cold war
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 4 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 609
Cold War history / culture / anything is possibly my majorest passion, so a CW playlist is my best idea ever. I invite you to peruse it and please make suggestions for new video additions!
I'm definitely looking for cultural items as well as straight politico-military history, although not every movie or TV show from the era will count (eg.: 'Dr. Strangelove' = big yes, but 'Leave It To Beaver' = not so much). Some more modern things with a CW influence are also here. At the same time, my intention is not to have it chockablock with nuclear test explosions (I have another playlist for that -- that and kitties).
Basically all vids should have some linkage with the tension and drama of the 40-year nuclear-armed superpower standoff. I look forward to your ideas!

59 sec. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Plowshare
posted by calvados
ca. 13 mins.
posted by calvados
6-minute Trailer for a PBS profile on Pete Seeger. Absolutely inspiring. --- Peter Seeger (born May 3, 1919), better known as Pete Seeger, is a folk singer, political activist, and a key figure in the... continue reading
posted by winkler1
From YT: Sen. Joseph McCarthy accuses Edward R. Murrow of defending "traitors" and of associating with a "terrorist organization."
posted by NetRunner
Short clip from Good Night and Good Luck.
posted by berticus
Edward Murrow, played by David Strathairn, in Good Night And Good Luck. Great film.
posted by deputydog

A fantastic and fascinating documentary by Errol Morris, where former defense secretary Robert McNamara delivers an account of his political life in the form of a confession, at times weeping. A perfect... continue reading
posted by benjee
The date looks like late 50's or early 60's. "You are about to emerge from your ordeal more than just alive; physically prepared to work pitch in with your neighbor to work for restoration of your neighborhood--restorat... continue reading
posted by oxdottir
Beginning with the nuclear attack (helium hit from a balloon)and ending with President Jack's moving speech....
posted by choggie
(1946) The Bikini Atomic Experiments were a series of nuclear and thermonuclear tests conducted on Bikini Atoll in the Bikini Islands. The experiments were part of the United States' research into the... continue reading
posted by gorgonheap
This Will Destroy You is an instrumental post-rock band from San Marcos, Texas. unofficial music video made up of stock footage.
posted by paul4dirt
Someone said the music of Dear Chechnya is dark… it's dark and discomforting… it's dark, discomforting and moving. I tend to agree.
posted by Farhad2000
"This early civil defense film is essentially a government pamphlet come to life. It features a lot of bizarre family and survival orientated graphics with a stern narrator reciting the facts of preparedness.... continue reading
posted by calvados
"The bomb will not start a chain-reaction in the water converting it all to gas letting all the ships on all the oceans drop down to the bottom. It will not blow out the bottom of the sea and let all the... continue reading
posted by chtierna

A clip from WarGames (1983). The life of a young Hacker. Matthew Broderic and Ally Sheedy look SO young!
posted by mintbbb