What is your favorite apocalypse?

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A total of 22 votes have been cast on this poll.

Did I leave out your favorite apocalypse? Post it in the comments.
BoneRemake says...


No I was talking about the comet I was thinking about. Hale Bopp
went over our skies in the 90s and it was a big OoOOOOoOOHHHhh moment I remembered. Not the option our good lord DFT listed.

mintbbb says...

Y2K.. I was busy in Finland during fall 1999, hoping to get my fiancee visa and fly to the US before Y2K hit. Just in case all airplanes would stop working and so on.. Luckily I got the visa on time and arrived to the States already in late November 1999.

The world didn't end, planes were still flying at 2000, and I got to marry the love of my life! Not bad for a doomsday scare!

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