kitties and nukes
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 10 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 2,301
A handy playlist for two of Videosift's perennial favorites: nuclear explosions and cuddly felines. The two balance each other so well -- when you can't watch any more atomic holocaust, you can switch to baby kittycats falling asleep standing up, and vice versa!

Ten-second video that shows how one of the cleverest cats on earth decides to get down from the roof of a garage.
posted by kronosposeidon
Instrumental music video from the band "God is an Astronaut". The powerful visual imagery and haunting music combine to create an experience certain to make you evaulate your place in the world.
posted by CaBhaal 1 decade 7 years 5 months ago • 3,582 viewsOoWooooooo!
posted by legacy0100
Head-bangin' felines.
posted by silvercord
Well done montage of cute kittens falling asleep, and some familiar video you've seen before. But, cut together decently so to Bjork's Oh So Quiet.
posted by blankfist
DJ Spooky -Scanner Darkly mix with Atomic Bomb Testing Footage.
posted by ImaMonster 1 decade 7 years 5 months ago • 1,237 viewsA brief summary of facts surrounding underground nuclear tests.
posted by thesnipe
from The History Channel's series; this episode chronicles the events during later years of World War II including Robert Oppenheimer's atomic development team, MacArthur's battles in the Pacific, the... continue reading
posted by firefly
You can cross my path anytime you like.
posted by dystopianfuturetoday

Two kittens fight for the same nipple. Their eyes are even open yet.
posted by dotdude
Footage is from the movie "Trinity And Beyond" Directed By Peter Kuran
posted by firefly
This cat has never had ice cubes in it water before and didn't care for them making noises in it's otherwise quite water dish.
posted by Randy Perry
This is the largest bomb ever exploded. At 50 megatons, it is 10 times the combined power of all the explosives used in WWII; or the weight of 270 Empire State Buildings worth of TNT. It was detonated... continue reading
posted by arvana
I don't know how this isn't on here, but it's sweet footage of a nuclear artillery round test and it's effects on the surrounding area.
posted by MarineGunrock
One of many PSAs produced during the early years of the cold war. This one features footage of atomic tests, and suggests to the viewer that their houses should be well maintained to protect against nuclear... continue reading
posted by chorlton 1 decade 7 years 11 months 4 weeks ago • 1,331 views