Thylan says...

Seeing as SG has a playlist which has now appeared at the top, I'm thinking theres been playing rather than hackage.

MarineGunrock says...

What's so Christian about red and green? Because it's for Christmas? Last time I checked, the red and green with Santa and reindeer and all has nothing to do with Jesus.

blankfist says...

Actually, I don't think the red and green comes from Santa and reindeer, MG. There are a couple theories, most of which are pagan and/or deal with the winter solstice. Most of everything that has to do with Christmas is pagan and has very little to nothing to do with a Abrahamic God, anyhow.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

We decided it might be overkill with the decked Sifter as well. We're celebrating Festivus this year anyway.

Begin the airing of grievances!

swampgirl says...

I was always under the understanding that Christians borrowed what used to be a pagan holiday to celebrate Jesus' birth and that his actual birthday would have been somewhere around October.

Don't quote me tho

Fjnbk says...

Jesusmas is an evolution of the Roman Saturnalia festival. When the Christian church was converting more and more pagans to Christianity, the masses didn't want to abandon their 12 days of orgies and feasting. So the Saturnalia became Jesus's birthday celebration, and that's how we got The Twelve Days of Jesusmas.

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