kitties and nukes
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 10 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 2,301
A handy playlist for two of Videosift's perennial favorites: nuclear explosions and cuddly felines. The two balance each other so well -- when you can't watch any more atomic holocaust, you can switch to baby kittycats falling asleep standing up, and vice versa!

Opening credits to a surprisingly good movie from Y2K on the tensest period of the Cold War, 1962's Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviets installed medium-range nuclear missiles 90 miles off the coast... continue reading
posted by calvados
While trying to explain how cute someone was, I stumbled on to this video.
posted by MycroftHomlz
This is a very happy sleeping cat. The opening shot of this vid reminds me of the opening of Star Wars.
posted by Randy Perry

"This Oregon woman teaches her cats to swim and says they look like beautiful dancers." Seen on http://mfrost.typepad.com/cute_overload/2007/09/follow-up-swimm.html ...
posted by ant
Seen on http://www.neatorama.com/2007/09/11/kitten-eating-a-melon/
posted by ant
From youtube: "If you have a cat, I'm sure you can relate, lol. I originally wrote the song because I didn't want to do a simple talking blog about my Sparta's little biting problem and I also wanted... continue reading
posted by Hex

Titled on youtube - Shiva, destroyer of Worlds.
posted by arrendek

Classic scene of the Ivy King, largest pure fission nuclear bomb ever tested by the United States, being dropped from a B-36H bomber from 8000 feet in the air to blinding detonation to the misty remnants... continue reading
posted by bizinichi

Seen on http://www.thecutereport.com/index.php/2007/08/15/calisthenics-for-your-overweight-cat/ ...
posted by ant