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America's Got Talent: chair jumping gone wrong ( Real-Fake?)

joedirt says...

Totally 100% fake. Watch it at 3:06 over and over again. There is a tramp he jumps off of and the legs buckle instantly. This is a stunt and if you don't believe it, check out when he falls and then pushes himself over on his head. There is no way to pivot like that on your head unless you are trying to do it.

I used to hurdle and let me tell you, it would be no problem to jump / roll dive that many chairs. You (a) wouldn't need a trampoline. Ever. Go check out the video of the martial arts guys running and jumping over lines of people in the dojo.

Totally fake and lame. What a loser, this is his attempt at 5 mins of fame cause he is such an awesome "action figure".

Stop Motion Drunk Ownage

xxovercastxx says...

Actually there's a guy I know who has this type of thing done to him at nearly every get together. Even when he's not drunk, he's pretty hard to wake up. Last time I was around when he passed out, someone super-glued action figures to his face and neck.

I'd also say wrapping an unconscious drunk in plastic wrap isn't such a great idea. You've got the obvious suffocation risk plus the increased choking/suffocation risk if they happen to puke.

Nissan Toys 2 - GI Joe Adventure team (unseen commercial)

No. 17 football action figure

Free to Be You and Me: William's Doll (1974)

rickegee says...

Good research find, dotdude. I am rather surprised that 'action figure' as a marketing term was not around in the 1950s.

Once Star Wars came out, it rendered the central issue of this video moot. William could pretend that stormtroopers or cantina creatures were female or just spend an inordinate amount of time with Leia.

Free to Be You and Me: William's Doll (1974)

dotdude says...

This video provoked me to look up "action figure" in Wikipedia:


The term "action figure" was first used by Hasbro in 1964, to market their G.I. Joe figure to boys who wouldn't play with "dolls". G.I. Joe was initially a military-themed 11.5-inch action figure proposed by marketing and toy idea-man Stan Weston. The action figure featured changeable clothes with various uniforms to suit different purposes. . ."

The rest of the article:

C.O.P.S., one of the best cartoons in the 80's

C.O.P.S., one of the best cartoons in the 80's

C.O.P.S., one of the best cartoons in the 80's

Toys from the '70s. We had more fun back then.

choggie says...

Damn I am sorry to have missed out on this stream of reminisce. I had most of these, and this reminded me of many more.
Some all-time favs were, KerPlunkk, the Hoppity-Hop, Six-Million Dollar Man action figure, Battling Tops, Worm Wrestle had me transfixed for a short time, damn, it's amazing how many memories an old TV add can stir up.-Synaptic triggers

Look at the Kitty!!

choggie says...

I hope noone thinks that a no vote for kitties means I don't like kitties....most a these kitty viddys are of dullard kitties. Where's "action figure kitty"..."big balls kitty" and , "Have on of my nine lives ya bastard!" kitty?

Somebody has WAY too many Star Wars toys/time on hands!

Somebody has WAY too many Star Wars toys/time on hands!

Spaceballs - Your helmet is so big ...

Very bad anti drug PSA

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