A rap song by comedian Jon Lajoie. This is the rap anthem for everyone else. Sadly, just about everything in this song hits home for me. "....and I'm pretty good at makin' paper planes" Classic.
posted by Hive13 1 decade 7 years 1 month 3 weeks ago • 9,232 viewsyogurt's Ultra-Upvote Colage
Updated: 9 years 4 months 1 week ago
Views: 4,209
These are the videos that I consider to be the cream of the crop. So, turn this baby on and enjoy the best of what videosift has to offer! I also voted these up so it has that going for it, anyway!
Warning: Many of these videos require a sense of humor, but for the most part the genre remains mostly random.
These videos also tend to be videos that are "re-watchable". This would automatically deny some sifts inclusion in this playlist.
If you have a video that I don't have in here that you think should be send me a private message and I will see what I can do.
Now watch, we are all counting on you.