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Duck Dynasty Is Fake!

shinyblurry says...

The guy who made this video really failed to give a thoughtful analysis of the situation. Before I comment, I will clarify that I do not agree with the thought or spirit behind Phils comments. I think they were crude, and fundamentally wrong on a few different levels. I do agree with Phil, however, that homosexuality is a sin. However, so is stealing and lying and cheating on your taxes, and so I do not single out homosexuals for their sins in particular. To do so would be hypocrtical because I fall short of the glory of God daily and I need Jesus just as much as they do.

My comment is that this situation has little to do with Phil or Duck dynasty; it is simply acting as a vehicle for a lot of pent up outrage and angst against the media and the politically correct culture. It's an overreaction, basically, because conservatives in general and Christians in particular feel marginalized by the current cultural climate.

It's an interesting cultural milestone because while Chick-fil-a was popular, it was never in the spotlight of the media or very much in the national consciousness. As a money making and ratings juggernaut, Duck Dynasty is right on the main nerve of it all, and so its fans, typically conservatives and Christians, cannot be easily ignored. Greed has given them a voice because the threat of a boycott is seen as a clear and present danger to many different bank accounts.

So we see two forces now pitted against eachother; one is the real motive of the corporation, which is to milk duck dynasty for every dollar it can. The other is its obligation to appease the politically correct establishment by blacklisting all who have violated the new cultural norms. A&E had no choice in the matter; they clearly had to do something. But, it is all just a facade; they dearly wish they had 100 Phils with 100 hit shows instead of just 1.

So, it is interesting to me because greed is taking the air out of the politically correct atmosphere. Because of Duck Dynastys popularity, the right actually has a louder voice in the culture than the left on this issue. If Duck Dynasty was just an obscure show, Phil would be history. Yet, because it generates so much wealth for shareholders, Phil is pretty much invincible. It all comes back to the bottom line, an idol to which seemingly anything can ultimately be sacrificed, even the progressive agenda itself.

The Problem with Civil Obedience

chingalera says...

Economic disobedience in the form of collective boycotts would be the fastest way to show the masses how much power they actually wield in this illusion created for us, a system that serves a handful of gangsters.

Try it on a huge corp like Mc Donalds or Exxon for 3 months and watch how fast the quarterly numbers force their compliance with the new, not-a-robot demands.

MCresources help line-how mcdonalds helps its workers

chingalera says...

Sooooo sick and twisted-Too bad you can't convince peeps to exercise their collective boycott power of these places-You can't-Peeps are too uneducated and apathetic to adjust their own diets and cleanse the world of fast-food at the same time-Do you know how fast food prices in grocery stores would drop if every fast-food chain was suddenly gone tomorrow?
We could bankrupt these fools in one fiscal quarter.

Syrian woman blasts McCain at town hall meeting

chingalera says...

Gotta give it up to her for being able to look Skeletor in the face standing so close. Once she started speaking with passion he was then compelled to turn his gaze from the floor to her face.....(cringe) I couldn't have met that snivelingly-sinister gaze as she did, YOW!

I'd imagine (and tout the idea constantly when people start bitching about being powerless in these situations) a most effective impact would be had in the form of protest through boycott:
For instance, the entire country buys no gasoline for a week, a month, etc.
Protest prison system woes and completely fucked drug laws by hitting more commodities, boycott cotton and coffee for six months and watch 'em squirm.

Week off Work protests stretch into month off work.
Laws violating the human rights of retail employees, the ethical treatment of squirrels in public parks, pick a cause and demand change through withdrawing your capitol and watch the cockroaches scatter!

Shut down the predictable meatbag habits and watch the shit change dramatically.

We are heading towards planet lock-down and we can make it easy for Babylon, or a pain in her ass.

Let's talk about Syria (Politics Talk Post)

chingalera says...

All for amping-up the civil disobedience phase of a revolution before more social meltdown and a slow, ugly decline. Larry Wilkerson's perspective seems the most palatable though, unlikely. Arms embargoes, diplomacy and discussions about details of scenarios that have already been set into motion won't change the push forward into that direction I suspect.
The best form of civil and economic disobedience peeps can flex is through collective boycott/embargo/non-participation in failed or toxic systems. Stop watching television firstly and groom a thinking generation off the teat of their programming. Change the shit-think and the obvious answers appear. Welcome to planet earth it's a dangerous place, don't panic.

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

VidRoth says...

This makes me so sad. Before 2000 or so, he was just an amazing sci-fi writer. Then he just totally snapped.

I'll give him this, though: he was getting a lot of flack for toning down his rhetoric before the movie, to avoid hurting ticket sales. Apparently he didn't like getting thought of that way. Back with a vengeance!

Tragic. Ender's Game is one of the best novels of the last 50 years. And now I don't even want to see the movie. Not "going to boycott to make a point," the man genuinely kills my interest in work he's attached to.

Game of Food Trucks ~ Westeros, Illinois

chingalera says...

I'd hire kids to stand in front of the B&M's and recruit boycotters with free food m'self...I can't stand fuckers who whine about competition, especially when their product is inferior-It's happened to me, and it happens because peeps are groomed to be sorry-ass selfish bitches nowadays-

Jeff Bliss interview , of Duncanville High School AMAZING!!!

chingalera says...

So what?? Let him rant-This is as effective a way as any to hand the shit to the DuncanvilleISD, a critically-thinking student ranting on a worldwide forum.

Change starts with outrage like this and too many people think education in the United States benefits you beyond a ticket to another cog-like existence, a "career"

Perhaps though, Jeff should quit now, get a G.E.D., and get on with living. Or maybe he should run for superintendent.

You know Yogi, the best way to fix systemic social ills in the form of piss-poor eduindoctrination? Pull your fucking kids out of public schools (home school) and encourage others in similar boycotts. But hey, no one can because everyone's working for shit-tickets and has no time-What a conundrum, eh?

George Galloway Storms Out Of Debate With Israeli Student

bcglorf says...

In the video Galloway also goes on to say that he's had several Israeli citizens on his show and who he's on platform with. Galloway specifically states that he doesn't consider every Israeli citizen the problem

2:45 in Gorillaman's video, "I don't debate with Israelis", again at 8:44 and again at 11:08. Galloway only declares that his problem is not with Jewish people, he repeatedly declares that he absolutely will not debate Israeli's.

What is your response to the gorrilaman video which Galloway explains his reasoning.

My response is disgust, outrage and disbelief. Galloway declares that on principle, his boycott of Israel extends to the point of refusing to even engaging any Israeli in debate. I had hoped that much was clear, and if that point isn't agreed let me know. I don't know how Galloway could make himself any clearer but apparently some still don't hear him.

On the face of it, his position on that isn't even what I find most offensive, though I do find it so. I insist it is no different than any other nationality I've mentioned up thread. What is intolerable is Galloway's own past record.

Saddam Hussein committed genocide against his own people not once, but twice. Killing nearly a half million people across the two. George Galloway did NOT refuse to engage Saddam(let alone Iraqis) in debate. In fact, George went to Baghdad and met Saddam, telling him "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength and your indefatigability. I can honestly say when I was speaking with my comrades about coming here, each one wished me to extend their fraternal greetings and support."

Bashir al Assad is continuing on the work of his father, brutally repressing and killing his own people. Galloway again went to Damascus, to praise Syria and tell the people how lucky they were to have Assad. He even squeezed in praise for the Iraqi suicide bombers then blowing up Shia mosques and neighbourhoods.

Galloway's moral 'high' road towards Israel is revealing in the extreme when looking at his eagerness to not only engage, but actively praise other war criminals in the region.

Myanmar's Deadly Ruby Trade

How Advertisers Failed Women in 2012

Trancecoach says...

Hmm, how does one attract someone with something that is unattractive?

Perhaps by associating it with something that's attractive!

If you don't like it, don't buy it. You vote with your dollars. Boycott all the companies listed in this video (and those that follow suit), but don't expect it to have much effect.

We are motivated to buy what attracts us.

The Problem With Mainstream Media

chingalera says...

Willful contention or righteous indignation and frustration fuels my personal disgust with "so-called" news and "alleged" reporting of "facts." IF the big 3 from circa 1955 was truthfully and without bias reporting world events and delivering them to owners of televisions and radios then I am a woman,trapped in a child's body who speaks five dead languages fluently.

If major media outlets are not a pathetic informational aberration developed as it has to deliver DISinformation and propaganda which supports the agendas of her financiers and sponsors, then the mixture of inert gasses drawn into sentient lungs from the atmosphere circa 1350 was much more poisonous than it will be in 2019.

Because in 2020, ginourmous air scrubbers built by children in 4rth world countries will purify the atmosphere to Precambrian quality!

deedub81? Spot-on. If a collective boycott of their bullshit happened overnight, I challenge you that they would NOT adjust their mission of bullshit to accommodate the newly-awakened masses, they would not be ALLOWED to continue in any capacity.

What are the first institutions secured during a military coup? Presidential palace and communications outlets. (TV and Radio, internet). Best way to get cattle to do your bidding is to fill their heads with bullshit designed to CONTROL them, not to inform them.

OH....and I only voted Stink (Muckrack) Uruguay and his Smugly Smugstein-ass up because our ol' pal farhad2000 popped-up on the radar after extended hiatus-Howdy pardner!

The Bane of Banned Books

Sagemind says...

Also on a separate note, Indigo Books and Music has joined forces with U.S. bookstore chain Barnes & Noble in refusing to stock or sell any books published by online rival This is in protest to Amazon using predatory tactics that weaken an already struggling book industry. Citing the online company’s policy of reserving exclusive rights to sell e-books produced by Amazon's new publishing arm.

Not banning per say but a definitely proof that, we can only access what is offered to us.

Obama Gets an Awesome Surprise Bear Hug From the Pizza Guy

Playing Cypress Hill to a squid

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