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90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

ChaosEngine says...

Heroin is not the problem.


cloudballoon said:

Never saw the original, thanks eric3579 for the link. It's good that she did the redo for a different purpose. But please don't negate the original message though. Heroin is still bad.

90s Anti-Drug Ad Gets A Redo - Your Brain On Drug Policy

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

Syntaxed says...

How ridiculous. There is no excuse for widespread drug addiction in society. To insinuate that it is not society's responsibility to maintain a drug free culture, that it is somehow natural to procure an addiction to drugs in preposterous.

There is a very viable excuse for cancer, that is, it is a naturally occurring affliction. It is preventable in some cases, mitigable in others, but overall, it is unavoidable for those who develop it.

This video is an insult to anyone of reasonable intelligence, it is an insult to those inflicted with cancer, and is an injustice to those in society battling drug abuse epidemics in major cities across the globe.

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

transmorpher says...

This was obviously made by someone that's never worked with drug addicts, and has a idealistic view on the issue.

Normally when you aren't familiar with a certain demographic it's easy to judge and be dismissive of their issues. But once you get to know them and their struggles, you become more sympathetic, and you start seeing them as individuals. You find you have quite a lot in-common, and your prejudices are dropped.

Well for drug addicts (and alcoholics to an extent), it's the complete opposite.

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

Jinx says...

It tricky innit.

I do think addiction is disease, but I think it must be exhausting to love somebody with an addiction, so I do feel this video comes across as a bit callous.

ChaosEngine said:


To be fair, addicts do bear some responsibility for their disease (although you could make the same argument for some cancer sufferers, e.g. smokers).

But even if they got the disease in a moment of vulnerability, that's still no reason to treat them the way we do.

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

ChaosEngine says...


To be fair, addicts do bear some responsibility for their disease (although you could make the same argument for some cancer sufferers, e.g. smokers).

But even if they got the disease in a moment of vulnerability, that's still no reason to treat them the way we do.

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

If we treated cancer patients the way we treat addicts

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newtboy says...

Bwaaahahaha! Pretty sure that term came from your video! Some proteins are more easily used by the body than others...these would be deemed 'quality proteins' when talking nutrition. Kuru, a prion, for one, is a non-quality protein.

This, from the guy that conflates enjoying cheese with heroin level addiction and anecdotal advertisements with peer reviewed studies?!? Lol!

transmorpher said:

"quality proteins" do you even science bro? You're trying to call out health professionals on their lack of scientific ability, but you go an use a phrase that means absolutely nothing beyond the meat commercial it came from.

I'm not going to waste 30 minutes of my time getting a list of studies together, because all you ever do is reply with aggressive hyperbole.

NYC's Best Burger, Explained

newtboy says...

EDIT: Based on past experience with his claims, that's not presenting the science, it's completely misrepresenting it. It's what this guy does, he cherry picks someone else's data, totally misrepresents the study and it's conclusions, and makes huge leaps and extrapolations to say things like 'eating meat is now proven to be the same carcinogenic cancer risk as being a chain smoker'....but anyone who can understand the study he cites, limited to highly processed cured meats and mentioning the levels of possible carcinogens was not measured but are likely infinitesimal, can see it said no such thing, and didn't even come close to implying it. That type of misuse of data gets my goat....I think lying about science and data are crimes against humanity, and I wish they were actionable.

Bullshit, that's not true at all. My wife eats cheese about 3-4 times a year, and enjoys it those times. Same with beef. No addiction cycle exists with that long of a period that I'm aware of.
Food preference/taste is in no way the same as addiction, and any "doctor" telling you differently is a liar.
Habits and addictions are different concepts, that's why they are spelled and pronounced differently.

transmorpher said:

He's just presenting the science, he's wasn't involved in the research he's talking about.

But it's true, once you break the addiction cycle, cheese is no longer appetizing. It's very similar to quitting smoking in that sense.

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