kitties and nukes
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 10 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 2,301
A handy playlist for two of Videosift's perennial favorites: nuclear explosions and cuddly felines. The two balance each other so well -- when you can't watch any more atomic holocaust, you can switch to baby kittycats falling asleep standing up, and vice versa!

I've seen cats fall asleep with their arms and legs splayed out while on their backs, but this is most unusual! XD
posted by Issykitty
Spidey-cat haz skillz...
posted by Issykitty

Gimme treat meow! *wiggle wiggle* Gimme GImme GimmEE!
posted by legacy0100
Poor guy.
posted by Ryjkyj

uh oh, we got a biter...
posted by CaptainPlanet420
Before everyone starts thinking this is cruelty to animals and that the owners got their cat stoned. Actually, it returned from the Vet where it was sedated, so... there. That's a legal way the owners... continue reading
posted by blankfist
Pacifist Raccoon. Hungry Raccoon. Smart Raccoon.
posted by oxdottir
Cute Siamese Cat is shown doing a dance of sorts. Funny!
posted by Issykitty
I never would have dreamed that cats like to fly.
posted by arvana
From you tube description: "This footage is from Project Cannikin, which was merely a proof-test for the 5 megaton warhead to be used on the Spartan missile system. Researchers were fearful of such a... continue reading
posted by Oatmeal

Shameless :P
posted by swampgirl
This is the first and only video to date that has made Issy growl! It was funny and a little startling to witness. The following is the video owner's description... "This cat visits my house.... continue reading
posted by Issykitty
The largest nuclear bomb, the Czar, was built by the Russians as a part of the Cold War race for arms.
posted by eric3579

The title says it all... Awww... Me want.
posted by blankfist