very strange music-videos

Created: 1 decade 7 years 5 months ago
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 4 months ago
Views: 5,998

i'm not talking weird, i'm talking VERY weird. But brilliant.

A strange sort of alternative-boyscouts troop is led by St. Vincent (Annie Clark) as they camp and pursue odd and hilarious badges in a warehouse full of trees and shrubs. My kind of video! St. Vincent... continue reading

posted by bamdrew 1 decade 6 years 11 months 2 weeks ago • 501 views

Super Furry Animals have a lot of strange videos,... and so they were like, "how about another!" And here we are, with a tale of a kid getting a crazy amount of presents for Christmas, whilst other children... continue reading

posted by bamdrew 1 decade 6 years 11 months 2 weeks ago • 317 views

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