tunes that make me smile
Updated: 7 years 10 months ago
Views: 5,023

One of my favorite songs of all time. From Wikipedia : "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)" is a rock song by Neil Young. Combined with an acoustic rendition entitled "My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)",... continue reading
posted by diction
Vintage Beatles performing "Twist and Shout." What more can I say?
posted by Issykitty

The Concert for George was held at the Royal Albert Hall in London on 29 November 2002 as a memorial to George Harrison on the first anniversary of his death. It's scary how much George's son, Dhani, looks... continue reading
posted by rasch187

Written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon
posted by Fjnbk

Strawberry Field was the name of a Salvation Army orphanage just around the corner from Lennon's boyhood home in Woolton. The song features extensive overdubbing, the prominent use of reverse tape effects... continue reading
posted by benjee
A cheesy but well-made little toon of the Beatles' cheesy but well-made little tune about a serial killer. Animated violence warning. Credit to: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/239712
posted by Doc_M
Arguably the first punk song ever. Helter Skelter debuted on the Beatles White Album. This is a live performance by Paul McCartney. And one of the best versions I've heard.
posted by gorgonheap
A legendary performance at Woodstock of a great Beatle's tune. For you.
posted by silvercord
My favourite Beatles' album.
posted by persephone

Lennon commented that the song was "an anti-religious, anti-nationalistic, anti-conventional, anti-capitalistic song, but because it's sugar-coated, it's accepted." Lennon also described it as "virtually... continue reading
posted by rasch187