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This man is POTUS

newtboy says...

As usual, you are just wrong…build back better is not an inflation plan you twit.

Step 1, fill the office that handles inflation, not keep it so understaffed that it can’t legally hold a functioning meeting to do anything like Republicans did all through Trump’s tenure and continue to do.

Without a functioning fed, Biden can only add bandaids. If you took civics, or cared to know what you are talking about, or just read what you are told when you ask these ignorant questions, you would know this.

Trump spent more than Obama without starting in a recession he crawled out of but instead starting with a healthy economy causing a recession, spent way more if you count all the extra money he had “printed”. That causes inflation…but not instantly. He spent the most by far in 2020, anyone with 1/2 a brain saw inflation would be the result, we all told you then. You still refuse to or are incapable of understanding.

Biden is a Democrat, so you ignore the one to blame and blame him. I notice you NEVER blamed the last figurehead…the one who knew nothing, had no experience, and led us into a near depression/pandemic then tried to overthrow democracy in America. Idiot.

You are so full of shit with that last. Give me 3 examples when Democrats voted against a plan they created to stop a win, 3 examples when democrats voted against something they said was good for their constituents simply to deny Republicans a win, because I can point to 3 instances when McConnel actually went out publicly and said that’s the Republican plan….and dozens of instances when he implemented that plan.

He now says if Republicans get control, there will be no more hearings to fill any vacancies in government by Biden, just let the country fall apart for 2-6 more years until they get to force someone in. Who cares that it destroys the economy, infrastructure, and the union…no win for dems is all that counts.

bobknight33 said:

And what is Biden plan to stop inflation?

Spend more money via Build back better. That's his plan.
The Fed reserve manages inflation. They don't cause it.
This all started at least a decade ago when government spending really went off the rails and has yet to be controlled.

Biden is the figure head and hence gets the blame.

If a bill truly helps Americans, Democrats would stop a Republican win just as much as Republican would stop a Democrat win.

Jim Carrey reacts to Will Smith Chris Rock Slap @ The Oscars

newtboy says...

It didn’t look weak to me. Maybe he didn’t fully connect, but he put his whole body into it with follow through. Remember, this guy played Ali not so long ago and probably has near 100lbs on Chris.

I think the “ He should have just got on stage and asked Chris to apologize and hold up the show until he did.” Idea is almost as bad, just as narcissistic and self centered, takes away from the other winners just as much, and makes it all about Will’s bruised ego just as much, it only eliminates the actual, rather minimal violence….a step in the right direction, but hardly decent or acceptable behavior. If it becomes accepted, forget awards shows, somebody’s going to Kanye at every one for their own reasons. (Yes, I just used Kanye as a verb)

Will should have declined his award, or at the least given his time to Questlove and the rest of the Summer of Soul creators that he stole the limelight from. His apology fell incredibly flat. That’s another way his actions hurt the African American community, a major award for a stupendous documentary about a forgotten, amazing “black Woodstock” was ignored because of his tantrum.

The prosecution wouldn’t be about the punishment, you’re right, he would get community service and a tiny fine. It’s about showing there’s no free pass for the privileged, and not prosecuting proves there is one, at least in Hollywood. Not a good message to send to say the least.

I agree, he needs to retire, he’s got way more going on than one minor joke to have that reaction. He doesn’t need the money. I hope he takes his annoying kid with him.

spawnflagger said:

I agree with Jim Carrey that the standing ovation given to Will Smith was more offensive than the slap itself. Kudos to Chris Rock for taking the high road, and getting "on with the show" - shows a true professional. Glad his comedy tour tickets are selling out.

A lot of initial reports were calling this a punch, but it wasn't. It was a weak slap, I'm sure that Smith could have slapped much harder but that wasn't the point. It was still dumb. He should have just got on stage and asked Chris to apologize and hold up the show until he did. The dumbest part was Will actually laughed at the joke!

As far as DA prosecuting, you know he'd never see jail time, and for any monetary fine- he's already done to himself by negative reputation. Think of all the potential future roles he's lost in that 1 moment. Time to go buy an island and move there, cause he's now retired.

Desi Lydic Foxsplains: Why Did Putin Invade Ukraine?

newtboy says...

Please don’t spread the rebranding, intentional bastardization of a 40 year old well known legal analysis class to create a scapegoat, a faux boogeyman for the right to be outraged over.
CRT is not what the Right has falsely branded it, and it’s blatantly obvious they needed to create a racist scapegoat because their old buzzwords like Political Correctness weren’t being taken seriously or sparking outrage anymore.

It’s just more bullshit, don’t step in it

luxintenebris said:

off-subject slightly...but how can american history be taught w/o ratting out all the bad american history?

crt isn't much different than this...
...lead by hatred against americans w/german names

The dangers of a Russian energy superpower

vil says...

Newt has it researched as usual, some minor points:
- Ukraine is in the UN
- Ukraine in its pre war state could not get into the EU, there are economic criteria for that to have a chance to work. What was proposed was a free trade zone and economic help. The EU was slow as fuck. The Ukrainian political situation was volatile.
- Ukraine could not be admitted into NATO after 2014 as it was already in a proxy war against Russia.

What a US president with a brain could have done in Trumps term was broker a deal with Putin that would make land concessions to Russia (russian speaking regions based on referendums maybe?) in exchange for future EU and NATO affiliation for the rest of Ukraine with vague promises of weapon and troop movement limitations. Nearly impossible but it could be tried if one stayed a step ahead of Putin.

Trump patted him on the back instead and took selfies.

Americans Tell NBC, “Blown Away” By Bidenflation,

newtboy says...

I do….and I can list reasons why I think what I think, unlike yourself who is embarrassed to admit you never actually think yourself and all your arguments come from disgraced and debunked liars who’s jobs are to lie, almost exclusively when it comes to any political topic.

The ship only turns so fast. It needed SO much correction on SO many issues because the last demander in chief refused to steer the nation anywhere but into a reef for the last entire year of his term….the last 3 months totally intentionally while he drilled holes in the keel and cut holes in the sails.

The nation certainly needed serious and immediate correction. Glad to hear you admit it, even accidentally.
You’re complaining about more spending!? You must be joking! Compared to spendthrift Trump, he’s a fucking miser. Every major project he’s put forward has been paid for in the bill, not so with the last administration that thought they couldn’t overspend because they can print more money….the biggest deficit and fastest debt rise (both by dollar and percentage) EVER by a mile. And put us in a recession with high inflation, negative GDP, outrageous unemployment, and near a million dead for the privilege. Joe invested in American infrastructure. Complaining about spending will not be tolerated from you after supporting Trump. Not for a second, you unbelievable hypocrite.

He did many things, leading to a healthy economy and amazing jobs numbers and rising wages among other improvements. All work against inflation.

But you like to say he’s done nothing, so how’s 4 examples on the Afghanistan disaster alone work for you?
He negotiated 6 more months to be gone.
He evacuated any and all Americans that wanted out, including those that waited until the last day.
He set up and staffed new systems (granted too little and late) to assist Afghans that worked for us in getting at least refugee status if not visas. This should have been step 1 in February 2020….likely a big surprise to find nothing started or planned when Joe took office.
He pulled out billions worth of functioning, still owned by America weaponry (what you love to whine about is the weapons in Afghani’s hands, and decommissioned often scuttled vehicles we abandoned….yes, a waste) that before he took office were being left in country.
Simply put, he made a plan and implemented it, can’t say the same for his predecessor. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something….which is a massive improvement.

He’s a mile above the low bar set by your idol, who spent nearly a full 1/3 of his presidency off playing golf (after promising not to play at all), and >1/2 of every day on personal executive time eating junk food and watching TV (but only ever taking softball questions from far right outlets, refusing any non right wing reporters a question much less interview). The remaining 1/6 was largely filled with rage tweeting and executive toilet time (pooping or shredding, you choose).

Your position is old, dementia ridden, no leadership, no question taking, slow, incapable of speaking or thinking, doesn’t know who or where he is Joe kicked fat lazy dumb Don’s ass without even holding rallies, did it in his pjs without breaking a sweat or raising his voice. Odd you love to constantly degrade the guy who’s by every measure head and shoulders above your messiah and proved it by a historic landslide. Seems you wouldn’t want to keep putting Trump down as a massive total loser to such a sad, weak, incompetent opponent, but you gotta be you.

bobknight33 said:

If you think this is Trumps fault, think what you want?

This is on Biden, commander in chief. It is his job to steer the ship. To correct the direction of the nation.
What has he done to correct this? NOTHING, except more spending , making this worse.

Biden use by date has long expired. He has no leadership ability, He cant take questions He is kept from media and public for fear on looking tool old and too slow and unable to speak intellectually. His days are in the past.

Americans Tell NBC, “Blown Away” By Bidenflation,

newtboy says...

Downvote at dishonest “bidenflation”. This is Trumpflation if we must be infants.

Economists will tell you how inflation happens. Creating 1/3 of every dollar in existence to pay for things we can’t afford (2020) is the simplest way. Lowering GDP is also a factor (-2.2% 2020)
At least under Biden, wages are increasing too. Didn’t happen under the last president, not so much. Inflation from a glut of new money (but no added value) takes time. It will continue no matter what steps are taken until the spending we did on fake “credit” gets paid.

Another debt Trump left, not Biden policies driving inflation.
I defy you, @bobknight33, name 3 Biden policies that are driving inflation. Name one. I’ve named the Trump policy economists say caused it….printing new money to pay for programs without funding. Look it up.

As for meat prices, remember that little thing called Covid? Remember how the last administration insisted Covid was a mild flu, and meat processing plants closed because of massive outbreaks? That, and subsequent labor shortages have increased prices, not Biden adding taxes.
Comparing mid pandemic unnaturally low (shutdown means cheap fuel, even free oil) fuel prices to artificially inflated (refineries refused calls to ramp production back up) prices of today is a red herring, a paper tiger. Two factors there caused the increase, neither caused by Biden.

Total false narrative, or in bob speak, FAKENEWS!

Why the Olympic monobob event is only for women

spawnflagger says...

nothing new... the Russians have been sending burly "women" to the Olympics for decades.

I think they could take this monobob 1 step further, make it purely a skill sport by adding weight such that the combined pilot+sled weight is the same for everyone, and use a railgun-style launcher (tech existed for rollercoasters for years) that sends everyone at the same speed. That could even be a mixed-sex sport, like Nascar.

bobknight33 said:

Sadly some transgender will enter and win hands down.

STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

bcglorf says...

Yeah, the crutch of it for me is the UBI moniker.

What you describe at the end of your post, minimum income, is really just a rewording of the existing social security and welfare systems across the western world. I know they look different in each, but here in Canada what you describe is more or less our already existing system's design goal. Welfare money exists for those that straight up can not work, and an employment insurance system exists to protect those inbetween jobs, meanwhile other multiple programs are aimed at distributing financial assistance to the lower income groups.

Despite all of that already existing, UBI is still being heralded up here in trials as well as a replacement. The problem being that for the needy the UBI pitches are generally a step backwards.

Eg. $500/month is the UBI pitch, and they say it'll be great because everyone gets it no matter what so it's simple and fair and nobody is left behind. The trouble though is that the reality is the truly in need people were already benefitting more than the $500/month under the existing systems, and the cost was much less because it was targeted.

I here UBI and get very worried about folks just selling snake oil 'solutions' that in the end are just a demand to adopt their own particular flavor of wealth redistribution.

newtboy said:

Did they offer that in the program, or was it only random individuals….or are you extrapolating, assuming the program became universal? I thought this plan was just for the indigent.

$500 each for 4 works out to more than my wife brought home for 40 hours a week after 15 years at her last job…..barely livable for 4 anywhere in California, a nice income in some states. Not a huge amount to provide for 6 months. How much does temporary housing, services, extra law enforcement, etc cost over that time for 4 people? I assume their close.

Yes, universal income is costly, but most on the right won’t consider giving the destitute money if they don’t get a handout too, that likely multiplies the amount by over 10 times. With a means test, it would be billions, maybe under $100 billion. We spent nearly $6 trillion on bad Covid response in 2020, including trillions to corporate welfare handouts with no strings attached and they still fired millions of workers. I think if that’s ok we can afford to invest in making people productive again instead of drains on society (of course, not everyone will benefit, but 75% success must be a win overall). If not, socialize any corporation that took a bailout, we bought em, we should own them.

…Or taking on more debt like every government project, but the increase in gdp from turning costs into profits likely pays for the program without a dime in new taxes, just a reduction in costs of handling the homeless and new taxes from their incomes….especially if you have a means test and not universal income.

Yes, they convoluted by calling it universal income but focusing on homeless. It should be UMI. Universal Minimum Income….under employed get less than unemployed up to a certain minimum livable combined income, fully employed (with living wages) get nothing….IMO. Sadly, a large portion of people can’t see what’s in that plan for them (no homeless, less crime dumbshits) so won’t consider it unless they also get $500 even though that’s not even a noticeable amount to them….one more ivory backscratcher.

Daffy Duck for President

Is Your Car Safe From Supermaneuverable Air-Defense Fighters

eric3579 says...

Oops, my bad. I just focused in on the one minute mark where he said "step one is to stop before the line. Then make sure to yield to vehicles..." I falsely equated that to a stop sign in my brain, but who stops first and then checks for traffic? Seems he has it backwards. Check for traffic while approaching and only yield/stop if necessary.

I've had very little experience with different kinds of roundabouts. The ones i've used are very basic. I know there are more complex ones with multiple lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian cross walks but never have i personally come acrossed one. Decades ago however i did cross, as a pedestrian, the roundabout at the Arc De Triomphe In Paris. I couldn't imagine navigating that thing in a car.

cloudballoon said:

There is no observable Stop sign in the video nor IRL at roundabouts though. It would be absurd and a huge faux pas if the animator added Stop signs in it. Yield and Stop signs shouldn't co-exist.

The Death Couloir - Mont Blanc

newtboy says...

No problem whatsoever with waivers. Are you worried that too many brain dead slugs will Darwin themselves? Why? Do you foresee some future shortage of morons?
The problem is trying to make everything safe for morons….how are we supposed to cull them if you remove ALL evolutionary pressures.
Idiocracy was a documentary from the near future.

Besides, if they’re dumb enough for all that, they’re dumb enough to know that if they can’t see the danger, the danger can’t see them, so just walk the cliff edge with your towel wrapped around your head, for safety.

If I want to risk my life climbing an active rock slide, that should be my and the recovery team my estate hires’s business. The idea that suicide is against the law is moronic to me….the only crime that is prosecuted only against those who fail at committing it. Suicide by overt stupidity or intentional high risk lifestyles not only doesn’t bother me, I fully support it as long as it doesn’t involuntarily endanger others.

BTW, the skier death doesn’t sound sad one bit to me, she died doing what she loved, and part of that love was undoubtedly of the danger level of skiing out of bounds, the rush of skiing with a 1000ft drop as the punishment for crashing (or stepping too far). I would think she probably really enjoyed 99% of her last day. Definitely the kind of horrific, quick death I hope for. Way better than prolonged disease or decline.

StukaFox said:

Therein lies the problem: most people HUGELY over-estimate their 'Acceptable risk level'.

- "This crumbling cliff edge above a 1,000 foot gorge is the PERFECT place for a selfie!" (one of the saddest deaths in WA was when one of the best skiers in the state decided to look over the edge of a cornice. It gave way and she fell almost a thousand feet to her death.)

- "100f and 0% humidity? What a perfect time to go for a 10 mile, uphill hike with only a can of Coke and some salty beef jerky!"

- "10 essentials? Beer, pot, lighter, cellphone, hat, earbuds, that little map they give you at the visitor center, more beer and is that 10?"

- "I can read a map just fine! This off-trail hike through a rugged part of the park will be breeze!"

- "I can get signal anywhere in this enormous national forest!"

- "Aww! What a cute little baby bear!"

- "Can we get an Uber at the bottom of this ravine?"

- "Let's go swimming! This raging river of snow melt will be the perfect place to cool off!"

etc etc etc

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Nah, IQ tests are good at measuring how good you are at taking IQ tests

I don't run into many multiple choice A B C D very clear options in my life.
The problems i face are always ill-defined, always complicated/multifaceted, and involve variables that are extremely unpredictable.

The biggest advocates of IQ tests are people trying to sell them to you. Or people with inflated egos.

If you brought it up, just remember a few twists and turns in your life and you could be as deluded as Bob is. I'm by no means perfefect either, but I try to keep in mind how much my dad loved Fox growing up and how I used to admire Bill O'Reilly for 'not taking crap from people' - i later came to realize that the theme of that thinking is zero empathy for the other guy.

So even when I step over my own lines these days, I still try to say what I'd want anyone else to say to me if I were acting LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT WHO DIDN'T SEEM TO CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT HIMSELF

And I'd want my bad behavior pointed out. We should do an ole' fashioned roast around here to settle some things.

Here,I'll start.


So I was fucking @bobknight33 in the ass recently. Not in a gay way, like a viking. And the twirl he did on the end of my cock with his tongue. I mean you really know he cares about YOU when he does things like that. I don't know what I was thinking before, that this man didnt care.

newtboy said:

To be fair, I brought up IQ when Bob accused me of being “stupid as shit” before going on to mangle his next sentence.

The only thing I think IQ measures is problem solving ability. It is not a good indicator for future success, happiness, knowledge, experience, morality, or opportunities. Far from an end all measure, but it can be a decent measure of expected limitations in certain arenas. It would not surprise me to find out that the school I went to in Texas had fairly high minimum IQ score requirements. The classes were all accelerated and well above grade level, and I’m sure they wouldn’t accept a below average intelligence student and doom them to failure.
And yes, I understand there are numerous examples of IQ and biased testing being used to separate, subjugate, and denigrate groups of people….my school may have used them to deny many non white applicants….it was a prep school in Texas.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Projection is absolutely the MO of the right, and of yourself. You’re trying to blame Covid on Biden, and accept zero blame for dismantling the office created to avoid exactly pandemics like this, no blame for not quarantining and letting it in the country after knowing how deadly it was, no blame for denying it’s existence, it’s danger, it’s virulence, it’s mortality rates, or for actively opposing any and all public health measures to minimize it…but now want to blame Biden for the outbreaks among morons that listen to antivaxing right wingers rather than Biden’s public health professionals.
You know there were hundreds of Republican plots to fraudulently vote or intentionally deny valid votes in the last election, yet with no evidence you still claim there was fraud on both sides (and imply there was far more from the left but still can’t show a single example), and despite all evidence to the contrary you still claim Democrats stole the election through fraud.
That’s called projection, Bob, blaming others for disasters and crimes you are actively causing. Derp.

Liar. There’s no way in hell you are even 100IQ. You have no reasoning or problem solving skills at all, zero verbal/English skills whatsoever, and you do not think like an an engineer, never methodically going step by step without glossing over the important bits and ignoring pertinent details….but we know you’re a proud liar already, one that applauds perjury. Test again. I think the mindset you’ve fostered in yourself for decades now has lowered it significantly if it was honestly ever above 100. I retested around 4 years ago for fun, scored one point higher than in school.

I’ve known engineers that weren’t all that intelligent….just not extremely successful ones. Dad owned an international high tech insulation company with dozens of engineers on the payroll. The less competent end up being maintenance techs and cleanup crews rather than R&D techs, designers, and inventors. Somebody has to load and drive the hazardous materials truck to the disposal site, somebody has to do maintenance on machines, somebody has to check dates on inventory to be certain chemicals don’t oxidize, etc, they don’t give those jobs to the best engineers.

What lockdowns? Biden just reportedly had the best job creation year in the nation’s history. Over 500000 jobs per month since he took office (and rapidly rising wages), how many jobs were lost under Trump? Estimates range from 10,000,000-18,000,000. Holy shit, you think that’s bad for Biden?!! Mental defectives with 75 IQ can see how wrong you are….but you can’t.

The tax cuts came in 2017, growth didn’t come until 2021, jobs didn’t come until 2021. It’s utterly ridiculous to try to claim the tax handouts for the wealthy had a thing to do with the economy getting better, especially since they expired for non billionaires before the upturn. I thought you just claimed to be intelligent. 🤦‍♂️

-3.5% Bob. Trump’s last year was -3.5% GDP growth. NEGATIVE.
Overall Trump managed 2.33, 3, 2.16, -3.49 =4% / 4years = 1% GDPY under Trump, who didn’t start in a major recession but left one. Lol! What’s that IQ again, buddy? Obama GDP > Trump GDP

It’s likely, because they never had a real majority thanks to 2 DINOs, so didn’t perform great, so many Trump era disastrous policies and appointees are still in place, and there’s no chance that’s going to change this term thanks to Democrats not actually having a majority. Sadly, too many morons won’t look at why there’s so little progress and just won’t vote, ensuring things won’t change and Republican obstructionism will rule the day. The party “in charge” always loses the midterm. What makes you think I don’t see that. I do not underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

Lol. I notice you didn’t list any failures, and actually admitted some you listed last time are nonsense (now admitting “Biden economy is doing great” VS earlier claims “failed economy”). LMFAHS!
You get one talking head on CNN agreeing with you and one pro-Republican poll and suddenly you think everyone wants Trump back. You are so silly. When the polls don’t support you, you say they’re worthless, when they do, they’re gospel.
If Garland was doing his job and prosecuting senators and representatives, Democratic numbers would jump by double digits. It’s lack of action that’s losing them support. It’s certainly why I’m dissatisfied….but to assume that means most would vote Republican because they’re dissatisfied with Democrats performance is asinine, par for the course from you.

PE of 360 Bob. Anything over 25 is overpriced, over 100 is a bubble. Duh….again, you just claimed to be intelligent, but have repeatedly proven that false already. They made under 1 million cars last year out of around 75 million. Ford sold almost as many of one model, F150’s as Tesla sold of all models, and would have sold more if they had the chips to make more. They’re doing well, but are still a little minnow in a big pond, and if they lose their battery monopoly they’re toast. They aren’t the only, or even the best choice for electric cars anymore. If you think they won’t have competition, you’ve proven a lack of intelligence once again.

Summer time when you lost over 1/4 of your value overnight must have been scary. It won’t be the last time.

Good luck. In 5 years I expect they’ll be near worthless once more stable, more energy dense batteries are developed. I’m happy making more money from a diverse portfolio that’s not insanely overvalued.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

projecting is what Democrats do.

IQ less that 90? Tested decades ago but it was 124
Find a Engineer with IQ less that 90.

Biden Economy is doing great. Would be better if lock downs were eliminated.
We can thank Trump for it due to the tax cuts which stimulated strong growth. Democrats wold raise they if they could and then we could go back to the appalling 1.5 20% GDP rate under OBAMA.

Biden and the Democrat party are so out of step with what Americans want that they will get a beat down in the mid terms. Do yo not see this coming?

Even main stream media is coming to this conclusion. And they carry the Democrat water day in day out.

Tesla not in a bubble. They will crush legacy auto makers this decade.
They are gowning 20% qtr/qtr and 70% YoY .

I have about 1400 shares and have no plans to sell for 5 years or so.


newtboy said:

Aaaaahahahaha! Stop projecting, Bob.

ROTFLMFAHS!!! 139 IQ Bob. Excelling in college level classes at 6th grade. Over 10 years of higher education….including critical thinking. I know you wouldn’t post your actual IQ score because it’s double digits, and the first digit is not 9.

You know full well you’re the uneducated ignoramus living in a fantasy world here, still spreading the big lie with no evidence, just like 99% of what you’ve said in the last 13 years (yes, you lost your mind over Obama and have only gotten worse under The Biggest Loser, the convicted con man and consummate liar.)

MY head is up MY ass!?! LMFAHS!!! You have the long term verified clinical diagnosis of cranial rectosis….I know it colors your viewpoint, but that shit you see is in your eyes, not on me. Too funny, Ms Iknowyouarebutwhatami.

Bob, you know how often the partisan nonsense you spout is wrong, verifiably and definitely wrong, based on blatant lies? More than 9/10. You still think Trump won, or at least that there was massive democratic fraud last election, despite no evidence, despite a dozen times you were told the evidence would be released tomorrow, but when tomorrow came there was nothing, despite multiple audits, including the hyper partisan unofficial biased vote review that found hundreds of votes for Biden but zero evidence of vote fraud, despite 62 failed attempts to prove any fraud in court, despite dozens upon dozens of accusations that all turned out to be misrepresentation, misunderstandings, and outright lies, but not evidence, despite Mike Pillow, crazy moronic crackhead that can’t produce a cogent thought much less evidence of fraud being the failed clearly insane spokesman for the movement. (He now claims he has proof every American over 7 committed vote fraud that can put us all in prison for life)

You like to spout insanity, see it debunked with facts figures and citations, and slink away so you don’t have to try to defend the indefensible or admit you were w-w-w-wrong. When I make a claim, you rebut it with a “nuh-uh…your dum!” and think you won an argument when you haven’t offered one….and I still bother to verify them with facts, figures, and often multiple citations to prove my point anyway.

Tesla stock was a good deal 3 years ago, not today. It’s a bubble, one day it will pop. Better get out before then. My increases came largely from a ton of S&P, various energy stocks and medical stocks, and some tech. I sold my J&J before their vaccine flopped, knowing they have billions in lawsuits to lose soon. My one account went up >30% this year. I made more than if it was all in Tesla (> 30% vs Tesla at 24% for the year)….and I don’t have a PE ratio of 360 indicating a major correction in the future, and I get dividends. If China comes up with a better battery, you better sell immediately. They’ve done well, but are unstable, randomly fluctuating, not secure, and run by a nut that doesn’t care about hurting his own stock prices (or manipulates them for his own gain, I can’t be sure).

Please name these failures, I don’t think you can. You’ve listed the economy, insanely better under Biden, unemployment, insanely better under Biden, immigration, still using the Trump era rules and methods (so there’s one), Inflation, Trump devalued the dollar by 30% and only paused inflation for a year by halting the economy, actually making it a negative growth. Covid, lol. The people responsible for the lack of Covid response are your people, the people who are still unvaccinated and still having problems are idiot Republicans. Covid was, and is a right wing caused issue, fortunately it now effects mostly right wing morons, they should be banned from hospitals, they chose to be vulnerable.

He has failed to remove disastrous Trump appointees, projects, policies, and programs. He’s failed to pass more thorough infrastructure (build back better) but has gotten infrastructure funding. He’s going to fail to secure voting rights thanks to 100% Republican obstructionism, true, unless there’s a miracle in November.

CNN leader in fake news? WHAT?! I suppose maybe, because OAN, Newsmax, and Fox along with all the other right wing media aren’t news at all, they’re dishonest propaganda channels that lie to you daily….and you just fucking love it, you love the lies, and because you love them you believe them, and for no other reason because there’s never evidence for your lies….that’s why you disappear so often, caught in too many lies and called out on them, proven wrong, and you don’t have the spine to admit it. Coward. Use the same criteria and CNN beats every right wing outlet for honesty, correctness, willingness to correct mistakes, and their lack of involvement in a violent attack against the country and democracy, you fool.

From 0 to 200 km/h (124 mph) in 1 second

fuzzyundies says...

It could be, but the size of the props makes me think it's pretty heavy with the motors required to drive all 4, and the angle of tilt it maintains (you can step through a bit) without losing altitude requires a lot of thrust. It looks pretty legit to me, and with the proper power to weight ratio, this is pretty much how I'd expect something like this to be built and look and sound. I mean, none of it looks impossible -- the control is the hard part.

newtboy said:

What makes you all think this isn’t just sped up?

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Beggar's Canyon