The Ultimate Richard Dawkins Playlist
Updated: 1 decade 7 years 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,949
A List of every Video containing videos of and about Richard Dawkins.

Dawkins and George Stroumboulopoulos. Do Atheists need lobbyists? That's just one of the many questions asked in this interview.
posted by Fedquip
Bill O'Reilly explains the suns orbit around earth.
posted by BicycleRepairMan
From tonight. (April 23/2007) Bill O'Reilly was surprisingly pleasant (for Bill O'Reilly). However, all evidence points to Hitler being a Christian (Not that that has anything to do with him being a... continue reading
posted by PostMortem
From TED. 31minutes This is really Cybrbeast's wonderful find, but CB couldn't post it. Thank you CB!
posted by PostMortem
Bishop Harries and Richard Dawkins have collaborated on several occasions to promote the proper teaching of science in UK classrooms. This is the full unedited interview, which was originally filmed by... continue reading
posted by deputydog
The Atheism Tapes is a 2005 BBC TV documentary series by Jonathan Miller. The material that makes up the series was originally filmed for another, more general series, Atheism: A Rough History of Disbelief,... continue reading
posted by PostMortem
Dawkins complains to Ted Haggard about a dead parrot
posted by BicycleRepairMan
The Royal Institute of Christmas Lectures 1991. Richard Dawkins (Lecture One): 'Waking up in the universe'. this is the first part of lecture 1, for the other parts just click the video face or ... continue reading
posted by johnald128 1 decade 7 years 12 months ago • 2,754 viewsThis is a speech that Richard Dawkins gave at the Amazing Meeting in 2005 sponsored by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF), covering a range of topics on everything from the perinormal and paranormal... continue reading
posted by rembar
This is a clip of a James Randi and Richard Dawkins discussing the paranormal versus the perinormal, and testing such phenonomena, and the Million Dollar prize. I think Randi's answer to Dawkins' last... continue reading
posted by rembar
Topic is mostly centered on climate change / global environment. This is part one, the rest are linked to below. Good solid science. Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzsYazk2RtY Part 3: http://www.youtube.c... continue reading
posted by gluonium
Richard Dawkins being questioned by the host, an ex-atheist and people from the audience.
posted by BicycleRepairMan