, wasn't he?

Kim Jung Il...Dangerous, sociopath, Prick.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ? Cocksucker, Idiot, dangerous, killer.
King Abdullah? Asshole, enabler.
Bashar al-Assad? Coward,cocksucker, killer.
Hugo Chavez? Coward, president-wannabe, asshole, killer.
King Fahd?-Evil cocksucker, Satan would be proud-
Than Shwe of Burma-evil midget dick.
Saparmurad Niyazov of Turkmenistan? Narcissist, asshole, killer.
Muammar Gaddafi?-dangerous little camel-lover.
(really has a nice pool for his cammies, though)
Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus?-Stalin-lover, carbuncle, human waste.
G.W.Bush-Dangerous, connected, from a family of privileged, pricks and assholes.

Please pray for their immediate deaths.

ashes and snow: a slow-motion sepia dreamworld

plastiquemonkey says...

"Since its debut in Venice in 2002, more than a million people have attended Ashes and Snow, an exhibition of more than 50 large-scale photographic artworks, a 60-minute feature film, and two 9-minute film haikus by Gregory Colbert."

"Gregory Colbert's photographic artworks capture extraordinary moments of contact between man and animal.

Gregory Colbert has spent thirteen years patiently filming and photographing elephants, whales, birds, and other animals in such places as India, Burma, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Namibia, Egypt, the island of Dominica, Tonga, and Antarctica. ashes and snow, Colbert's lifelong project, explores the nature of animals in their natural habitat as they interact with human beings. His images attempt to lift the natural and artificial barriers between humans and other species—to re-awaken in us an understanding of our shared animal nature."

ashes and snow.

Underground Video Of Tyranny In China

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