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The Most Interesting Word In The English Language Is........

Android 207 stop-motion short

oritteropo says...

The indieflix link above has died, but has it - - and confirms the film is from Paul Whittington.

He has posted it on his yt channel... updating embed from that and also *length=598

Also, in the description, he has a dvd available from Amazon with this film and some others

Films included are:
- Android 207 (an android is trapped inside of a large maze)
- L19: Disposed (the last few minutes of an android's life)
- The Kitchen Trilogy (three films that showcase a menacing look at the baking, carving, and juicing of food)
- Inanimate Objects (when the humans are way the objects will play)
- Table Kid Kirby (a five part stop-motion animated series about a small clay man stuck on a table)
- Dead Fish (a wasteland of dead fish an those who feed on them)
- Isabel Knew Too Much (a friendly dog begins to comprehend the world around her)
- Plus more...

Turkish Star Wars With English Subtitles (1982; 1.5 hours)

Turkish Star Wars With English Subtitles (1982; 1.5 hours)

Turkish Star Wars With English Subtitles (1982; 1.5 hours)

ant says...

What did you see? is having a power outage from its rain storm in San Francisco. Are you sure it is not related? Please recheck it again after is fully working again.

eric3579 said:

You assume this was the message i saw when i deaded your video. It was not.

Turkish Star Wars With English Subtitles (1982; 1.5 hours)

ant says...

Why did you dead it when is under maintenance and upgrades as shown below?

"Scheduled Maintenance

The Internet Archive's sites are offline for scheduled maintenance and upgrades.

Please check our twitter feed @internetarchive for updates.

Sorry for the inconvenience."

*notdead -- Confirm it after it returns.

eric3579 said:


Doubt - How Deniers Win

bcglorf says...

Then slow down with theories of our impending demise, the IPCC doesn't support it. You want to talk about not denying the science, then you don't get to preach gloom and doom. Don't claim a large percentage of farmland is going to be lost to sea level rise by 2100. Don't claim coastlines are going to be pushed back 10 miles by a worst case 1 foot rise of sea level by 2100.

We are talking about advancements solving problems like a maximum sea level rise of a foot in the next 100 years, with best guesses being lower than that. I think it's modest to suggest our children's children will have figured out how to raise the dikes around places like New Orleans by a foot in the next 100 years.
The concord and moon trips are no longer happening because they are expensive. We can do them if we needed to, and more easily than the first time around. Finding out people aren't willing to pay the premium to shave an hour off their flight doesn't mean the technology no longer exists. Just because America no longer needs to prove they can lift massive quantities of nuclear warheads into orbit doesn't mean we couldn't still go to the moon again if it was needed. There's just no reason to do it, the tech exists still none the less.
Yes, there are social problems that confound the use of new technology. You fail to notice that is also the problem with feeding everybody. Food production isn't the problem, but rather the men with guns that control distribution. Stalin's mass starvation of millions was a social problem, not climate change or technology. Mao's was the same. North Koreas the same. All over Africa is the same. We have more than enough food, and plenty of charities work hard to send food over to places like Africa. Once the food gets there though the men with guns take most of it and people still starve. The reason Africa has so many crop failures is the violent displacement of the farmers. Exactly the same problem that saw millions starve in Russia, China and North Korea.
You are right that a changing climate could compound Africa's ag industry a bit, but it's a small hit compared to the violent displacement problem. Also, don't neglect to consider to impact of meaningful CO2 emission restrictions around the globe. A large scale global economic downturn probably means a lot more war, bloodshed, and starvation. If you do not reduce emissions enough to trigger that downturn and instead just 'marginally', you get stuck with both because Africa is still going to see virtually the same climate changes through the next hundred years.

And if you are worried about losing the glaciers in the Himalayas by 2100 there is very good reason to believe that's gonna be alright:

newtboy said:

Slow down with the theories that our 'advancements' will solve all problems, not create more, because all the things you listed have been fairly disastrous in the long run, many being large parts of the issue at hand, climate change, and things like putting a man on the moon or traveling the globe in hours have gone backwards, meaning it was simpler to do either 35-45 years ago than it is today (we can't get to the moon with NASA today, or get on a concord). Assuming new tech will come along and solve the problems we can't solve today is wishful thinking, assuming they'll come with no strings attached means you aren't paying attention, all new tech is a double edged sword in one way or another.
IF humans could harness their tech, capital, and energy altruistically, yes, we could solve world hunger, disease, displacement, etc. Humans have never in history done that though.
We already can't feed a large percentage of the planet. If a large percentage of farmable land is lost to sea level rise (won't take much) and also a large population displaced by the same (a HUGE percentage of people live within 10 miles of a coast or estuary), we're screwed. It will mean less food, less land to grow food, more displaced people, less fresh water, fewer fisheries, etc. We can't solve a single one of these problems today. What evidence do you have we could solve it tomorrow, when conditions will be exponentially less favorable?
For instance, something like 1/3 of the population survives on glacial water. It's disappearing faster than predicted. There's simply no technology to solve that problem, even desalination doesn't work to get water into Nepal. People seem to like water and keeping their insides moist, how would you suggest we placate them?

Tom Hanks + Dan Aykroyd = rap?

newtboy (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

It is with disappointment that I find your comments. ...belittling, condescending, and insulting. After the many comments privately exchanged up to this point that this one is not proffered so is indicative of a lack of respect I can only find interesting and telling.

As to the video, its merits or lack thereof and for the various opinions about same, it may be that in the fullness of time consensus will change...or not. As to my investment in the matter, I presently have none. To knee jerk, in your vernacular, comments or opinions garnered from snippets, headlines, media articles, predilection of personal beliefs,etc,. I have little to no respect to offer.

I do find the subject of this video interesting and have done enough research to find merit in further evaluation and a skeptical eye towards purported findings. But, that is neither here nor there. I posted it primarily for my own archival purposes fully expecting the reaction received with no concern about it. This practice will be repeated exercised if not often so. I will admit surprise at the development precipitating this exchange. Oh well.

I do not need to agree with others, as is often the case, to respect and even like and care for them. I do, however, have a disdain for apparent character deficiencies as is evidenced by behavior. Also, oh well. Neither do I suffer the defect of ego that I must defend a point of view or opinion or engage in any allied exercise of futility and certainly not in this environ as the honored civilized pursuit of intelligent discourse is so oft shunned in favor of banal, insipid and vitriolic attacks.

Enjoy and thank you for the many civil, kind and pleasant exchanges this one notwithstanding, of course.

newtboy said:

So sorry that flatly pointing out the statistical proof from your video that your video is (repeatedly proven) ridiculous BS insanity garners your downvote.

Comment down-voting is reserved for inappropriate comments as described above or comments you honestly find morally objectionable or insulting, and must only be used for a comment that contains truly offensive content.

Exactly what part do you find insulting...or are you just kneejerkingly downvoting someone who disagrees with you...again?
(I expect you'll also downvote this one, but it may be insulting... to the video and the repeatedly consistently thoroughly proven wrong theory it supports, not a person, but hey, don't let that stop ya).

dad takes some pictures of his daughter-then that happened

jmd says...

This too. Especially with how efficient we are getting at archiving, sorting, and searching through information today. It is hard to become a celebrity or politician if your haters can drum up stuff like this. Art is one thing, casual photography for the sake of pronouncing your innocence against society is another.

WaterDweller said:

ask yourself this: When my kids are grown up, will they thank me for posting those pictures online? No? The opposite? Maybe you shouldn't post them, then.

Moore Says Obama Remembered Solely as First Black President

Trancecoach says...

Obamacare is certainly not a "good" thing he did. It's a disaster, as is already evident to many.

As for accelerating the U.S.' insolvency, well that's both good and bad.
Alas, nothing will ever make up for his droning of innocent people, continuing most of what Bush started.

As with all Presidents, there is a devastating disappointment that they didn't do less.

While people are desperately trying to find something "good" about his presidency ("OMG! He saved GM!"), they will have to willfully overlook the fact that Obama is the most crony-friendly President in U.S. history.

I agree with Moore that Obama will be remembered as the country's first (half) black President. And with any luck, as a warning to Americans not to believe in such promises of "hope" and "change" coming from any politicians ever again... or believe anything from any politician ever.

Authorities Seize Family Home Over $40-Worth of Drugs

Trancecoach says...

Whatever. Being a statist is its own punishment. The institution of the state has too much popular support, even if the particular criminals who get "elected" sometimes lose their popularity after a few years. They get "replaced" by "new" more popular criminals and so the cycle repeats itself. Nothing will likely stop it, regardless of the nation, be it Israel, the U.S., or elsewhere... Except perhaps the economic collapse. So the good always comes with the bad and vice versa. Probably best to get out of the way as things fall apart. At least you can say there's drama constantly. Never boring.

And as someone has said about being a contrarian:
"Following the herd is a sure-fire way to mediocrity."

@newtboy writes: "well thought out complaints with follow through often DO get results, and even if they don't you'll know you tried the right thing first."

Yeah, "the right thing," eh? According to whom? You?

Even if you replace the cop (even if it happens which often doesn't), so what? Another one takes his place. It's the whole police system, these are not just "isolated" individuals who are out of control. A lot of people insist that these are just "bad apples." Then those people become victims themselves. Poetic justice.

newtboy said:

<blah blah blah>

Praying Mantis Fly Swatter

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

enoch says...

the situation in st louis did not just pop up out of thin air overnight.the tensions between the poor community (mostly black) and the police has been a festering pressure cooker for almost 15 years.

a particularly venal chapter in the st louis police archives is the RNC of 2008,for anybody to absorb some context on the militarization of a police force.

the tinder has been accumulating just waiting for the match.
mike brown WAS that match.
this is not new nor original.
it has happened before.

and as @lantern53 has pointed out:it is the chain of command that sets the tone of how that police force performs their if those in charge are authoritarian douche nozzles,that attitude tends to trickle down to the everyday cop on the street.

cops by their very nature are authoritarian due to their vocational choice.they respect the chain of command and the authority it follow orders is to be a "good" cop.

so i do not understand the ridicule that lantern is receiving.he is offering his perspective AS an actual police officer.i am not suggesting that he is right NOR that his opinion somehow exonerates the st louis cop JUST because he is a cop but rather we should listen to someone who actual IS a cop.

there is absolutely ZERO evidence that lantern is a bad cop.we simply do not know how well,or poorly,lantern is at his job.

there IS evidence,however,that lantern tends be a tad racist,authoritarian and contradictory.lantern may be a poor debater but that does not make him a bad cop.

though his defense of zimmerman does reveal an extremely poor judge of character.(seriously lantern?that dude is a full fledged cunt).

but i get it @VoodooV,
lantern is easy pickings.
a right wing authoritarian conservative commenting on a mostly secular left site?
its like shooting fish in a barrel.

sometimes lantern brings it on himself...i know.
his poor debating skills coupled with an almost embarrassing understanding of history and government makes him catnip to someone like you.


i disagree with lantern,pretty much always and i agree that sometimes his biased rhetoric should be taken to task,if only to clear up the bullshit.

but you take it to whole new levels voodoo.
you follow him from thread to thread and chastise and belittle him and THEN act all hurt and shocked when he lashes out at you!

seriously?thats like poking a grizzly bear in the face and then crying when it rips half your face off.

you use the exact same tactics choggie used,but at least he was entertaining.

you are just a bully.
a hypocritical,sanctimonious bully.hiding behind the skirts of others who may find lanterns comments distasteful (which they certainly can be).this is a cowards path and just like all bullies,you rely on the silence of others to continue your persecution of someone who does not have the support of an entire site.

i find your lack of humanity disturbing.
and i will not be silent.
your actions do not deserve respect but rather ridicule.

2014 Bigelow Aerospace Promotional Video

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