Updated: 7 years 3 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 8,000

The original Star Wars saga as told by a kid with one heck of a LEGO collection. -YT
posted by SDGundamX
This is actually really good!
posted by brycewi19
This video was made by YouTube user xxxfancypantsxxx as part of an animation challenge on bricksinmotion.com
posted by Hive13
This short little interview is in turn touching, funny and very interesting. via TUAW
posted by Brian Houston
It's not easy putting on sunglasses in a spacesuit.
posted by demon_ix
Built entirely from LEGO elements, this robot can scan and solve any 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube combination in under 12 seconds.
posted by arvana
Yes, it is as awesome as it sounds.
posted by IronDwarf
All the major fights from Star Wars cut to a music track that resembles the famous lightsaber noise. Featuring Obi-Wan Knobi, Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul, Yoda, The Emperor, Count Dooku, Mace Windu and Darth Vader. ... continue reading
posted by EndAll
A fan made video for the Jonathan Coulton song Code Monkey. They used a set of photos taken with a monkey sent around the US, which he then mapped in processing based on position and orientation of... continue reading
posted by dgandhi
I find this to be beautifully done, hilarious, and also gets across a good marketing message... so for me, this is an almost perfect ad.
posted by spoco2
Two of my favorite things in the world, joined. How great is that? This xkcd making a tribute to this Discovery Channel commercial.... continue reading
posted by demon_ix
A distraught sales rep calls tech support to resolve his computer problem.
posted by syncron
From the dance competition at Star Wars celebration. It's quite good, really.
posted by Bradaphraser 1 decade 5 years 7 months 4 weeks ago • 705 viewsFrom Gizmodo's tour of LEGO, complete with Danish-accented guide: http://gizmodo.com/5018990/lego-secret-vault-contains-all-sets-in-history" - set to Johnny Cash.
posted by Crake
From the Firefly episode "Out of Gas"
posted by ltbishop341b
all types of awesome, and some new types, rolled into one.
posted by sirex 1 decade 5 years 8 months ago • 11,048 viewsAre video games ruining today's youths? Or are today's youths ruining video games? Part 2 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ7comwLPFY Part 3 = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLBx9XOhsm8
posted by mizila

This week Zero Punctuation reviews Duke Nukem Forever and all its incredible achievements!
posted by pierrekrahn