The Amazing Webb and Mitchell
Updated: 1 decade 7 months ago
Views: 5,163
These guys seem to be unstoppable right now. Offering the greatest sketches, the hilarious Peep Show, numerous appearances on comedy gameshows and even a couple of films

The wanker estate agent shows a couple around another house, this time with an avocado bathroom suite. But is it acceptable? In the running for my favourite of their sketches
posted by alien_concept
This is a great clip with David Mitchell going off on one of his usual rants. Best thing about it is, I can fit it into three of my playlists at least :D
posted by alien_concept
Funny sketch from Mitchell and Webb's first ever series Bruiser. A man walks into a shop...
posted by alien_concept

Robert Webb one half of Mitchell and Webb parodies the dance in lame 80s movie Flashdance on Comic Relief programme Let's Dance. Absolutely hysterical. Thanks very much to Edeot for finding a working embed
posted by alien_concept
First in a cool series of 3 minute rants by the king of ranting David Mitchell. This one looks at having an unwanted mouse in his home
posted by alien_concept
Another great clip from David Mitchell's Soapbox. This time he's complaining - in his oh-so-perfect way - about agreeing with people even when you don't
posted by alien_concept
How useless are flowers when it comes to showing your feelings and what kind of person gives flowers anyway
posted by alien_concept
What or who is it that is threatening David's one and only way of looking well groomed? His rantiest rant so far
posted by alien_concept
I can safely say that I have never come across anyone who can use metaphors about cows and tea and link it into the rudeness and arrogance of reality tv stars and witless hosts
posted by alien_concept
David goes off on people who think that how you spell or punctuate, doesn't matter and boy does he have a point of view on this one
posted by alien_concept
Can't get enough of these, no-one rants like David Mitchell! This week he talks about meeting an American who asked how much he earns. Oh dear
posted by alien_concept
This is beautiful, I get really pissed off about this too. In this episode he rants about the use of the word passionate in advertising and breaks it down to show how ridiculous it sounds
posted by alien_concept
What is the deal with the portrayal of villains in Hollywood tending to be played by British actors?
posted by alien_concept
Emma Thompson relates on how she makes Stephen Fry scream for mercy.
posted by BreaksTheEarth
Well would it?
posted by BreaksTheEarth
David Mitchell this time discusses the minefield that is paying women compliments and all the twists, turns and implications it can have. He makes me feel like a hero for all the years i've been an overthinker,... continue reading
posted by alien_concept
"Ladies, this perfume is so effective it's dangerous. One whiff of this and even a gay archbishop will get a raging stiffy and take you roughly in the cloisters".
posted by alien_concept