Updated: 1 decade 6 years 3 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 975
not really comedy, not really love, just... vids that make me happy and I hope other people too.

this song got stuck in my head today... it's SO catchy!!
posted by smibbo
One of my all-time favorite singers. I am resubmitting this so that even if it "fails" again, I will have it in my personal queue.
posted by smibbo
He's got the monkeys! Let's see the monkeys!
posted by jonny
I was just a kid when I first saw Aladdin, and the song "Sugar Sugar" is almost 20 years older than I am. Still, I like them both, so here they are together. Guys: Share this with your Candy Girl. You... continue reading
posted by CaptWillard
This is the huge song and dance sequence from Disney's Enchanted that takes place in Central Park in New York City.
posted by HistNerd
Apparently this is from “Animals Are Beautiful People.”
posted by arvana
One of my favourite scenes from Friends.. Joey and Ross ends up as Nap Partners
posted by bovan 1 decade 6 years 9 months 2 weeks ago • 2,265 viewsSegment showing the correlation of dance through the ages, from tribes in Africa to modern day urban life. Some things are beyond time.
posted by Farhad2000
Dead Can Dance makes music with long forgotten instruments and techniques...
posted by Farhad2000
The one-man folk project: Iron and Wine. Off of his album The Shepard's Dog.
posted by randomize
Very cute. Someone took a video of this girl joyfully dancing at the age of 4. Now, college age, she dances the same moves, in a similar outfit, to the same music.
posted by oxdottir

A great lip dub done by maatc of VS and his co-workers at ASDTV. The song is Everything's Under Control by Peregrine. I cant get it out of my head. Just wandering how you get any work done with all the... continue reading
posted by eric3579
And the crowd goes wild!
posted by Zifnab
Do the lyrics sound nonsensical to you? They did to the creator of this video!
posted by Krupo