Margaret Atwood's Year of the Flood

I'm reading this now and really enjoying it. Oryx and Crake is one of my favorite books- and if you like dystopian futures, and books about massive human die-offs, this one will appeal to you. It's not a sequel to Oryx and Crake but runs parellel to the timeline and many of the same events are covered.
She really does her homework on genetic engineering and imagines some amazing consequences. The Pigoons with human brain tissue, rakunks and other fauna and flora from the previous novel feature prominently.

Even though I'm only halfway through, I can already heartily recommend this book for people who like dark science fiction with some deep ideas. [hands in book report to Siftbot]
dag says...

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I've Amazoned David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas - as I think it's in the same class as the Atwood books- and also excellent.

Oh, and calling @Crake.

Crake says...

Awesome! Just got the entire Culture series by Iain Banks for christmas, but it seems I need to do another Amazon spree soon.

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