Should Video Recommendations Expire?

  (27 votes)
  (20 votes)

A total of 47 votes have been cast on this poll.

If you've cast at least 5 votes in the past 24 hours, you should have some videos on your Recommended page (under the "Front" tab). I have 15 pages of recommended videos and at a glance they all look fascinating.

I started wondering if I would ever have time to parse through the 15 pages and realized that when tomorrow's batch of recommendations are created, there will be even more pages. So the question is, should recommendations expire and disappear from your listing after some time has passed? If so, how much time should they have before they disappear?

Side note: How do the your personal recommendations look to you? Are videos being recommended that are inline with your interests?

If you think there should just be a "remove" button for the recommended listing, vote no and let us know with a comment below.
notarobot says...

Three or five pages of interesting sifts I probably haven't seen before should devour plenty of my afternoon already. If I need to see more videos than I'll just have to remember to watch this gem a few times more.

geo321 says...

Even though I've only tried out the recommended section for an hour I think it may be a precursor routine to solving big institutional problem with videosift. In that so many good videos get put to the virtual sift archives and peoples personal ques never to be watched again. If older videos could be sifted with their preferences and presented to them it's a win win. A way of sifting older good videos people have never seen to people who would likely appreciate them.

A way to sift older videos to peoples attention that they might like is a great idea. The way videosift has been organized once videos are sifted/unsifted they fall into pques or archived hardly to be viewed again.

I'm a relatively new member of VS. Just less than a year now. So I've missed a lot of great videosift posts. If there was a virtual instrument showing sifts over the past years that would be great.

lucky760 says...

@geo321: The formula finds videos specific to each member. It's based on what you vote up compared to what everyone else votes up. The way it works is as follow:
- for member A find all the videos he voted up recently
- for each of those videos, find all the other members, M, who also voted them up
- count the total number of common votes for each member in M (the higher the common vote count, the more his interests are like member A's)
- find other videos the most common voters voted on, but member A has not voted on; these are member A's recommendations
- determine the "recommendation rank" (based on the number of common voters and the general popularity of the post)
- for each of the new recommendations, if it was already recommended, allow the rank to increase (but not decrease)
- list all your recommendations in order by the best recommendation rank

lucky760 says...

Considering ^that 2nd to last point I mentioned, that existing recommendations can only move up in your listing, that means the front page of your recommendations page should always have the most highly recommended videos, whether they are new or old recommendations...

Probably a bit of info worth keeping in mind.

Ornthoron says...

I will withold my vote until I've heard some more input on the issue, but I will share one observation: It seems that a lot of the videos that show up are videos I voted up before 3/11. In that regard, a small *reclaimvote-button would be welcome, so I don't have to go to every single video page and submit a comment. It breaks the flow of sifting.

notarobot says...

I think if it were possible to choose what X was, then there could be much rejoicing among the pro choosey community... X could be maximum number of pages of recommended videos... Or part of the axis forces... on a cartesian plane... Or the marked place to dig for buried treasure... ... ...Me? I'd probably choose the treasure...

fford says...

"Side note: How do the your personal recommendations look to you? Are videos being recommended that are inline with your interests?"

Not really. About 1 in 10 are good recommendations. Mostly, it looks like it just recommended the most popular videos on the site. It's also included some dead, discarded, and killed videos, which is pretty useless. I like the idea of this feature, but as it is, I doubt I'll use it much.

lucky760 says...

In accordance with the outcome of this poll, recommendations which were added for you more than 3 days ago will now be automatically purged from the system once nightly. This should keep the number of pages in your recommendations listing manageable.

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