Forget about the hybrid auto -- Shai Agassi says it's electric cars or bust if we want to impact emissions. His company, Better Place, has a radical plan to take entire countries oil-free by 2020. (TED)
posted by notarobot 1 decade 5 years 9 months 2 weeks ago • 1,937 viewsIdeas for a better world
Created: 1 decade 7 years 1 month 2 weeks ago
Updated: 5 years ago
Views: 14,193
Updated: 5 years ago
Views: 14,193
It's up to us to rise to the task.
Here are some videos with novel ideas to improve the world we live in.
And a few of the problems that need to be addressed.
Themes (so far) include education, design, society, technology and sustainability.