Election08 - Negative Campaign Ads
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 5 months 1 week ago
Views: 2,565
A place for all the dirty, sleezy ads put out by "527" groups and campaigns.

After watching this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4fe9GlWS8 video, then I had to post it.
posted by QuadraPixel 1 decade 6 years 5 months 2 weeks ago • 1,597 views
I (heart) the McCain Girls.
posted by dystopianfuturetoday
(from the creators) Clinton supporters across the country are realizing something took place a couple of weeks ago: their candidate lost the primary. We have much love for Tina Fey, but if "bitch"... continue reading
posted by dystopianfuturetoday
After going on record both in interviews and written statements as accepting the DNC rules back when she was the "shoe in" candidate, Hillary now sees it as totally acceptable, nay, absolutely necessary... continue reading
posted by ObsidianStorm
So how about that universal healthcare, eh?!
posted by uhohzombies

Bad singing, bad video editing. I don't know if this really going to help McCain.
posted by 8588 1 decade 6 years 11 months 4 weeks ago • 1,982 viewsCasey Knowles, the young girl from Hillary Clinton's "3 a.m. Ad", rejects the politics of fear.
posted by joedirt
Hillary Clinton IS Veruca Salt
posted by uhohzombies
from Chris Matthews' show. thanks to rosspruden for the link!
posted by my15minutes

Hillary Clinton warms up her speech with a good game of Clap Clap Point Point.
posted by 10013 1 decade 7 years 3 weeks ago • 6,230 viewsFrom YouTube: Tom Buffenbarger president of the machinists' union (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) was the the latest in a string of Clinton junkyard dogs unleashed upon... continue reading
posted by dystopianfuturetoday

Spoof of the Democratic race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
posted by legacy0100
Hillary Clinton's camp channels Walter Mondale in their attempt to scare the residents of Texas with a new commercial aimed at painting Obama as so inexperienced YOUR KIDS MIGHT DIE!!!!1 For comparison,... continue reading
posted by uhohzombies
Tina Fey turns the "Hillary is a bitch" mantra on its head with her usual flare and witticisms.
posted by kronosposeidon
Some right leaning blog are talking about this vid as though it is a campaign killer for Obama, discuss.
posted by dgandhi
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